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Guide to Oral History Interviews
In 1976 the Forest History Society published Barbara D. Holman's descriptive guide to the Society's Oral History Interview Collection. The final printed version was published in 1997. Since that time the guide has been maintained solely as an online resource. The interviews are also searchable via the Oral History section of the FHS Research Portal, which provides brief descriptions of interviews conducted by FHS and others.
For additional information about the use of the collection, email the FHS library staff.
Oral History Collection of the Forest History Society: An Annotated Guide
The guide below contains brief summaries of each interview in the collection including: date of the interview; participants; subject descriptions; page length of transcriptions; and financial sponsors. The guide is arranged alphabetically by the last name of the interviewee. For selected interviews, full-text transcriptions in Adobe PDF format are avilable.
Alphabetically Browse the Guide:
Adams, William R. (1907 - 1979)
Oral history interview conducted October 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Employee of St. Regis Paper Company. Discusses childhood in New York and early employment with Taggart Corporation and St. Regis; government employment with the Office of Price Administration, 1941-43; expansion and modernization of St. Regis during World War II and after; company leadership of Ted Gay, Carl Martin, and Roy Ferguson. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 61 leaves (combined with interview below).
Adams, William R. (1907 - 1979)
Oral history interview conducted December 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Employee of St. Regis Paper Company. Discusses expansion and modernization of company during World War II and after; acquisition of companies, such as the Nashua River Paper Company, that supplied raw materials and equipment needed to expand bag paper manufacturing production at St. Regis. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 17 leaves.
Ahlgren, Clifford E. (1922 - 2016) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1964 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Resident director, Quetico-Superior Wilderness Research Center, Ely, Minnesota. Discusses organization of the center, 1948; land ecology; fire research; tree breeding; wilderness. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Wilderness Research Foundation. 63 leaves.
Anderson, Peter B. (1866 - 1959)
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Cedar shingle mill operator. Discusses immigration from Sweden to Minnesota, 1885; employment with Weyerhaeuser Company, 1887; land clearing, homesteading, real estate, and varied other enterprises, Tacoma, Washington; partnership in cedar shingle company on Nooksack River, 1893-96; logging, butchering, construction and mining, Klondike gold rush, 1897; operation of cedar shingle mills, Bellingham, Washington, 1905-10; mill operations and retirement in British Columbia. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 39 leaves.
Arnold, Richard Keith (1913 - 2006) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1992 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Former professor of forestry at numerous universities and research officer for the U.S. Forest Service, including such positions as dean of the School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, 1966-1969; deputy chief in charge of research, U.S. Forest Service, 1969-1973; and professor at the University of Texas at Austin, 1972-1979. Discusses U.S. Forest Service research; fire prevention; Society of American Foresters; international forestry. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. Excerpted in View From the Top: Forest Service Research (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1994). iii + 79 leaves.
Aston, Emmit (1900 - 1982)
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Logging manager, Biles-Coleman Lumber Company, Washington. Discusses personal background; the Pacific Logging Congress; fight to secure use of public highways for log transport; labor relations; educating the public on logging practices; George M. Cornwall. Also present during interview was Archibald M. Whisnant of the Pacific Logging Congress. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 41 leaves.
Auchter, Joseph A. (1894 - 1986) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 1976 by Arthur J. McCourt. Final transcript. President of the North Carolina Pulp Company and director of Kieckhefer Container Company and later, member of the Weyerhaeuser Board of Directors. Discusses the history of the Kieckhefer-Eddy companies, fiber box manufacturing, World War II, milk cartons and eventual merger with Weyerhaeuser Company. Produced by the Weyerhaeuser Company. [iii] + 41 + [12] leaves.
Auchter, Joseph A. (1894 - 1986) and Kieckhefer, Herbert M. (1895 - 1977) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 1975 by Arthur J. McCourt. Final transcript. Kieckhefer was president of the Kieckhefer Container Company and director of the Eddy Paper Corporation and North Carolina Pulp Company. Auchter was president of the North Carolina Pulp Company and director of Kieckhefer Container Company. Both became members of the Weyerhaeuser Board of Directors. Discusses the history of the Kieckhefer-Eddy companies, fiber box manufacturing, World War II, milk cartons and eventual merger with Weyerhaeuser Company. Produced by the Weyerhaeuser Company. [iii] + 41 + [12] leaves.
Austin, Gladys [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Lois C. Stone. Final transcript. Mrs. Lloyd Austin discusses the Eddy Tree Breeding Station: Institute of Forest Genetics, located in Placerville, California, including station founder James G. Eddy; pioneer work in pollination; problems during the Great Depression; staff members; institute managed by the US Forest Service; station background and site; early projects; techniques developed by staff; organization of USFS research; tree plantings; Lloyd Austin's establishment of the Iris breeding business. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the US Forest Service and the Forest History Society. 19 leaves.
Badoux, Eric, and Zürcher, Ulrich
Oral history interview with Eric Badoux and Ulrich Zürcher conducted 1969 by Elwood R. Maunder and David T. Mason. Rough transcript. Badoux, interim director (b. 1934) of Swiss Forest Research Institute and lecturer in forest mensuration. Zürcher, collaborator (b. 1956) at Swiss Forest Research Institute. Topics discussed include protected forests in Switzerland; history of sustained yield and allowable cut; German influences; Swiss Forest Association; first federal forest protection laws passed, 1876; current position of forestry profession; comparison with forestry in other European countries; forestry education; forest service; multiple-use practices. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 35 leaves.
Ballord, John G. (1870 - 1965)
Oral history interview conducted 1962 by Elwood R. Maunder and Calvin DeLaittre. Rough transcript. Minnesota lumberman, 1890s-1910s. Discusses his biographical history in Iowa; log rafting on the Mississippi River; John and Frederick Weyerhaeuser; Cloquet Lumber Company, Minnesota, 1891-98; George S. Shaw; labor strike, 1891-92; Hinckley mill fire, 1894; depression of 1893; bookkeeper and salesman, Minnesota Lumber Company; employment with Shevlin Lumber Company; Wallace-Ballard and Dalkena lumber companies. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by DeLaittre-Dixon Lumber Company and Robert E. Slaughter. 64 leaves.
Barton, Clarence M. (1910 - 1967) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Former speaker, Oregon House of Representatives. Central figure in controversy over timber tax depletion rates. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 12 leaves.
Beatty, James (1861 - 1957)
Oral history interview conducted 1952 by William Trygg, Jesse Kingston, and Clifford Kingston. Rough transcript. Employed in Minnesota sawmills, 1880s-1920s. Discusses sawmills; police work, 1888; Native Americans; timber cruising; fishing; iron ore; forest fires; wildlife; smallpox epidemic, 1882-84. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 19 leaves.
Beck, Leigh (1952- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2002 by Jacqueline S. Reinier. Final transcript. Beck discusses her background and her career as a woman working as an administrative manager for the US Forest Service, primarily in State and Private Forestry in the agency's Northeastern Area and Region 5 (Pacific Southwest Region), beginning in 1978. Topics covered include: public relations, leadership styles, conservation education, the California Consent Decree, and issues related to women US Forest Service employees. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service Office of Civil Rights, State and Private Forestry, National Forest System, Office of Communications, and USDA Forest Service History Program. ix + 105 leaves.
Becton, Wendell R. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Lt. Colonel, Civil Engineer, US Army. Discusses procurement of lumber for armed forces in France, World War II; development of Army-Navy Lumber Agency; organization and operation of forestry administration on military posts. Also present during interview was Harold Barnett, civilian forester, Fort Gordon, Georgia. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 19 leaves.
Bentley, Owen William (1900 - 1983) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Log supply management, Crown Zellerbach Corporation, 1920- 65. Early biography; Crown Willamette, 1920; D. S. Denman; Edward P. Stamm; Depression; company's dominance in hemlock log purchasing, 1930s; hemlock plywood and spruce during World War II; log exports to Japan; management and expansion of the company. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. i + 29 leaves.
Bergen, Geri Vanderveer (1930- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 5-7 July 2000 by Jacqueline S. Reinier. Final transcript. Geraldine Marcia Bergen received a bachelor's degree in forestry and a master's degree in botany from the University of California at Berkeley in the 1960s and held a number of positions with the USDA Forest Service, primarily in the Pacific Southwest Region (Region 5), throughout her forestry career. In this interview she discusses such topics as: her decision to pursue a career in forestry; her volunteer conservation work; her work as a public information officer and regional environmental coordinator for Region 5; her experiences while a deputy forest supervisor and later the first female forest supervisor on the Tahoe National Forest; women in the USDA Forest Service; the Consent decree; her many years of service as a member of the Society of American Foresters; and her family life. Produced by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service History Program. Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service's Office of Civil Rights, State and Private Forestry, National Forest System, and Office of Communications. [5] + iii + 136 + [3] leaves.
Bitterlich, Walter (1908 - 2008), and Tischendorf, Willie [PDF]
Oral history interview with Walter Bitterlich and Willie Tischendorf conducted 1969 by Elwood R. Maunder and David T. Mason. Final transcript. Bitterlich, professor of forestry, University of Vienna. Tischendorf, graduate of University of Vienna, School of Forestry, and Ph.D. from University of Georgia. Bitterlich section: personal history; place of forestry in Austrian society; forest law; development of method of plotless cruising, 1948. Tischendorf and Bitterlich section: forest law and private property; reforestation; mining industry; early history of professional forestry; federal grants for forestry study; recreation on forests. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 46 leaves.
Black, S. Rexford (1894 - 1980) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. With the California Forest Protective Association, 1924-43; vice president, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company (St. Paul, Minnesota) 1943-47; Georgia-Pacific Corporation, 1947-53; vice president and general manager, Tri-State Plywood Company, 1953-60. Discusses family background; youth and education; forestry employment; World War I, Tenth Engineers; California State labor camps; Civilian Conservation Corps; State Forester Merritt B. Pratt controversy; private forestry. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Forest History Society. vi + 89 + [77] leaves.
Boddy, Elias Manchester [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Associated with Crown Zellerbach Corporation. Discusses childhood and education; personnel manager in logging camp; major strikes; characteristics of loggers; transition of logging camps in 1940s; personnel safety; other companies and labor relations unions. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. i + 42 leaves.
Bond, Billy C. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2012 by Mason C. Carter. Final transcript. Mr. Bond holds a B. S. in forestry as well as a J. D. In the 1990s he had responsibility for wood procurement for Parsons & Whittemore, a company entirely dependent on purchased timber since it did not own timberlands itself. Bond had over 30 years experience in the forest products industry before becoming President of Alabama River Woodlands, Inc. and Vice President of Alabama River Chip Mills, Inc. 6 pages.
Brady, Hugh Picken (1891 - 1982) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. President, Brady International Lumber Company, Washington. Discusses father's youth and settlement in Alaska, late 1800s; family life in Alaska; sawmill venture and logging in Sitka area; father becomes territorial governor; Brady's youth and college education at Andover and Yale; early employment in lumber business in Alaska and Quebec; logging camp life; introduction to shingle trade; lumber sales with D. C. Dutton Lumber Corporation, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1914; supplying lumber to U.S. Army during World War I; marriage and auto trip west, 1921; J. P., Jr., and F. K. Weyerhaeuser; employment with W. E. Cooper Lumber Company; partnership in Colby Lumber Company, Inc., Seattle; shingle sales in Texas, Maryland, and Massachusetts; partnership in Brady and Ketcham Lumber Company, Washington. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Brady International Lumber Company. 188 leaves.
Broback, Clarence W. (1875 - 1959) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Employed by Union Lumber Company, California, 1900-53. Discusses work as time-keeper, yard and shipping boss; wood grading; milling; finishing; selling and shipping redwood; mill improvements; tan oak bark. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Bruce, Donald (1884 - 1966)
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Forestry consultant with Mason, Bruce and Girard (Portland, Oregon). Discusses Robert M. Goodman, Wisconsin lumberman; normal yield; education at Yale; nursery work in Montana; Coeur d'Alene fire, 1910; World War I in France; teaching at University of California, Berkeley; partnership with David T. Mason; Bitterlich timber cruising method. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 68 leaves.
Buckman, Robert Erwin (1927 - 2016) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1992 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Former deputy chief in charge of research, U.S. Forest Service, 1976-1986; former president of IUFRO, 1987-1990. Discusses forestry education at the University of Minnesota, 1940s and 1950s; doctoral dissertation on growth and yield of red pine; forestry law and legislation; U.S. Forest Service silvicultural and mensuration practices, 1960s-1980s; Lake States Forest Experiment Station; Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station; management and administrative strategies of the U.S. Forest Service, 1960s-1980s; deputy chief's responsibilities for budgeting and directing personnel and research; International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO). Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. Excerpted in View From the Top: Forest Service Research (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1994). vi + 150 leaves.
