FHS Webinar Series

In keeping with our mission to inform the present by drawing lessons from the past, FHS offers virtual lectures over Zoom and YouTube. Videos of all presentations are later made available on the FHS YouTube Channel. You can support this type of public programming by hitting the Donate button at right.

Forest Optimism

Presenters explore the theme of forest optimism as a way to tell the stories of what is working across the spectrum of forestry and related research, industry, land management and conservation efforts.

Conversations in Forest History

Series host and FHS historian Jamie Lewis hears from and talks with leading experts as they apply their historical knowledge to current topics in forest history. Presenters include scholars, artists, and scientists.

Unprecedented Seasons

Hosted by FHS historian Jamie Lewis, presenters explored the biggest topics of 2020 and 2021—racial inequality and social justice, social isolation/distancing, and climate change—through the lens of environmental history and biography to do so.

NTFPs and the Bioeconomy

This webinar series, which ran from August 2021 to June 2022, presented an opportunity to hear from experts on contemporary research that strengthens knowledge about Nontimber Forest Products within a bioeconomy concept.