Policy and Law

Earle H. Clapp, Acting Chief, signing a sales agreement with Eastern Pine Sales Corporation for 425 million feet of softwood logs and lumber salvaged by the government following the September 1938 New England Hurricane. At left: Earl S. Pierce, acting chief of the branch of State and Private Forestry, a principle aide in carrying out the timber salvage program. Center: Mr. Harry Joseph, president of the Eastern Pine Sales Corporation. Photo taken September 25, 1940.
Photo from U.S. Forest Service Headquarters History Collection at the Forest History Society.
Conserving forests, grasslands and aquatic ecosystems while serving people is an evolving process with citizen involvement, congressional mandates, and scientific theory. These pages, based on the strengths of the Forest Service Headquarters History Collection, provide a view of U.S. Forest Service policy and legislation through history.
Agency Organization
Forest Management
The Weeks Act
Wildlife Management