Burns, Dennis (1880 - 1965)
Oral history interview conducted 1964 by Elwood R. Maunder and Earl Porter. Rough transcript. Logging inspector. Discusses southern U.S. forestry, early 1900s; barge transportation; timber branding; inspections; grading; exporting; Jack Friend; Barns and Dubbleny Company; Gulfport Company; Bay City Lumber Company; American Pitch Pine Export Company, Texas; Great Southern Lumber Company; European Lumber and Transit Company. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. 25 leaves.
Cabral, Frederick [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Rough transcript. Edger and filer, Hammond Lumber Company. Discusses California lumbering, early 1900s; wood for ships during World War I; female employment; equipment changes; lumber grading; wages; food. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Caplazi, Paul (1867 - 1957)
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Rough transcript. Discusses boyhood years, family history, and social activities in the St. Croix Valley, Minnesota-Wisconsin. Produced by the Forest Products History Foundation. Sponsored by Robert E. Slaughter. 4 leaves.
Carlgren, Maud, and Mineau, Hope Garlick
Oral history interview conducted 1955 by Helen McCann White. Rough transcript. Discussion of family history and early logging in the St. Croix Valley, Minnesota-Wisconsin; Smith Ellison; Ellison and Bates Company; Carmi Porter Garlick, doctor who built first sawmill at Sunrise, Minnesota; stories of Native Americans, gold, and pioneers. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Robert E. Slaughter. 27 leaves.
Carpender, Jack [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Lois C. Stone. Final transcript. Employee of the Eddy Tree Breeding Station: Institute of Forest Genetics, located in Placerville, California. Discusses his personal background and education; leadership of Palmer Stockwell; project leaders Bob Callaham and Bob Echols; staff problems; early projects; possible discontinuance of Institute; tree plantings. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the Forest History Society. 10 leaves.
Cary, Charles A. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White. Final transcript. Nephew discusses family background and other early influences on Austin Cary's life. Expedition to Labrador, 1892; marriage; employment as state forestry commissioner of New York. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Society. 7 leaves.
CEPANAF (Mexico) [view inventory]
Oral history interviews with forest rangers who worked for the State-of-Mexico-based agency Comisión Estatal de Parques Naturales y de la Fauna (State Commission of Natural Parks and Wildlife, CEPANAF), as well as Butterflies and Their People arborists. Three CEPANAF rangers, who were interviewed by cultural anthropologist Ellen Sharp in 2020, had patrolled at the Cerro Pelón Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary from 1977 to 2014. Butterflies and Their People, a local conservation nonprofit founded in 2016, assists CEPANAF in forest protection at the southernmost colony in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. The interviewees live in the communities of Macheros, State of Mexico, and Nicolás Romero, Michoacán.
Chaffee, R. R.
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Forester, Wheeler Lumber Company, Pennsylvania. Discusses Wheeler family operations, 1916-32; early days on Deschutes National Forest, Oregon; transfer of private forest lands to the government; Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania; origins of industrial forestry; early forestry training at Harvard; state and federal contacts as a forester; forestry educator. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 19 leaves.
Chapman, Herman Haupt (1874 - 1963) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted ca. 1950s by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Professor, Yale School of Forestry. Discussion of Chapman's manuscript, "The Making of a Forester." Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 10 leaves.
Clar, C. Raymond (1903 - 1996) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Former assistant state forester of California discusses fire protection in the state; Clarke-McNary Act, 1924; financial provisions for fire protection; Sanford Plan of allotting money for fire protection; labor camps in the Depression; scientific determination of locations for fire lookouts; setting up fire station sites; Fire Plan of 1940 (Clar Plan); legislative action on Fire Plan; use of lookouts in event of war; dealings with state government regarding fire protection budget; administration of fire protection system developed from Clar Plan. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. 65 leaves.
Clark, W. W.
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Rough transcript. Chairman of board, Willamette Valley Lumber Company, Oregon. Discusses Swift and Clark Mill in Sheboygan, Michigan, 1905; Clark and Wilson, Willamette, and Corvallis lumber companies in Oregon; Pacific Export and Lumber Company; the Depression and National Industrial Recovery Act; Columbia Timber Company; logging equipment. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 10 leaves.
Clepper, Henry Edward (1901 - 1987) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Forester and conservationist. Discusses Pennsylvania State Forest Academy, 1918-21; Joseph T. Rothrock; George H. Wirt; Frank Heintzleman; forestry education in America, 1900-20, compared with today; Gifford Pinchot's Breaking New Ground; employment as assistant chief, Bureau of Information and Education, Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters; Seth Gordon; Joseph S. Illick; Pennsylvania Forest Research Institute; scripts for "Uncle Sam's Forest Ranger's," U.S. Forest Service; Robert Y. Stuart; Earle H. Clapp; Raphael Zon; magazine articles; formation of Natural Resources Council of America and its founders; editorship of NRCA publications; conservation publications. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Natural Resources Council of America. viii + 98 leaves.
Clifford, John D. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by John Ross. Final transcript. Employee of St. Regis Paper Company. Discusses acquisition of Time Incorporated mills in Bucksport, Maine, Kalamazoo, Michigan, and Little Falls, Minnesota; development of coated publication magazine business; management of Printing Paper Division; simple marketing strategies of St. Regis. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 14 leaves (combined with Woodcock, Charles A. ohi).
Cole, Harry W. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Association manager, Hammond Lumber Company, California. Discusses beginnings of Hammond, Bronson, and Weston operations in Ottawa, Canada; Bronson's purchase and development of Little River Lumber Company and merger with Hammond in 1930s, 1800s-1950s. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 4 leaves.
Colgan, Richard A. (1891 - 1978) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Discusses forestry in the California pine region, including personal background and education; the U.S. Forest Service, 1914; forest practices of Diamond Match Company; the North Butte Fire Protection District; forestry developments in California; William B. Greeley investigation in Society of American Foresters; California State Forester Merritt B. Pratt; the California Forest Protective Association; and the Forest Practice Act of 1945. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Forest History Society. 45 leaves.
Compton, Wilson Martindale (1890 - 1967) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1965 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. General manager, National Lumber Manufacturers Association; president, American Forest Products Industries; president emeritus, Washington State University; chairman of board, Cameron Machine Company. Discusses fellow workers; framing of Lumber Code; Henry A. Wallace's work for Federal Trade Commission; appointment as secretary-manager of NLMA; early leaders of NLMA; McSweeney-McNary Act, 1928; 117-K (Bailey Amendment); Weyerhaeuser Company leadership; NLMA Trade Extension Program; NLMA relations with American Forestry Association; Gifford Pinchot; George Romney and American Federation of Labor; role of trade associations; industrial forestry; trade press; reasons for leaving NLMA; consumerism; Stanley F. Horn. Mrs. Compton also participated in the interview. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 88 leaves.
Connaughton, Charles Arthur (1908 - 1989) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Retired regional forester, U.S. Forest Service. Discusses youth and early forestry experiences on Idaho national forests; Ranger Ray Pickett; insect control during 1920s; New Deal work projects in Idaho; Civilian Conservation Corps; employment as assistant ranger; World War II; comparison between CCC and later Job Corps of 1960s; Edward N. Munns; effects of livestock grazing on watershed; Mormonism; Lyle F. Watts; fire fighting; Civil Service; Earle H. Clapp; U.S. Forest Service chiefs; multiple use on national forests; congressional budgets for national forests; evaluation of U.S. presidents from USFS viewpoint; USFS reports; Samuel T. Dana; Emanuel Fritz; Gifford Pinchot; Bernhard E. Fernow; USFS job positions; research activities; policy actions; state and private forestry; wilderness concept; recreation areas; southern forestry career; Stanley F. Horn; USFS press relations; timber management; American Forestry Association; Society of American Foresters and its officers; personal philosophy on employees. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. v + 153 leaves.
Costley, Leonard L. (1887 - 1970) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Bruce C. Harding. Final transcript. Discusses employment with the Red River Lumber Company in Minnesota; captain of the plant guard, Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company, 1941-54; typical day in logging camp; life and work in woods; camp storytelling; impersonation of Paul Bunyan, 1900-57. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 20 leaves.
Coulter, Clinton Hux [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. This Florida state forester discusses the growth of forestry in the state; fire protection; reforestation; Austin Cary; Charles H. Herty; and Inman F. Eldredge, 1928-58. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 25 pages.
Cowan, Bruce N. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Associate of Roseburg Lumber Company discusses Oregon timber tax. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 10 leaves.
Cowan, Charles S. (1877 - 1969) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Director, Washington Forest Fire Association. Discusses history of development of fire protection work in Pacific Northwest; development of scientific fire weather predictions and instruments; fire fighting equipment; Western Forestry and Conservation Association; Keep Green Movement; E. T. Allen; William B. Greeley; George S. Long. Also present during part of interview was Stuart Moir of Western Forestry and Conservation Association. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 57 leaves.
Cowan, Charles S. (1877 - 1969)
Oral history interview conducted 1961 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Director, Washington Forest Fire Association. Discusses NLMA's writing, presenting, and enforcing of Article X of the Lumber Code; National Industrial Recovery Act; Industrial Forestry Association; trade association activities in national forestry; landmarks in U.S. forestry; comparison of multiple use on American and European forests. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Simpson Timber Company. 22 leaves.
Crafts, Edward Clayton (1910 - 1980) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1971 by Susan R. Schrepfer. Final transcript. Assistant chief, U.S. Forest Service, 1950-62; director, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1962-69. Discusses youth and education; Fort Valley Forest and Range Experiment Station, Arizona; grazing; wildlife; politics; multiple use; Weeks Act, 1911; New Deal; recreation; National Park Service; economics; taxation; public regulation of private timber practices; Oregon and California ("O & C") railroad lands controversy; legislation; 1960 Multiple Use Act; mining; Bitterroot National Forest, Montana, controversy. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. xiv + 188 leaves.
Craighead, Frank C. (1890 - 1982) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1977 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. U.S. Forest Service employee. Discusses education at Pennsylvania State University, 1908-1912; development of forest entomology; recollections of other western forest entomologists; Bureau of Entomology and U.S. Forest Service research lab and forest pathology; Craighead's speeches on entomology and related areas of study. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 52 leaves.
Cumming, William C. (1904- ) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Lois C. Stone. Final transcript. Employee of Eddy Tree Breeding Station: Institute of Forest Genetics, located in Placerville, California. Discusses his personal background and education; station founder James G. Eddy; perfecting pollination techniques; establishing the tree farm; the station during the Great Depression; staff members; working with the Civilian Conservation Corps; becoming superintendent. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the Forest History Society. 17 leaves.
Damtoft, Walter Julius (1890 - 1976) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employed by U.S. Forest Service, 1911-20; assistant secretary and director, General Woods Department, Champion Paper and Fibre Company. Youth and education; origins of industrial forestry in the South; Biltmore Forest School; Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina; World War I; industrial forestry career; William Sheppard; Herman H. Chapman; C. S. Bryant; Henry S. Graves; Ballinger-Pinchot controversy; Overton Price; Carl A. Schenck; Colorado forestry; William L. Hall; William Ashe; Verne Rhodes. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 35 pages.
Dana, Samuel Trask (1883 - 1978) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1964 by Elwood R. Maunder and Amelia R. Fry. Rough transcript. Dean emeritus, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan; U.S. Forest Commissioner of Maine, 1921-23; director, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1923. Discusses youth; education at Yale; Office of Silvics, U.S. Forest Service; Raphael Zon; Earle H. Clapp; Clarke-McNary Act, 1924; McSweeney-McNary Act, 1928; World War I work in statistics; Filibert Roth, University of Michigan; assessment of foresters. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 98 leaves.
Dana, Samuel Trask (1883 - 1978) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Dean emeritus, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan; U.S. Forest Commissioner of Maine, 1921-23; director, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1923. Discusses Clarke-McNary Act of 1924; logging camps; Gifford Pinchot; William B. Greeley; Herman Haupt Chapman; and forestry education. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 87 leaves.
DeLaittre, Calvin
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Co-owner, DeLaittre-Dixon Lumber Company, Minnesota. Discusses white pine shingles; 1893 panic; steam mills; log supply and transport; youth and family; C. A. Smith, Day, Diamond, and Conrad and Lamb mills; Mississippi-Rum River Boom Company; Pine Tree Lumber Company (Weyerhaeuser); and Brainerd Lumber Company. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 7 leaves.
Demmon, Elwood L. (1892 - 1981) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1958 and 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employed by U.S. Forest Service. Discusses his youth; tropical forestry on rubber plantations in the Far East; Southern Forest Experiment Station, 1925-44; Lake States Forest Experiment Station, 1941-56; forestry consultant to Taiwan; Austin Cary; Inman F. Eldredge; Wilbur R. Mattoon; Herman H. Chapman; study of Clarke-McNary fire protection system; Charles H. Herty; W. L. Sullivan; Henry Hardtner; E. O. Siecke; Eloise Gerry; southern attitudes toward forest fires; founding of Southeastern Forestry Congress; press promotion of forestry; research; McSweeney-McNary Act, 1928; effect of Copeland Report (National Plan for American Forestry, 1933); New Deal; conservation agencies; forest economics. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 73 pages.
Devereaux, Dred Dardford (b. 1881)
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Final transcript. Employed by Southern Pine Lumber Company, Texas. Discusses construction work on bridges, buildings, and railroads; growth and personnel of company; machinery. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 15 leaves.
Dexter, Walter Ernest (1869 - 1955) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Superintendent of sawmills at Minneapolis, St. Hilaire, and Cass Lake, Minnesota, and at Libby, Montana. Discusses lath and shingle mill operations of Shevlin, Clark, Carpenter and Company; lumber operations in Nova Scotia, 1870s; Minnesota from 1880s to 1900s; building J. Neils mill in Montana. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 10 leaves.
Dickerman, Murlyn Bennet (1912 - 2000) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1993 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. U.S. Forest Service employee, 1937-75; director of Lake States Forest Experiment Station, 1951-1965; deputy chief for research, USFS, 1973-75. Discusses U.S. Forest Service research; Lake States Forest Experiment Station; Society of American Foresters; International Society of Tropical Foresters; international forestry. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. Excerpted in View From the Top: Forest Service Research (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1994). iv + 90 leaves.
Dombeck, Michael P. (1948- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2003 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Former U.S. Forest Service chief and fisheries biologist Michael P. Dombeck (b. 1948) reminisces about his life and career, focusing specifically on his leadership of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management as acting director from 1994 to 1997; his tenure as chief of the Forest Service from 1997 to 2001; and his work as Professor of Global Environmental Management at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point beginning in 2001. Includes discussion of such topics as: roadless areas, forest politics, forest policy, wildlife biology, fire budgets, workforce diversity, interagency cooperation, and the Rise to the Future fishery program he started for the Forest Service. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service Centennial Program. ix + 190 leaves.
Drake, George Lincoln (1889 - 1979) [PDF]
Oral history interviews conducted 1958-1968 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Corrected final transcript produced 2004. Employed by U.S. Forest Service, 1910-30; Simpson Logging Company, 1930s to 1950s. Interview 1: George M. Cornwall of The Timberman; Drake's education; summer employment in Oregon and New Hampshire; Alaska and Oregon with USFS; early use of tractors in woods; Pacific Logging Congress; Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen; lumber camp conditions; woods safety; fire protection; comparison of Pacific Logging Congress with Western Forestry and Conservation Association; National Lumber Manufacturers Association; PLC leaders. Interview 2: Charles S. Cowan of Washington Forest Protection Association also participated in this interview. NLMA writes, presents, and enforces Article X of Lumber Code; National Industrial Recovery Act; Industrial Forestry Association; trade association activities in national forestry; landmarks in U.S. forestry; comparison of multiple use on American and European forests. Interview 3: George M. Cornwall and logging engineering in college programs; trade journals; Drake's summer employment in New England and Pacific Northwest; Edgar Hirst; timber cruising with USFS; Dee Wright; education at Penn State; marriage; timber sales in Alaska, 1914-18; measuring water flow; William Weigle; Indian stories, 1918 flu epidemic; spruce for airplanes; Pacific Logging Congress; Robert Marshall; work in eastern Oregon pine areas with USFS; Fred Herrick timber interests; Edward Hines Lumber Company; industry relations with government; David T. Mason; Emanuel Fritz; Austin Cary; Drake leaves USFS, 1930. Interview 4: Experiences with Simpson Logging Company in Washington; union labor; C. H. Kreienbaum; Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen; Industrial Workers of the World; Depression; Henry S. Graves; William B. Greeley; Article X of Lumber Code; National Industrial Recovery Act; Robert Marshall; trade associations; Mark Reed; forest surveys; sustained yield; short stories; David T. Mason; equipment; Crown Zellerbach Corporation. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Simpson Timber Company. viii + 184 leaves (vi + 126 + [8] leaves in 2004 ed.)
Driscoll, Margaret Louise "Peggy" (1902 - 1981)
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Mrs. Walter Driscoll recalls memories and reveals impressions of Weyerhaeuser Company and the Weyerhaeuser family, especially her cousin John Philip Weyerhaeuser, Jr. Philanthropy of family; Weyerhaeuser family history; relationship with Phil during college days; friendship with Helen, Phil's wife; effect that the kidnapping of Phil's son, George, had on family; childhood memories of grandfather and life in Minnesota. Produced by the Forest History Society. 20 leaves.
Dulany, George W., Jr. (1877 - 1959) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1956 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employed by Empire Lumber Company, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, late 1800s to 1950s. Discusses log rafting on the Upper Mississippi River; growth of Eclipse and Empire lumber companies; line-yards; Clifford M. Musser; S. Moen; Frederick Weyerhaeuser; James J. Hill; Orrin H. Ingram; A. A. Hood; Wilson M. Compton; Marc L. Fleishel; Peter and John Watzek. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 37 leaves.
Dunn, Paul Millard (1898 - 1988)
Oral history interview conducted 1977 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Former state forester and fire warden for the state of Utah, dean of Utah State University School of Forest Range and Wildlife Management, and vice president of St. Regis Paper Company. Discusses forestry training at Iowa State University; employment in academic sphere; Dean George W. Peavey, former head of Oregon State University's School of Forest Range and Wildlife Management; role in establishing School of Forestry at University of Chile in 1952; forestry in Chile; professional forest organizations and societies; A. B. Recknagel, consultant for St. Regis Paper Company; Albert Ernest's leadership of St. Regis; leadership of Roy Ferguson, chairman of the board for St. Regis; St. Regis Paper Company's expansion and acquisition of resources, mills, and companies during mid-20th century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 111 leaves.
Dunwoody, Charles G.(1892 - 1969) [view at Bancroft Library site]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Rough transcript. Lobbyist, California State Chamber of Commerce. Discusses fire fighting; California Forest Study Commission. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. Access restricted. 83 leaves.
Dunwoody, Charles G.(1892 - 1969)
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Lobbyist, California State Chamber of Commerce. Discusses his interest in forestry and fire protection; lobbying in Washington, D. C.; Angeles Forest Protective Association; Southern California Conservation Association; P. G. Redington; Edward S. Kotok; forestry appropriations; Kings Canyon National Park; Harold L. Ickes; Gifford Pinchot; Wilson M. Compton; power tool business; Tideland Oil Bill; Earl Warren; Emanuel Fritz; Franklin D. Roosevelt; John L. Lewis; Stuart B. Show; redwoods; Earle H. Clapp; William B. Greeley; Forest Service reorganization. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. Access restricted. 58 leaves.
Eitel, George Frederick (b. 1880) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1950s by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Discusses lumber life in Minnesota beginning in 1896, including his youth; employment as a road monkey, swamper, and lumberjack; and terminology used in lumber camps. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Foundation. 5 leaves.
Eldredge, Inman Fowler "Cap" (1883 - 1963)
Oral history interview conducted July 1959 by Roy R. White. Rough transcript. Forestry consultant; also employed by the U.S. Forest Service and Superior Pine Products Company in Georgia. Reminiscences of Austin Cary in Washington, D. C., 1907, and in the South, 1920s; William B. Greeley; controlled burnings; Herman H. Chapman; Eloise Gerry; naval stores; turpentine and resin stills; start of sustained-yield operations; Choctawhatchee National Forest, Florida. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Society. 16 leaves.
Eldredge, Inman Fowler "Cap" (1883 - 1963) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted February 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Forestry consultant. Discusses employment with U.S. Forest Service and Superior Pine Products Company in Georgia; the Biltmore Forest School, 1904; Carl A. Schenck; Gifford Pinchot; northern California, 1905; forest surveys; southern forestry; politics; William B. Greeley; Indian Service work; Arthur B. Recknagel; African American Labor; pulp and paper industry; Austin Cary; Charles H. Herty; forestry education of the public; taxation; World War I; Florida forestry; fire control; public use of forests; Western Papermakers Chemical Corporation; turpentine industry; Choctawhatchee National Forest, Florida. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 100 pages.
Eubanks, Wallace B. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Timber Tax Supervisor, Oregon State Tax Commission, discusses timber tax. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 15 leaves.
Evans, Robie Mason (1884 - 1980) [Part I PDF] [Part II PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Forester with the U.S. Forest Service. Discusses his family background and youth in Maine; forestry education; Yale University, 1910; timber scaling on Oregon (Willamette) National Forest; Frank Heintzleman; Herman H. Chapman; T. H. Sherrard; grazing problems; Gifford Pinchot; timber surveys on Wallowa and Deschutes national forests, Oregon; forest examiner, Malheur National Forest, Oregon, 1912; World War I impact on USFS manpower; grazing industry vs. government; supervisor, Whitman National Forest, Oregon; William B. Greeley transfers Evans to East Coast as regional forester; Earle H. Clapp; Depression; World War II. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. v + 48 leaves.
Evenden, James C. (1889 - 1980) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1979 by Ronald C. Larson. Final transcript. Forest entomologist employee of USDA Bureau of Entomology and Forest Service in the northern Rocky Mountains. Graduate of School of Forestry at the Oregon State Agricultural College, 1914. Began career as a forest entomologist in Montana 1915. Established the Coeur d'Alene (Idaho) Forest Insect Laboratory in 1919, which he headed until retiring in 1955. He directed work on methods of controlling the mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine and western white pine, Engelmann spruce beetle, and defoliators (spruce budworm, tussock moth and larch casebearer). Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 27 leaves.
Farrington, Mrs. Frank [Fannie] [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Final transcript. Associated with Southern Pine Lumber Company, Diboll, Texas. Discusses religious and social work connected with company personnel; the Temple family; and life in Diboll, 1903-54. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 16 leaves.
Fisher, Fritz (1914- )
Oral history interview conducted 1969 by Elwood R. Maunder and David T. Mason. Rough transcript. Associated with University of Zurich. Discusses the administration of Swiss forestry education; forest utilization; and economics and politics. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 48 leaves.
Fisher, Oliver D. (1875 - 1967) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Financier and industrialist; director and senior council member, Weyerhaeuser Company; president, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company, Washington, 1914-48. Discusses his early career; the Virginia Military Institute; chain stores; accountant work; lumber business in Pacific Northwest; George S. Long. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 45 leaves.
Fleishel, Marc Leonard (1875 - 1961) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employment in Louisiana with Louisiana Cypress Lumber Company and Colonial Lumber and Timber Company, 1890s. Discusses the Cypress Trade Association, 1900s; National Lumber Manufacturers Association; Wilson M. Compton; timber operators; white pine; trade associations; Industrial Workers of the World; economics; "Number One Lumberman"; Kirby Hartman Company; Crossett lumber interests; paper mills; Brooks-Scanlon; Austin Cary; John Blodgett; Robert A. Long; Weyerhaeuser Company; Southern Pine Association; Inman F. Eldredge; Charles H. Herty; Stanley F. Horn. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 19 leaves.
Forester, Herbert F. (b. 1890)
Oral history interview conducted 1956 by Clodaugh Neiderheiser. Rough transcript. Employed by Winton Lumber Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1909. Discusses lumbering operations in Canada, the Lake States, Oregon, and California; Thief River Falls, Robertson, Crookston, Brainerd, Bemidji, Prince Albert, The Pas, Finger, Rose Lake, Stack-Gibbs, Siskiyou-Minnesota, and Long-Bell lumber companies. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Foundation. 26 leaves.
Forsling, Clarence L. (1893 - 1982) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1977 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Assistant chief for research, U.S. Forest Service, 1937- 1944. Discusses forest, range, and watershed research; Pinyon-Cedar zone; cloud burst zone. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 68 leaves.
Fox, Gordon D. (1909 - 1990) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1978 by Ron Larson. Final transcript. U.S. Forest Service employee. Discusses education at Michigan State College, 1927-1931; Civilian Conservation Corps forestry-related jobs in Michigan during depression era; U.S. Forest Service administrative training; field work in South America, 1940s; development of management technology and public relations practices in U.S. Forest Service; Earl Loveridge; Henry Farquhar; Peter Keplinger. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 103 leaves.
Fraser, Frank C. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Employment with Pacific and Hammond lumber companies, and Riverside Mill and Lumber Company, California. Discusses work as a logging superintendent; yarding; donkey engines; high rigging and incline railroad logging; crew nationalities; camp and recreation life, 1898-1953. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 4 leaves.
Frink, Francis G. (d. 1960) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. President, Washington Iron Works, Seattle. Discusses the history of logging machinery; Dolbeer donkey; skidder; steam yarder; steam double drum yarder and loader; diesel yarder and loader; tractors; effects of mechanization on industry; Industrial Workers of the World; Pacific Logging Congress; U.S. Forest Service use of machinery; safety; Sol Simpson; Frink family origins; Port Blakely Mill Company, Washington. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 13 leaves.
Fritz, Emanuel (1886 - 1988) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1958, 1965, and 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder and Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Professor of forestry, University of California, Berkeley. Discusses his youth and education; World War I; Gifford Pinchot; California redwoods; Society of American Foresters; Journal of Forestry; Herman H. Chapman vs. Department of the Interior; California Forest Practice Act; Forest Products Laboratory; Foundation for American Resource Management. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. xiv + 336 leaves.
Fromme, Rudolph L. (1882 - 1973) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employed by U.S. Forest Service. Discusses Klamath National Forest in California; Siskiyou and Deschutes national forests in Oregon; Olympic and Mount Baker national forests in Washington. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 133 leaves.
Frothingham, Earl H. (1880 - 1971) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employed by U.S. Forest Service, 1900s to 1940s. Discusses his personal background; Yale University; Raphael Zon; silviculture; Benton MacKaye; William Dent Sterrick; Earle H. Clapp; writing Forest Service bulletins; Filibert Roth; World War I; Henry S. Graves; Gifford Pinchot; William B. Greeley; Frederick Weyerhaeuser. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 27 leaves.
Furlong, Jack (b. 1871)
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Employment with Caspar Lumber Company, Navarro and Sallar mills, California. Discusses work as a saw filer; traveling; saw sales out of San Francisco; difficulties of early band saws and importance of good saw filers, 1890-1953. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Furniss, Robert Livingston (1908 - 1980) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1977 by Ronald C. Larson. Forest entomologist employee of USDA Bureau of Entomology and Forest Service in California and Oregon. Graduate of Syracuse University, 1931. Career began in Idaho while still a student, surveying beetle-infested pine trees. Studied western pine beetle in California during 1930s. Transferred to Portland in 1934 and studied insects of the Douglas-fir region including a weevil, Cylyndrocopturas furnissi, that was named after him. As laboratory leader, he initiated the first systematic aerial surveys of forest insect damage in the west and promoted development of control methods for defoliators such as the spruce budworm. He was involved with industry and other agencies in forming the Northwest Forest Pest Action Council that was subsequently adopted in other regions of the U.S. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 22 leaves.
Furnival, George Mason (1925-2009) and Mrs. Gloria Furnival [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2004 by Dr. James E. Fickle and Dr. Chad Oliver. Final transcript. Experience with the Mississippi Forest Service, southern forest management, U.S. Forest Service Inventory and Analysis, and Yale Forestry School. 66 pages.
Geddes, W. C. (b. 1879) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Employment with Oregon Lumber Company, Oregon. Discusses band saws; Western Pine Association; wood kilns; research; lumber grading rules; pricing controversy. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 7 leaves.
Giltmier, James W. (1934- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 2004 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Served on the staff of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, 1971-1980. Discusses his key role in the enactment of significant legislation during the 1970s, including the Renewable Natural Resources Planning Act and the National Forest Management Act. Also discusses his work with the Pinchot Institute for Conservation, first as executive director and later as a senior fellow; and his early career in newspaper and television journalism. Produced by the Forest History Society. ii + 93 leaves.
Gilvary, Robert John (1938- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1996 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Civil engineer for National Bulk Carriers Inc. in charge of procuring and managing the engineering equipment used to build Daniel K. Ludwig's tropical forest plantation and pulpmill in the Brazilian Amazon, 1968-1980. Topics discussed include: tropical forestry; plantation silviculture; tree farms; civil engineering; pulp production; Daniel Ludwig and the Jari project in Brazil; and the Gmelina tree species. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. Excerpted in Plantation Forestry in the Amazon: The Jari Experience (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1997). iii + 49 leaves.
Glascock, Hardin Roads (1921- )
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Rough transcript. Former chief executive officer of the Society of American Foresters (SAF); founder of the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation; adviser to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Discussion of Ed Stamm's leadership of the Industrial Forestry Association (Northwest Forestry Association), the Western Forestry and Conservation Association, and Crown Zellerbach; road building technology; reforestation; multiple-use forestry; logging equipment. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. 19 leaves.
Graves, Walter Leonard (1911 - ) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1978 by Ron C. Larson. Final transcript. Discussion of management technology; Civilian Conservation Corps forestry, New Mexico; Earl Loveridge's contribution to U.S. Forest Service management philosophy; ranger district study; McKenzie Company's 1957 organizational study of USFS management techniques. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 75 leaves.
Greeley, Gertrude Jewett (b. 1878) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder and George T. Morgan. Final transcript. Widow of Colonel William B. Greeley relates personal family history; Gifford Pinchot; Henry S. Graves; George S. Long; Austin Cary. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 21 leaves.
Griffin, William Joseph (1863 - 1959) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Charles D. Bonsted. Final transcript. Discusses the changing and declining timber economy of the northwestern foothills of the Adirondack Mountains area of New York, as Griffin observed and participated in as a farmer; softwood timber; hemlock bark harvest for tannery; hardwood harvest; pulpwood harvest; World War II; founder and president of New York State Maple Sap Products Cooperative. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 26 leaves.
Grover, Frederick W. (1907-1998) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1972 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employed by U.S. Forest Service, 1930-70. Discusses forestry education; Trinity and Klamath national forests in California; the Great Depression; Civilian Conservation Corps; Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1936; Division of Recreation and Lands; Stuart B. Show; Kings Canyon National Park; Redwood National Park; San Jacinto Tramway (Palm Springs Aerial Tramway); director, Division of Land Classification; 1911 Weeks Act; 1960 Multiple Use Act; current trends affecting USFS. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. xii + 212 leaves.
Gutermuth, Clinton Raymond (1900 - 1988) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1973 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Secretary, Natural Resources Council of America (NRCA), 1945 to late 1960s. Recollections of youth, education and travels; organization of NRCA; Izaak Walton League; Indiana Department of Conservation; Indiana forests, trees, and animals; Public Land Law Review Commission; National Watershed Congress; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Jay "Ding" Darling; U.S. Biological Survey; American Wildlife Institute; first North American Wildlife Conference; National Wildlife Federation; sportsmen's organizations; politics; fund raising; National Audubon Society; animal protection fur seal, alligator, deer; Alaska; CONSERVATION NEWS SERVICE publication; world-wide work of NRCA; Edward H. Graham; public relations; whale study; funds for studies; Timber Resources Survey; NRCA vs. U.S. Forest Service. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Natural Resources Council of America. xi + 156 leaves.
Hadley, E. Worth [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White. Final transcript. Employed with Southern Forest Experiment Station, 1925-43. Discusses the Southern Pine Association; Austin Cary; naval stores; fire protection; Eloise Gerry. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Hagenstein, William David (1915 - )
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder and George T. Morgan. Final transcript. Associated with Industrial Forestry Association, formerly West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Discusses his family history and education; the Great Depression; work in logging camps; fire fighting; forestry school; Dean Hugo Winkenwerder, University of Washington; O. H. Schrader, Jr.; Eugene Zumwalt; Bror L. Grondal; Society of American Foresters; U.S. Forest Service; entomology and Ralph C. Hall; northern California forests; H. P. Brown; Tennessee Valley Authority; National Industrial Recovery Act; Warren Tilton; William B. Greeley; Lyle F. Watts; Gifford Pinchot; Weyerhaeuser Company; American Tree Farms Program of National Lumber Manufacturers Association; American Forest Products Industries; Pilot Rock and Hult lumber companies, Oregon; pulp and paper industry; integration of wood uses; Douglas-fir forestry; Leo Bodine; Edward P. Stamm; Joint Committee on Forest Conservation, WCLA; federal regulation of private forestry; Copeland Report (National Plan for American Forestry); New Deal; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Clarke-McNary Act, 1924; E. T. Allen; timber sales; economics; Carl A. Schenck; wilderness. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. Excerpted in Forestry's Advocate: William D. Hagenstein (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1995). 63 leaves.
Hagenstein, William David (1915 - )
Oral history interview conducted 1992 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Industrial Forestry Association employee, 1949-80 (executive vice president, 1956-80); president, W. D. Hagenstein and Associates, Inc., 1980-present. Discusses Society of American Foresters; Multiple Use Act (1960); National Environmental Policy Act (1969); Industrial Forestry Association. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. Excerpted in Forestry's Advocate: William D. Hagenstein (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1995). 145 leaves.
Hagenstein, William David (1915 - ) [PDF]
Forestry's Advocate: William D. Hagenstein. Maunder, Elwood R./ Morgan, George T./ Steen, Harold K., ed(s). Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1995.
This is an edited version of the two separate interviews described above, one conducted July 1960 by Maunder and Morgan, the other conducted October 1992 by Steen. Hagenstein discusses foresters, multiple use forestry, tree farms, wilderness, the Society of American Foresters, and the Industrial Forestry Association. United States, twentieth century.
Hall, Ralph Corbin (1899 - 1996) [PDF]
Oral history interviews conducted 1974 and 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder (edited 2010 by Malcolm M. Furniss). Entomologist, USDA, Bureau of Entomology, Division of Forest Insect Investigations 1931-1952; Forest Service 1953-1964. Pioneer in application of statistical methods to forest insect studies and bark beetle surveys. Studied bronze birch borer (PhD. thesis U. Michigan 1931), and locust borer at USDA forest insect laboratory, Columbus, OH, 1932-1938. Transferred to Berkeley, California, in 1938. At Hat Creek field station, Lassen County, studied influence of weather in regulating populations of pine engraver bark beetle, control of pine reproduction weevil, and developed bark beetle survey methods; subsequently in charge of forest insect surveys for Forest Service Region 5 in San Francisco and was a private consultant after retirement. The three Interviews cover a wide range of forest entomology subjects and people involved. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 114 leaves.
Hallin, Otis (1907- ) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1965 and 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Employment with Crown Zellerbach Corporation, Washington. Discusses his youth and education; log scaling at Longview, Washington; Henry Jones; Howard Pittinger; work as consultant for Columbia River Paper Mills, Portland Manufacturing Company, and Crown Willamette; work as office manager with the Columbia River Log Scaling Bureau; D. S. Denman; Eastern-Western Lumber Company; work as Crown Zellerbach timber department manager, 1943-49; relogging; role of foresters in Crown Zellerbach; land and timber deals; technological developments; Edward P. Stamm; safety practices; relations with state and federal government. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. i + 49 leaves.
Harper, Verne Lester (1902 - 1997) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1972 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Professor emeritus, University of Florida School of Forestry; researcher, U.S. Forest Service. Discusses his youth and forestry education; the Southern Forest Experiment Station, 1945-51; his tenure as USFS deputy chief for research, 1951-66; and the 1960 Multiple Use Act. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. xii + 227 leaves.
Harper, Verne Lester (1902 - 1997) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. U.S. Forest Service employee, 1927-1965; past president of the International Union of Societies of Foresters (IUSF); former professor of forestry at the University of Florida and active member of the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO). Discussion of U.S. Forest Service and international forestry. Consolidation and elimination of forest research stations; development of research programs; IUFRO; United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 161 leaves.
Hart, Harold V. "Pete" (1902 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employment with St. Regis Paper Company. Recollections of Roy K. Ferguson; Floyd Carlisle; pulpgrinding techniques; paper making process and equipment; cruising; wood procurement; land acquisition and expansion in Canada and the United States, early 20th century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 34 leaves.
Hart, James [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White. Final transcript. Associated with Alger-Sullivan Lumber Company, Florida. Discusses Austin Cary and logging in the southern United States at the beginning of the twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Hartung, Jack W. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder and John Ross. Final transcript. Employment with St. Regis Paper Co. Discusses the purchasing department; procurement of goods and services; expansion of company in the United States during the post-World War II era. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 17 leaves (combined with Woodcock, Charles A. ohi).
Hartwig, Otto
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Rough transcript. Crown Zellerbach Corporation associate discusses unions in the early twentieth century. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. 32 leaves.
Hawley, Ralph Chipman (1880 - 1971) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1964 by Joseph A. Miller. Final transcript. Hawley discusses silviculture, eastern white pine, western yellow pine, New Hampshire timber surveys, consulting forestry, Pike Manufacturing Co., Northeastern Forestry Company, Yale University, the Society of American Foresters, and foresters Austin Cary, Roy Marston, William B. Greeley, and Clifford Pettis. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 30 leaves.
Hayes, Edmund G. (d. 1986) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. This former employee of Weyerhaeuser Company discusses his employment with the company and forest management in the United States, early to mid-twentieth century. Foresters William B. Greeley, David Mason, Fred K. Weyerhaeuser, and George S. Long are discussed, as are various trade associations, Canadian Anthracite Coal Company, and public relations efforts by American Forest Products Industries. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Company. 67 leaves.
Heacox, Edwin F. (1906 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. This former chief forester with Weyerhaeuser Company in Washington State discusses the company's industrial forestry program, early to mid-twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Company. 47 leaves.
Heitman, Herman (b. 1879) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. This engineer with Hammond Lumber Company in California discusses the company's railroad logging operations, late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 11 leaves.
Heritage, William (b. 1888)
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder and George Thomas Morgan, Jr. Final transcript. Heritage, associated with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, discusses his childhood and early employment as well as Indian affairs in the United States during the twentieth century. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. 20 leaves.
Herrett, Wendy Milner (1946 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 13-15 June 2000 by Jacqueline S. Reinier. Final transcript. Herrett is a landscape architect by training and has the distinction of being the first female district ranger for the United States Forest Service. Herrett also served as a forest supervisor and a regional director for the agency before taking early retirement in the mid-1990s. In the interview she details her career on Mt. Hood National Forest in Washington, Routt National Forest and White River National Forest in Colorado, and South Dakota's Black Hills National Forest. Topics discussed include: the development of her managerial capabilities; her role in devising plans for managing forests; the challenges of supervising staff; her commitment to serving as a role model for other female Forest Service employees; and attitudes toward her and other women in leadership positions in the agency. Produced by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service History Program. Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service's Office of Civil Rights, State and Private Forestry, National Forest System, and Office of Communications. iii + 150 leaves.
Hexberg, Caspar (b. 1877) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Hexberg discusses Union Lumber Company's log transportation and shipping operations in California, early twentieth century. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 6 leaves.
Heyward, Frank, Jr. (b. 1905) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White. Final transcript. This former employee with the USFS Southern Forest Experiment Station discusses his early work at the station with foresters Austin Cary, Eloise Gerry, and Charles H. Herty; New Deal forestry legislation; Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association; Crown Zellerbach Corporation; fire protection; and forestry in the southern United States. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Foundation. 12 leaves.
Holmes, Beverly C. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2-3 January 2001 by Carol Severance. Final transcript. Beverly Holmes served in the U.S. Forest Service on the personnel and operations management staffs, and as assistant director, Intermountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah; as a staff assistant to the deputy chief for research, and special assistant to the deputy chief for administration in Washington, DC; and deputy regional forester for administration in Region 5 (California). Holmes discusses her formative years growing up as an American Indian (Cherokee Tribe); her work in private industry and the Bureau of Indian Affairs; joining the Forest Service, and the environment for women in the agency; civil rights training programs; the Consent Decree in Region 5; and supervision. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service History Program. v + 64 leaves.
Horn, Stanley F. (1889 - 1980) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Charles W. Crawford. Final transcript. Horn, editor and co-owner of the trade publication Southern Lumberman, discusses his career as a reporter for the forest products industry, trade associations, tree farming, reforestation, log transportation, and sawmill equipment in Tennessee; twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. vii + 184 leaves.
Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon (1874 - 1963) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Bruce C. Harding. Final transcript. Professor of forestry, Cornell University. Discusses his personal background and education; Frederick H. Storer; Harvard University; Charles Sprague Sargent; Massachusetts Horticultural Society; Metropolitan Parks System of Massachusetts; U.S. Division of Soils, 1896-98; early days of U.S. Forest Service, Washington Office; Gifford Pinchot; Henry S. Graves; Bernhard E. Fernow; Forest Service appropriations; survey in International Paper Company's New England camps; Society of American Foresters; plans for southern California forestry, early 1900s; Civilian Conservation Corps; White House Conference of Governors, 1908; development of forestry in New York Township 40; legislation; forestry publications. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 15 leaves.
Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon (1874 - 1963) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Professor of forestry, Cornell University. Discusses his personal background; early work with Division of Forestry, U.S. Forest Service; beginnings of Society of American Foresters; Gifford Pinchot; Frederick H. Storer; Harvard University; Charles Sprague Sargent; Massachusetts Horticultural Society; International Paper Company logging surveys; Henry S. Graves; 1891-1942. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 16 leaves.
Ingram, Charles H. (b. 1892) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Former executive officer of Weyerhaeuser Company discusses Weyerhaeuser Company's logging and manufacturing activities, marketing and management strategies; sustained-yield forestry; trade associations; Weyerhaeuser family. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Company. 56 leaves.
Isaac, Leo A. (1892 - 1970) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Researcher, U.S. Forest Service. Discusses his early life and education; World War I, Tenth Engineers; Weyerhaeuser Company camp; Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station; Robert Marshall; Douglas-fir research; consulting work with Food and Agriculture Organization in Turkey and Ireland. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 152 leaves.
Jarck, Walter (1931 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Pioneering inventor and designer of forest machinery in the American Southeast, including the Go Getter forwarder and the Allen Jarck Harvester. Discusses his participation in a formative period of mechanization for forest harvesting, and the constraints imposed by the social and economic conditions of the region at the time. Produced by the Forest History Society. xix + 24 leaves.
Jemison, George Meredith (1908 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1977 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Deputy chief for research, U.S. Forest Service, 1958-1969; former professor of forest management at Oregon State University, 1969-1974; president of the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, 1968-1971. Discussion of work experience at numerous forest and range experiment stations while employed by the U.S. Forest Service. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 104 leaves.
Joel, Julius (b. 1876) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Lumberman and skidder in Ironwood, Michigan, 1900-02. Discusses his family history; logging and camp life; Finns and Swedes. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 6 leaves.
Johnson, Clara (1959- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2002 by Jacqueline S. Reinier. Final transcript. African-American Clara Johnson worked as a forester, ranger, and supervisor on national forests in California, Georgia, and Mississippi, including the Six Rivers, Sequoia, Angeles, Delta, Chattahoochee, and Oconee national forests. She discusses her background, the role of women and minorities in the U.S. Forest Service, and her experiences working on national forests and in the Washington Office of the U.S. Forest Service beginning in 1982. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service Office of Civil Rights, State and Private Forestry, National Forest System, Office of Communications, and USDA Forest Service History Program. vi + 141 leaves.
Johnson, Walter Samuel (b. 1884) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1973 and 1974 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Associated with Tarter, Webster and Johnson; American Forest Products Industries; and Friden, Inc., California. Discusses life in the West, 1884-99; San Francisco, 1902-17; World War I; Industrial Workers of the World; Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen; New Deal and lumber industry; box manufacturing; Friden, Inc. involvement in international business machines; corrugated fibreboard industry; restoration of San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Walter S. Johnson. vii + 127 leaves.
Jones, Charlie Bonner [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. A retired wood dealer based in Georgia, Jones discusses the wood dealer's role in the wood supply system. Final transcript. Produced by the Forest History Society. ii + 23 leaves.
Jones, James H. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White. Final transcript. Discusses turpentine operations in the southern U.S.; Alger-Sullivan Lumber Company, Florida; skidders; Eloise Gerry; hunting preserves; controlled burns; thinnings; Austin Cary. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Foundation. 8 leaves.
Jones, Morris H. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Final transcript. Associated with Willamette National Lumber Company, Oregon. History of Jones Lumber Company; early day labor relations; Industrial Workers of the World; recent labor relations. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 13 leaves.
Kayton, Herbert L. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White. Final transcript. Discusses the Georgia Forestry Commission; Charles H. Herty; Austin Cary; the turpentine industry; and Sessoms Company. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbah Corporation and the Forest History Foundation. 7 leaves.
Keen, Frederick Paul (1890 - 1980) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1974 and 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder and Ralph C. Hall. Edited 2010 by Malcolm M. Furniss. Entomologist, USDA, Bureau of Entomology, Division of Forest Insect Investigations 1914-1952. Graduated in forestry at University of California, Berkeley. Began employment at Ashland, Oregon; later placed in charge of laboratories at Portland, Oregon and Berkeley, California. Sponsored cooperative relationships with prominent people in forest industry. Specialist in bark beetles in the pine region east of the Cascades in Oregon and California. Well known for his book on insect enemies of western forests and his classification of susceptibility of pine trees to the western pine beetle for which he received the USDA superior achievement award. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. 61 leaves.
Kellogg, Royal S. (1874 - 1965) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1955 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Observations of his early years in the U.S. Forest Service and thirty-two years in Newsprint Service Bureau, including discussion of the history of forestry in the United States; trade associations; Biltmore Forest School; Carl A. Schenck; Bernhard E. Fernow; Raphael Zon; Gifford Pinchot; Richard E. McArdle; Henry S. Graves; Illinois Tree Planting Survey, 1904; Theodore Roosevelt and American Forest Congress; National Lumber Manufacturers Association; Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin; secretary, Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers Association, 1910; New Deal; National Industrial Recovery Act; National Forestry Program Committee; Clarke-McNary Act, 1924; American Forestry Association; forest fire control in Florida. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Foundation. 54 + [ii] leaves.
Kellogg, Royal S. (1874 - 1965)
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Discusses educating the public about forestry; U.S. Forest Service hiring; exchanging Forest Service job for one with Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers Association; reading interests; philosophy. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Foundation. 29 leaves.
Kellogg, Royal S. (1874 - 1965) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1963 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Discussion of Society of American Foresters; Newsprint Service Bureau; National Lumber Manufacturers Association; early days in U.S. Forest Service, Washington Office; Gifford Pinchot and timber famine prediction; trade associations and their leadership; sailing and other personal interests; Kellogg manuscript collection. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. 13 leaves.
Kelly, Thomas H. (1927 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 2004 by Peter MacDonald and Michael Clow. Final transcript. Employee of Scott Paper and author of the TH Kelly Handbook. Discusses the harvesting systems, wood dealer systems, bobtail truck harvesting system, and mechanization of crews in the southern paper and pulp industry. 29 leaves.
Kenley, Dave [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Final transcript. Kenley was associated with the Southern Pine Lumber Company in Texas. Discusses the growth and history of the company; land and timber work; camp locations; timber cutting; log hauling with oxen; timber purchases, 1894-1954. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 5 leaves.
Kerntz, Joe (1903- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1964 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Employed at Quetico-Superior Wilderness Research Center, Minnesota. Relates stories of camp life and discusses Basswood Lodge, logging at Basswood, and F. B. Hubachek. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Wilderness Research Foundation. 42 leaves.
Kieckhefer, Herbert M. (1895 - 1977) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 1976 by Arthur J. McCourt. Final transcript. President of the Kieckhefer Container Company and director of the Eddy Paper Corporation and North Carolina Pulp Company. Later, member of the Weyerhaeuser Board of Directors. Discusses the history of the Kieckhefer-Eddy companies, fiber box manufacturing, World War II, milk cartons and eventual merger with Weyerhaeuser Company. Produced by the Weyerhaeuser Company. [i] + 25 + [30] leaves.
Kieckhefer, Robert H. (1917 - 2001) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 1976 by Arthur J. McCourt. Final transcript. Former salesman and director of Kieckhefer Container Company and Eddy Paper Corporation and later, member of the Weyerhaeuser Board of Directors. Discusses the history of the Kieckhefer-Eddy companies, fiber box manufacturing, World War II, milk cartons and eventual merger with Weyerhaeuser Company. Produced by the Weyerhaeuser Company. [iii] + 41 + [12] leaves.
Kinney, Jay P. (1875 - 1975)
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder and George Thomas Morgan, Jr. Final transcript. Associated with Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Division of Forestry. Discusses education; establishing Division of Forestry in BIA; Gifford Pinchot; opposition to federal regulation of forestry; Ballinger-Pinchot controversy; clearcutting vs. selective cutting; range management; Civilian Conservation Corps; Indian problems; court cases. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Wilderness Research Foundation. 100 leaves.
Kirk, T. Kent (1940- )
Oral history interview conducted in 2005 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Describes his work at the Forest Products Laboratory and in particular his study of lignin-- one of the principal components of wood-- and the manner in which it is decomposed by fungi, a process previously little understood and which held great commercial potential. Discusses the results of his success in this research, including election to the National Academy of Sciences and receipt of the prestigious Marcus Wallenberg Prize. Produced by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service. iii + 91 leaves.
Kneeland, George J. (1916-1982) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Former executive vice president of St. Regis Paper Company discusses his rise through the ranks of the company from mailboy, 1939, to Executive Vice President, 1969; post-World War II expansion of St. Regis in the U.S. and in foreign countries; land and mill acquisitions in the South; innovations by St. Regis in paper production; civic duties. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 41 leaves.
Knight, D. K. (1944- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of Hatton-Brown, publisher of Southern Lumberman , Timber Harvesting , and other magazines specializing in the commerce associated with forestry. Discusses his four-decade career as a reporter, editor and publisher at Hatton-Brown, and shares his observations on the significant changes in the mechanization of tree harvesting. iii + 21 leaves.
Korstian, Clarence F. (1889-1968) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Dean of Duke University's School of Forestry, 1930s to 1950s; employed by the U.S. Forest Service, 1912-30. Discusses his childhood and education; early employment with USFS; Coconino National Forest, Arizona; Intermountain Region, Utah; Appalachian area; development of forestry school at Duke; forestry education in the South; Filibert Roth; J. Wilbur O'Byrne; Fort Valley Experiment Station, Arizona; G. A. Pearson; Leon F. Kneipp; research funds; Carl A. Schenck; Austin Cary; pulp and paper industry; Southern Regional Education Board; Society of American Foresters. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 77 leaves.
Kreienbaum, Chrysogonus Henry (1895-1982) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Associated with Dempsey Lumber Company in Tacoma, Washington, 1912-25, and with Simpson-Reed lumber interests, 1920s to 1960s. Discusses his family history and Virginia childhood; Interstate Veneer Company; Reed Mill Company; Mark Reed; Henry McCleary; George S. Long; growth of hemlock trade; timber market and sales associations, 1920s to 1940s; William B. Greeley; West Coast Lumbermen's Association; sustained-yield management contract, 1940s; expansion of Simpson company; cooperation of industry and government; National Industrial Recovery Act. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Simpson Timber Company. ix + 160 leaves.
Krueger, Myron E. (1890-1983) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Professor of forestry, University of California, Berkeley. Discusses technological developments in logging; private forestry in the redwoods; the Lumber Code; the Society of American Foresters Accrediting Committee, 1925-65. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 27 leaves.
Kussmann, James E. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder and John Ross. Final transcript. Employment with St. Regis Paper Company. Recollections of Roy K. Ferguson; forest research; pollution control; growth of company through acquisitions and mergers, mid-20th century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 55 leaves (combined with Vilas, Homer A. ohi).
Lambert, Brooks, and McMillan, Edward Leigh [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White with Brooks Lambert and Edward Leigh McMillan. Final transcript. Personal glimpses of Austin Cary starting in 1928; T. R. Miller Mill Company, Florida; government purchase of land. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Foundation. 8 leaves.
Lanford, Bob (1943 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Industrial engineer of tree harvesting systems and expert in the measurement of their productivity. Discusses his work at the Harvesting Research Project, International Paper, and Weyerhaeuser, and his experiences on the faculty of Auburn University (where he participated in the development of their forest engineering program). Lanford also shares his observations on the major developments in the mechanization of tree harvesting. Produced by the Forest History Society. iii + 24 leaves.
Langdale, Harley, Jr. (1914 - 2013) [Audio] [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1991 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. President of The Langdale Company, Valdosta, Georgia; former chairman and director of numerous local businesses and civic organizations. Discussion of the family's forest products company, the southern U.S. naval stores industry, wetlands, and southern pine during the twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by The Langdale Company. 60 leaves.
Langdale, Harley Jr. (1914 - 2013) & Langdale, John Wesley III [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Harley Langdale Jr. and his nephew John Wesley Langdale III discuss the growth and diversification of the Langdale family businesses over five generations, their sense of responsibility to the land and to their contractors, and the social and economic conditions of workers in the early naval stores business. ii + 14 leaves.
Langdale, John J., Jr. (1927- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1991 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Vice president, Woodlands Division, The Langdale Company, Valdosta, Georgia. Discussion of the family's forest products company, the southern U.S. naval stores industry, wetlands, and southern pine during the twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by The Langdale Company. 27 leaves.
Langdale, John W. (1917 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1991 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Representative in Georgia General Assembly, 1949-1952; Georgia state senator, 1957-1958; vice chairman of The Langdale Company and officer of its subsidiaries; former director of Georgia Forestry Association and many other local businesses and civic organizations. Discussion of the family's forest products company, the southern U.S. naval stores industry, wetlands, and southern pine during the twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by The Langdale Company. 37 leaves.
Langdale, William Pope (1921 - 2009) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1991 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Vice president of The Langdale Company, Valdosta, Georgia; board member and chairman of several local civic organizations, including Lowndes Board of Commissioners and Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce. Discussion of the family's forest products company, the southern U.S. naval stores industry, wetlands, and southern pine during the twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by The Langdale Company. 21 leaves.
Larson, Hans (b. 1886)
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Rough transcript. Secretary-treasurer, American Timber Company, Minnesota. Discusses his youth in Norway; Minnesota in 1903; the Red River Company in Minnesota; logging camp life; and log hauling by oxen. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 8 leaves.
Larson, Keville, Jr. (1937 - 2023) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2023 by Steven Anderson. Final transcript. President and Owner of Larson & McGowin, Inc., 1974-1999. Discusses his family's background in forest industries and youth spent working in the woods; his education at Yale; employment at Pomeroy & McGowin Forest Service Company and subsequent growth of his forestry consulting business; his professional affiliations and hobbies. 135 leaves.
Larson, Keville, Sr. (1898 - 1989) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Employee of Weyerhaeuser Company, 1935-1964. Discusses McGowin family interests; personality and business acumen of John Philip Weyerhaeuser, Jr.; St. Regis Paper Company, pulp and paperboard division; friendship and business relationship with Roy K. Ferguson and Floyd Carlisle of St. Regis Paper Company; service on War Production Board, World War II. Produced by the Forest History Society. 40 leaves.
Laughead, William B. (1882-1958) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by William H. Hutchinson. Final transcript. Cartoonist, artist, and advertising man. Discusses his use of the Paul Bunyan legend in advertising literature for the Red River Lumber Company in California, based on gags and stories heard in lumber camps; early twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. 50 leaves.
Leavitt, Scott (1879 - 1966) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder and Tom Morgan. Final transcript. Employed with the U.S. Forest Service, early 1900s, and with the U.S. Congress, 1923-33. Discusses his youth and employment history; the Fremont National Forest in Oregon; fire protection; William B. Greeley; the Beaverhead National Forest in Montana; recruiting officer, Tenth and Twentieth Engineers, World War I; the Clarke-McNary Act of 1924; the War Emergency Employment Service; Gifford Pinchot; Albert F. Potter; Will C. Barnes; E. A. Sherman; E. T. Allen; comments on old and new U.S. Forest Service. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 45 leaves.
Leonard, George M. (1933- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 8-10 March 1999 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. In this Oral history interview, former U.S. Forest Service associate chief George Leonard reminisces about his career with the agency from 1957 to 1993. Includes discussion of such topics as clearcutting, workforce diversity within the agency, forest policy, development of the ecosystem management concept, timber sale buyouts, below-cost timber sales, and law enforcement on national forests. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service History Program. iv + 111 leaves.
Libbey, Howard A. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. President, Arcata Redwood Company, California. Discusses yard operations and shipping, 1913-53; formation of Redwood Sales Company as cooperative venture by smaller companies; Webb-Pomerene Act; changes in logging and handling of redwood lumber; equipment and machinery; early family history. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 6 leaves.
Liddicoet, Alfred R. (1907 - 2003) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Lois C. Stone. Final transcript. Employee of the Eddy Tree Breeding Station: Institute of Forest Genetics, located in Placerville, California. Discusses his personal background and education; staff members; institute managed by the U.S. Forest Service; pollination techniques developed by staff; development of records system. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the Forest History Society. 18 leaves.
Liniger, Paul F. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. An Oregon state tax commissioner discusses timber taxation in Oregon during the twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 15 leaves.
Loehr, Rodney C.
Oral history interview conducted 1990 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Former director of Forest Products History Foundation (Forest History Society), 1947-50. Discusses Weyerhaeuser Company's sponsorship of the Society; emergence of the Society as a scholarly institution that collects primary sources of forest products industry history and promotes the creation of secondary materials on the history of natural resource management and related fields; career as a professor of history; research of Paul Bunyan folklore; evolution of band saws. Produced by the Forest History Society. Access restricted. 24 leaves.
Loggan, Harry J. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Director, Property Tax Division, Oregon State Tax Commission, discusses timber taxation in Oregon, twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 15 leaves.
Luiten, Irvin H. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Public information lobbyist for Weyerhaeuser Company since 1958. Discussion of "History of Forest Taxation in Oregon" by Charles E. Ogle; Richard L. Uhlman; David T. Mason; Tax Commission Bill; process of passing a tax bill. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 20 leaves.
Lund, Walter H. (1902 - ) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Chief in charge of timber management, Pacific Northwest Region, U.S. Forest Service, 1927-65. Lund discusses his youth and education; U.S. Forest Service timber sales; the Depression; timber appraisals and contracts; World War II; private vs. federal timber management; timber inventory hearings; The Brandstrom Report; Olympic National Park, Washington; fire protection; Oregon and California ("O & C") railroad lands; Shelton co-operative unit; and foresters in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. vi + 83 + [30] leaves.
McArdle, Richard Edwin (1899 - 1983) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1973 and 1974 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. This former chief of the U.S. Forest Service (1952-62) discusses education at University of Michigan, 1920s; Filibert Roth; Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1924-34; Thornton T. Munger; Earle H. Clapp; research opportunities in U.S. Forest Service; William B. Greeley; dean, School of Forestry, University of Idaho, 1934-35; U.S. Forest Service, 1935-62; views on employer-employee relations; legislation affecting national forests; regulation of timber cutting on private lands; Fred A. Seaton and Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; National Forest Development Program; strip mining; Samuel T. Dana; USFS appropriations moved from Agriculture to Interior subcommittees; Ervin L. Peterson; Oregon and California ("O & C") railroad lands; Multiple Use Mining Act, 1955; Carl A. Schenck; wilderness; Edward C. Crafts; centralization and decentralization in government; personnel management in USFS. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. x + 252 leaves.
McCaffrey, Joseph E. (1896 - 1975) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1964 and 1965 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Vice president, Southern Kraft Division, International Paper Company. Discussion of his childhood and education; World War I in France; employment with International Paper, 1928; European study, 1929; the the Great Depression; Consolidated Land Company; Florida State Forest Service; trade associations; Stanley F. Horn; retirement, 1963. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. viii + 262 leaves.
McCallum, Neil A. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Discusses turn-of-the-century logging in Point Arena area, California; White Lumber Company; equipment and machinery; J. C. Halliday; shipping lumber. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 5 leaves.
McCulloch, Walter Fraser (1905 - 1973) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Dean, School of Forestry, Oregon State University, 1937-66. Discusses his childhood and education; the Great Depression; Syracuse University; research at Michigan State; administration of State Forest Conservation Act, 1942-45; writing of Woods Words; Tillamook burn; travels; Hill Family Foundation; National Industrial Recovery Act; Paul M. Dunn; William B. Greeley; fire protection. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. viii + 139 + [20] leaves.
McGowin, Earl Mason (1902-1992) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1977 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Former director of Alabama Department of Conservation; vice president of the W. T. Smith Lumber Company of Chapman, Alabama; Rhodes scholar, 1922-1925. Discusses his family's purchase of W. T. Smith Lumber Co. in 1905; Chapman as company town; Lumber Code and forest industries, 1930s; education in McGowin family; timberland and railroad logging; logging equipment; service in Alabama legislature, 1930-1950; family's civic dealings and influence in state legislative matters; forest conservation; trade journals. Produced by the Forest History Society. 34 leaves.
McGowin, N. Floyd (1900-1981) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Former president of American Forest Products Industries and of the W. T. Smith Lumber Company of Chapman, Alabama. Discussion of McGowin family interests; father's background and family origins; family's settlement in Alabama; Chapman as company town; lumber business during the Great Depression; father's trade association work. Produced by the Forest History Society. 25 leaves.
McGowin, Nicholas Stallworth [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Former Mobile, Alabama, attorney. Discusses the banking interests of the McGowin family-owned W. T. Smith Lumber Company in Chapman, Alabama; father's dealings in the company and community; tax considerations and negotiations leading to sale of W. T. Smith Lumber Company to Union Camp Corporation in 1966. Produced by the Forest History Society. 28 leaves.
McGuire, John R. (1916-2002) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1987 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Corrected final transcript produced 2004. Chief, U.S. Forest Service, 1972-1979; former deputy chief for program planning and legislation, U.S. Forest Service; fostered cooperation in forest research among Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Discussion of U.S. Forest Service, clearcutting, and wilderness areas. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. vi + 143 + [3] leaves (1987 ed.); v + 71 leaves (2004 ed.).
McLeod, George B. (1870-1958)
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Elwood R. Maunder and Clodaugh Neiderheiser. Rough transcript. President and board chairman, Hammond Lumber Company, California. Discussion of Hammond early enterprises; Blackfoot Milling and Manufacturing Company, Montana; rafting logs on Pacific Coast; Vance Redwood Lumber Company; Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Montana; Hammond eastern operations; Hammond and Little River Redwood Company, California; Dessert Lumber Company, California; George M. Cornwall; California Forest Protective Association. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 29 leaves.
McMillan, Edward Leigh, and Lambert, Brooks [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White with Brooks Lambert and Edward Leigh McMillan. Final transcript. Personal glimpses of Austin Cary starting in 1928; T. R. Miller Mill Company, Florida; government purchase of land. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Foundation. 8 leaves.
MacKenzie, Donald (b. 1887) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Discusses his work as a laborer, scaler, timekeeper, foreman, and logging superintendent with Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Montana, 1909-57; logging equipment; logging methods; woods safety; establishment of Intermountain Logging Congress; development of machinery and methods in the Inland Empire. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 18 leaves.
MacPherson, Adam [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. MacPherson discusses his employment with Yosemite Lumber Company in California. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 3 leaves.
Mack, Charles H.
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Tax commissioner, Oregon State Tax Commission, discusses timber tax. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 21 leaves.
Martin, James W. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2012 by Mason C. Carter. Final transcript. Martin, a forester, worked for American Can Company and its successor, Primerica Corporation, in various forest management positions in locations around the United States, including the South. After the dissolution of American Can, Martin was employed for 12 years by Canal Industries, Inc., an organization engaged in a variety of forest-based businesses in the South. In 2001, Martin retired as Vice President, Market Relations with Canal Industries after serving as President of Canal Wood Corporation of Mississippi. After retirement Martin continued his contact with the industry as advisor/part-time manager of a large wood chip mill in Alabama with the capacity of producing one million tons of chips per year. 9 pages.
Marx, Donald H. (1936- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 2005 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Describes the steps leading to his discovery of the unique effects of the fungus Pisolithus tinctorius on plant seedlings-and eventually on mature trees-giving them an exceptional degree of heat tolerance and thus allowing them to thrive in soils previously considered hostile. He recounts the ways in which this discovery led to dramatic work in reforestation, mine spoils reclamation, and agricultural programs throughout the world. Also describes his receipt of the Marcus Wallenberg Prize. Produced by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service. 201 leaves.
Mason, David Townsend (1883-1973)
Oral history interviews conducted 1965-1973 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcripts. This forestry consultant with Mason, Bruce and Girard in Portland, Oregon, discusses his family background; Yale University; early U.S. Forest Service days, Washington Office; forest inspector; Deerlodge National Forest, Montana; World War I; teacher, University of California School of Forestry, Berkeley; setting up consulting business and handling clients; timber valuation work for Bureau of Internal Revenue; sustained-yield campaign; background to Mason's becoming manager of Western Pine Association; problems with price control; Timber Conservation Board; cooperation between government and industry; influences of Herbert Hoover; Laird Bell; Forestry Conservation Association; air travel; trends in stumpage prices; production percentages; Clark and Wilson lumber interests; Charles Ingram; Edmund Hayes; USFS leaders and sustained-yield concept; Lumber Code; National Industrial Recovery Act. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. [Ca. 1000] leaves.
Mason, David Townsend (1883-1973)
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Forestry consultant discusses Oregon timber tax, twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 11 leaves.
Mason, Ira J.
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. This former U.S. Forest Service employee (1925-66) discusses timber sales; logging and milling studies; Edward Hines Lumber Company, Oregon; Division of Recreation and Lands; E. E. Carter; Ferdinand A. Silcox; Harold L. Ickes; Simpson lumber interests; C. H. Kreienbaum; George L. Drake. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 37 leaves.
Massey, Calvin (1914- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1979 by Ronald C. Larson. Final transcript. Former employee of U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Entomology. Discusses studies in entomology at Colorado A & M, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1935-1939; graduate research at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, 1939-1943; field experience at forest and range experiment stations; studies of Black Hills Beetle, Pandora Moth, and Engelmann Spruce Beetle outbreaks; shelterbelt studies. Produced by the Forest History Society. 49 leaves.
Mathieu, James Arthur (b. 1869) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Bruce C. Harding. Final transcript. Associated with Shevlin lumber interests in Great Lakes States, circa 1900; president, J. A. Mathieu Limited; president, Northern Pine Manufacturers Association. Discusses his youth; log rafting, 1885; Crookston Lumber Company, Minnesota; Ontario, Canada, 1905; equipment and mechanization. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Foundation. 10 leaves.
Metcalf, Woodbridge (1888-1972) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Bonnie Fairburn. Final transcript. Extension forester, University of California (1926-56). Metcalf discusses cooperation with other foresters; fire prevention and protection; eucalyptus work; Work Projects Administration; Civilian Conservation Corps; 4H Clubs; cork oak project; California Christmas Tree Growers Association; California Conservation Council; publications; Small Woodlands Council; forestry legislation; cooperation with U.S. Forest Service; Emanuel Fritz; S. Rexford Black; Merritt Pratt. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. vii + [130] leaves.
Miller, Elsie [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Secretary for the Hammond Lumber Company of California discusses the history and personnel of the company and town of Samoa, California, 1874-1953. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 7 leaves.
Miller, Harold P. (b. 1899) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Miller discusses technological developments in U.S. northwest timber operations, from 1927, including: biographical background; education at University of California, Berkeley; assistant engineer and construction superintendent, Northern Redwood Lumber Company, 1926-27; D. S. Denman; Sam Stamm; Ed Stamm; logging equipment; logging methods; Crown Zellerbach Corporation operations at Cathlamet, Washington, 1927. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. i + 25 leaves.
Mineau, Hope Garlick, and Carlgren, Maud [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1955 by Helen McCann White. Rough transcript. Discussion of family history and early logging in the St. Croix Valley, Minnesota-Wisconsin; Smith Ellison; Ellison and Bates Company; Carmi Porter Garlick, doctor who built first sawmill at Sunrise, Minnesota; stories of Native Americans, gold, and pioneers. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Robert E. Slaughter. 27 leaves.
Mineau, Wirt (b. 1878) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1955 by Helen McCann White. Rough transcript. Discusses the lumber industry on the Minnesota side of St. Croix Valley, including such topics as logging; lumber camp songs; Billy Seed stories; camp stories; C. E. Mullen; Lee Hammond; Nevers Dam Company; and Nels Simonson. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Robert E. Slaughter. 17 leaves.
Mirov, Nicholas Tiho (b. 1893) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Lois C. Stone. Final transcript. Employee of the Eddy Tree Breeding Station: Institute of Forest Genetics, located in Placerville, California. Mirov discusses Station founder James G. Eddy; graduate studies and research; influence of eucalyptus work; study of the chemical composition of pines; scientific work of the institute. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the Forest History Society. 19 leaves.
Mitchell, Robert K., Sr. (1905- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Elwood R. Maunder and Phil Jones. Rough transcript. This former member of the Connecticut State Legislature and past head of the Connecticut Grange discusses early Native American settlements; lumber use; sawmills; land use; charcoal industry; World War I laborers; U.S. Rubber; dairy industry; wheat industry; recreation; change from agrarian to urban economy. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. 29 leaves.
Moir, Stuart (1892-1960)
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Associated with Western Forestry and Conservation Association. Discusses his youth; Yale School of Forestry, 1917; forest management; aircraft cruising; Fairchild Aerial Survey; Western Pine Association; Soil Conservation Service; U.S. Forest Service¯transfer of activities performed by Agriculture on Interior lands to Department of the Interior; E. T. Allen; federal and state cooperation; Seaton Bill and Klamath Indian Reservation, Oregon. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Foundation. 18 leaves.
Moltke, Alfred W.
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder and George T. Morgan. Rough transcript. Part owner, Pilot Rock Lumber Company, Portland, Oregon. Discusses his early career, 1919; log hauling; camp life; Industrial Workers of the World; Civilian Conservation Corps; Western Forestry and Conservation Association; William B. Greeley; expanding timber holdings; tree marking; tree farms; cattle industry; scholarship gifts; motion pictures on conservation; economics; helicopters; Intermountain Logging Congress; fire control. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 57 leaves.
Munger, Thornton Taft (1883-1975) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Employed by U.S. Forest Service, 1908-43. Discusses his youth; Yale School of Forestry; Division of Silvics, U.S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C., and Portland, Oregon; growth studies; direct seeding efforts; sand dune planting; Ballinger-Pinchot controversy; fire control; land policies; timber sales; Oregon Caves National Monument; establishment of natural areas; World War I spruce inventory; director, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1924-38; Richard E. McArdle; Ruthford H. Westveld; Ernest Kolbe; Walter H. Meyer; Leo Isaac; William G. Morris; A. G. Simpson; selective cutting of Douglas-fir; Forest Survey, 1929; Forest Products Studies; taxation studies; Society of American Foresters; S. Rexford Black; Insurance Study; New Deal legislation; regulation of industry, 1938-46; proposed transfer of U.S. Forest Service to Department of the Interior; World War II; Western Forestry and Conservation Association; West Coast Lumbermen's Association; William B. Greeley; personal interests. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 245 leaves.
Murray, Lowell Thomas, Sr. (1885-1971) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. President, West Fork Timber Company, Washington. Discusses changes in logging operations, equipment, and labor relations; history of logging in Washington; World War I; Industrial Workers of the World; immigrant labor; Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen; New Deal labor problems; forest fires; marketing logs; Pacific Logging Congress; 1909-57. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 58 + ii leaves.
Neils, George [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Manager, J. Neils Lumber Company, Montana. Discusses changes in woods operations in Montana; development of sustained-yield concept in Washington, 1919-53. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 6 leaves.
Neils, Walter (b. 1888) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. President, J. Neils Lumber Company, Montana. Discusses developments in lumber handling and distribution; logging and lumbering in Cass Lake and Sauk Rapids, Minnesota; Paul Bunyan; Shevlin lumber interests in Montana; opening new markets; expansion; power line poles; hydroelectric plant; box factory; new machinery; 1883-1953. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Nelson, DeWitt (1901-1996) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Former director of California Department of Natural Resources; director of the American Forestry Association (American Forests); president of the Society of American Foresters; and forestry professor at a number of educational institutions. Nelson discusses forestry education at Iowa State College, early 1920s; flood control, fire control, range management, and timber sales in Trinity, Shasta, and San Bernardino national forests; California forestry law and legislation; management of California natural resources, 1925-1966. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. xvi + 327 leaves.
Nettleton, J. B.
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Rough transcript. History of the growth of Nettleton Lumber Company, Washington; lumber growth; grading rules; exports; Seattle, 1900s. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 13 leaves.
Nickey, Samuel M., Sr. (b. 1868) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. President of Nickey Brothers, Inc., discusses the growth of company from Indiana to Mississippi; venture in timberland near Vancouver, British Columbia; hardwood operations in Indiana and Tennessee. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Nordstrom, Ann E.
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Nordstrom, secretary to William B. Greeley at the offices of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association from 1928 to 1937, discusses her recollections of Greeley's business procedures, acquaintances, schedules, concerns, etc. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 28 leaves.
O'Neill, Maggie Orr (b. 1872) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1955 by Helen McCann White. Rough transcript. O'Neill relates the history of the St. Croix Valley in Minnesota and Wisconsin, including discussion of her father's camp on Tamarack near the Yellow River, 1880s; Big John Foote; woods provisions; food and clothing; John O'Donnel and "St. John's Stopping Place"; songs and dances in logging camps, 1880-90. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Robert E. Slaughter. 18 leaves.
Ollsen, John Dewey (b. 1899) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Logging engineer, Washington Pulp and Paper Company (later part of Crown Zellerbach Corporation), 1927. Includes discussion of biographical background; K. O. Foss; Lyle Tracy; Thorwood Berg; superintendent and office manager, Neah Bay Chipping Plant and Logging, Washington, 1932-33; the Depression; cost accounting; cubic foot measurement of timber; Edward P. Stamm; chief logging accountant, Northwest Division, 1945-63; technical innovations; fire problems; insect problems; budgetary control. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. i + 31 leaves.
Olsen, Gudmund "Midnight" [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. This captain on several California coast lumber ships discusses his employment with the Union Lumber Company; ship loading; labor; 1892-1953; and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 4 leaves.
Olson, L. J. (b. 1881) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Head accountant for the J. Neils Lumber Company in Minnesota discusses the growth and expansion of the company, 1902-53. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 4 leaves.
Olsson, Elis (1880-1959) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Olsson, chairman of Chesapeake Corporation of Virginia, discusses his birth in Sweden; life in America; first sulphite mill in Mosinee, Wisconsin, 1906; developing a forestry program for Chesapeake Corporation; the Depression; first high pressure steam boilers in United States; Joe Santry, Brompton Pulp and Paper Company; personal history; comments on West Point, Virginia, after Civil War; purchase and operation of Chesapeake Pulp and Paper Company. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Foundation. 28 leaves.
Oslund, Robert S. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Associate of Georgia-Pacific Corporation discusses Oregon timber tax, twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 6 leaves.
Ostrom, Carl Eric (1912- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 1994 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. U.S. Forest Service employee from 1934 to 1975 who held numerous positions including director of forest management research, 1957-1973, and associate deputy chief for research, 1974-1975. Discusses U.S. Forest Service research; silviculture; naval stores; pioneer units; research natural areas; forest health. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. iii
+ 94 leaves.
Parkinson, Dana
Oral history interview conducted 1968 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. This former director of Information and Education for the U.S. Forest Service, Washington Office, discusses Harold L. Ickes, Charles G. Dunwoody, loyalty to the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Forest Service and the community, and grazing problems of the 1930s. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 11 leaves.
Peirce, Earl S. (b. 1886) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1971 by Susan R. Schrepfer. Final transcript. Chief, Division of State Cooperation, U.S. Forest Service (1936-51). Discusses his childhood and education; Yale University; Henry S. Graves; Gifford Pinchot; Rocky Mountain Region; watershed; wildlife; recreation; mining timber management; multiple-use concept; New York College of Forestry, Syracuse; North Central Region; Civilian Conservation Corps; chief, Division of Land Acquisition, 1935; National Forest Reservation Commission; U.S. Forest Service vs. National Park Service; public regulation of private forestry; Northeastern Region, 1938; North Pacific Region, 1937; legislation; New England Hurricane, 1938; Texas Timber Salvage, 1944; Multiple Use Act, 1960; Weeks Act, 1911. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. x + 118 leaves.
Peterson, Howard W. (1914- ) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Employed by Crown Zellerbach, Washington, 1933. Discusses his childhood and education; development of logging technology; road building; steel spar; relayer system; tandem trailers; use of contracting; thinning; pre-logging tractors; bulldozer blade; Edward P. Stamm; logging crews. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. i + 37 leaves.
Peterson, Ralph Max (1927- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1991 and 1992 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Employee of the U.S. Forest Service, 1949-1985, holding numerous engineering and administrative positions before serving as chief from 1979 to 1987. Peterson discusses the U.S. Forest Service; California; engineering; forestry law and legislation; budgets; wilderness; work force diversity; clearcuts; endangered species. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. vi + 323 + [iii] leaves.
Peterson, Virgil G. (1916 -2009) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1973 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Secretary manager, Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau (Seattle, Washington). Peterson discusses his father's shingle interest in Northwest; the historical background of western red cedar; square pack shingles; trade promotion; cedar log exports; shingle grading, drying, and transportation; effects of Depression and wars; tariffs; unions; Bror L. Grondal; Fred Monte; W. W. Woodbridge; Stanley F. Horn; MacMillan Bloedel; Weyerhaeuser Company; fire retardants. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau and Paul R. Smith. viii + 158 leaves.
Philpot, Charles W. (1939- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2005 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. U.S. Forest Service scientist who ultimately served as director of the Pacific Northwest Research Station, 1988-1995. Topics covered in the interview include challenges that inspire forest research, such as endangered species, acid rain and global warming, but also how a large agency manages the research function and supports and rewards researchers. Produced by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service. iii + 119 leaves.
Plant, Charles (b. 1891) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1974 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Associated with Vancouver Lumber Company; Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, British Columbia, 1930-56. Discusses his youth in Great Britain; shingle making in Canada; shingle grades; labor; Bror L. Grondal; president, Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau; U.S. tariffs; trade associations; thousand pack to square pack; antiwood-shingle legislation; J. H. and Prentice Bloedel. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau and Paul R. Smith. vii + 81 leaves.
Plochmann, Richard P. (d. 1991) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1969 by Elwood R. Maunder and David T. Mason. Final transcript. Associated with University of Munich, Germany. Discusses his family history; education; World War II; employment in Canada; Asia; forestry education; forestry as a profession; multiple use; Douglas-fir; spruce; lumber prices; federal/private land ownership. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 70 leaves.
Plummer, Earl [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Former controller, Roseburg Lumber Company, discusses Oregon timber tax. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 2 leaves.
Porter, Earl (b. 1898) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1963 and 1964 by Elwood R. Maunder and Joseph A. Miller. Final transcript. Manager, Woodlands Department, Southern Kraft Division, International Paper Company. Discusses his education; summer jobs at logging camps, 1918, running lines for L. Graham; assistant logging engineer, Wheeler and Dusenberry Lumber Company, Pennsylvania; boundary surveyor, Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania; running a camp for Carbur Lumber Company, Louisiana; fire problems in the South; laying out projects for Civilian Conservation Corps camps in Florida; early industrial forestry in the South; pulp and paper industry. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 59 leaves.
Posey, Clayton E. (1938- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1994 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Professor of forest genetics at Auburn University, 1963-1965, and at Oklahoma State University, 1965-1969; silviculturist, manager, chief executive officer, and vice president of Universe Tankships, Inc., 1969-1978, chiefly concerned with Daniel K. Ludwig's tropical forest plantation in the Brazilian Amazon; owner and president of numerous trading companies, including Specialty Woods International, Corporation, since 1978. Discussion of tropical forestry; Daniel Ludwig and the Jari forestry project in Brazil; and the Gmelina tree species. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by T & S Hardwoods, Inc. Excerpted in Plantation Forestry in the Amazon: The Jari Experience (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1997). iv + 108 leaves.
Pyles, Hamilton K. (b. 1909) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1971 by Susan R. Schrepfer. Final transcript. Retired deputy chief, U.S. Forest Service, discusses his childhood and education; engineering and fire control on Sequoia, Lassen, Stanislaus, and Modoc national forests in California, 1931-52; multiple use; New Deal; World War II; North Central Region, Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Minnesota, 1952-56; labor unions; staff assistant, Office of the Chief, 1956; ten-year multiple-use plan; Eastern Region, 1957-62; mining; Biddle Tract; Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania; wilderness; Division of Information and Education; Multiple Use Act, 1960; Forest Service funds; deputy chief, Program Planning and Legislation, 1962-66; Wilderness Act, 1964; Treaty of the Potomac, between U.S. Forest Service and Park Service, 1964; Wild Rivers and National Trails Acts; discretionary powers of U.S. Forest Service; Public Land Law Review Commission. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. xi + 211 leaves.
Rawls, Marcus G. (1911-2000) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1976 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Former employee of St. Regis Paper Company discusses childhood exposure to logging operations in Florida; early training in the U.S. Forest Service research arm; employment with Union Bag and Paper Corporation in Georgia, 1936-1942; employment with St. Regis as forestry consultant and as manager; influence of Richard J. Cullen (International Paper) and James H. Allen (St. Regis) on industrial forestry; conservation; sustained-yield forestry; acquisitions and expansion of St. Regis in the South, 1950s-1960s. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 51 leaves.
Recknagel, Arthur Bernard (1883-1962) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Discusses his experiences in the U.S. Forest Service, Southwest, 1908; the Choctawhatchee National Forest in Florida, 1910; Gifford Pinchot; Bernhard E. Fernow; William B. Greeley; Theodore Roosevelt; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Richard E. McArdle; the National Industrial Recovery Act; the conservation movement; Finch Pruyn Lumber Company, New York; technical director of forestry, St. Regis Paper Company, New York. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 46 + iii leaves.
Reckord, Milton A. (1879-1975) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1974 by Elwood R. Maunder and Louis F. Lucas. Final transcript. Lt. General in the Maryland National Guard discusses his family background in Maryland, 1879-1900; the National Rifle Association (NRA); National Matches of NRA; firearms legislation; presidential support of NRA activities; conservation; NRA membership growth. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the National Rifle Association. vii + 59 leaves.
Redfield, Alfred Clarence (1890-1983) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1973 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Oceanographer emeritus, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Massachusetts; first chairman, Natural Resources Council of America (NRCA), 1946. Discusses his family background and involvement in science; president, Ecological Society of America, 1946; organization meeting of NRCA; participating organizations; Carl D. Shoemaker and Conservation News Service; scientific societies in NRCA; personal views on scientific studies, i.e., salt marshes, Alaska, wetlands laws; Thomas H. Langlois's disillusionment with NRCA; views on conservation; community government in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Natural Resources Council of America. viii + 74 leaves.
Reed, William G. (1908-1989) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1974 and 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder and Charles Buchwalter. Final transcript. Former employee of S. G. Simpson & Co. discusses Simpson-Reed interests in the Pacific Northwest; Reed family's management of company; logging, timberland ownership, forest products industry, and trade associations in Washington state; timber taxation; expansion of company in United States, Canada, and South America; George Drake and forest management. Produced by the Forest History Society. xii + 186 leaves.
Reilly, William Kane (1940- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1994 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Senior staff member, President's Council on Environmental Quality, 1970-1972; president of The Conservation Foundation, 1973-1989; president of World Wildlife Fund, United States, 1985-1989; administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989-1993. Discussion of World Wildlife Fund; environmental policy; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Clean Air Act; pollution control; President George Bush. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund and The Conservation Fund of Arlington, Virginia. iii + 76 leaves.
Respess, James L. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1991 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. President of Langdale Industries, Inc., in Valdosta, Georgia, discusses the Langdale Company; naval stores; wetlands; and southern pine. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by The Langdale Company. 13 leaves.
Richen, Clarence (b. 1912)
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Rough transcript. Employed by U.S. Forest Service and Crown Zellerbach Corporation. Discusses his childhood and early schooling; Swiss-rural environment; Portland, Oregon, public schools; college days at Oregon State University; choice of forestry profession; work at Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station; Thornton T. Munger; Axel Brandstrom; Richard E. McArdle; Walter H. Meyer; instructor, Oregon State University; summer consultant to Crown Zellerbach at Neah Bay, Washington; Edward P. Stamm. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. 61 leaves.
Richter, Louise E. (b. 1904) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder and John R. Ross. Final transcript. Employed by F. L. Carlisle & Company, 1924. Recollections of Roy K. Ferguson; St. Regis Paper Company, 1930s; pulp and paper industry during the Depression; brown paper bag revolutionizes package industry; World War II production; expansion in Pacific Northwest and South. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 40 leaves (combined with Wardwell, Eunice R. ohi).
Righter, Francis Irving "Pete" (b. 1897) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 and 1968 by Lois C. Stone. Final transcript. Employee of the Eddy Tree Breeding Station: Institute of Forest Genetics, located in Placerville, California. Discusses his personal background and education; Lloyd Austin; station background and site; early projects; arboretum established; walnut studies; techniques developed by staff; problems during the Great Depression; funding; staff changes; organization of U.S. Forest Service research; geneticist Jack Duffield; project leader Bob Callaham; station founder James G. Eddy; foreign visitors. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the Forest History Society. 40 leaves.
Robertson, F. Dale (1940- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 12-14 August 1999 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Robertson, former U.S. Forest Service chief from 1987 to 1993, reminisces about his career with the agency from 1961 to 1993. Includes discussion of such topics as clearcutting, endangered species, forest health, workforce diversity within the agency, forest politics, forest policy, and development of the ecosystem management concept. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service History Program. v + 135 leaves.
Robertson, Reuben B. (1879-1972) [PDF] [MP3 clip]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Elwood R. Maunder and Elwood L. Demmon. Final transcript. Associated with Champion Paper and Fibre Company, North Carolina, beginning in 1907. Robertson discusses Peter G. Thomson, founder of company; conversion of chestnut into pulp; Walter Damtoft; Carl A. Schenck; supplying tanneries; paper making; Champion vs. formation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina, 1925; Southern Forestry Congress, 1916; growth of the pulp and paper industry in the South; federal/private cooperation; American Paper and Pulp Association; New Deal. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Champion Paper and Fibre Company. 30 + ii leaves.
Rothermel, Richard C. (1929- )
Oral history interview conducted in 2005 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Discusses his work at the Missoula Fire Lab from its opening in 1961 until his retirement in 1994, including fire retardant studies and fire modeling. Describes in detail his development of the National Fire Danger Rating System, which seeks to characterize all the environmental factors that can affect the way a fire will burn, and which is now used by foresters around the world. Also gives first-hand accounts of the Yellowstone Fire of 1988 and other western fires, and discusses assistance he provided to Norman Maclean for the latter's book, Young Men and Fire. Produced by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service. ii + 48 leaves.
Russell, Walter [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Associated with Russell and Pugh Lumber Company, Minnesota and Idaho. Russell discusses his family history; early sawmills in Minnesota; Pacific Northwest, 1887; Western Pine Association; labor; lumber prices; tree disease; career in sawmills; hard times during the 1890s, 1830-1953. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 12 leaves.
Rutledge, J. C. (b. 1890) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Kramer A. Adams. Final transcript. Discusses his employment in various capacities in the Pacific Northwest, from firing boilers to car barn foreman to logging railroads. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. 54 leaves.
Rutledge, P. J. (b. 1874) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Rutledge discusses his experiences in northern California logging, including logging with Dolbeer and Carson Lumber Company, starting as a waterbuck and becoming general superintendent; early redwood logging; felling timber; yarding. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 10 leaves.
Schlenk, Hugo (b. 1862) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1955 by Helen McCann White. Final transcript. Associated with Weyerhaeuser Company, Minnesota, 1903-40; Northern and Cloquet lumber companies, Minnesota. Schlenk discusses his youth and early employment; Cloquet fire, 1918; C. N. Nelson Company; memories of Stillwater, Minnesota, and well-known lumbermen, 1840-1940. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Robert E. Slaughter. 12 leaves.
Schofield, William R. (1894-1973) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. This lobbyist for the California Forest Protective Association discusses his youth and education; employment with U.S. Forest Service, 1920s; and forest law and legislation in California. Co-produced by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Sponsored by the Forest History Society. [xv] + 137 + [33] leaves.
Shaw, Bartow S. (1941 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2011-12 by Steven Anderson. Final Transcript. President, American Forest Management, Sumter, South Carolina. Discusses early childhood, family, Federal Land Bank, Clemson University; Duke University; Nicholas School of the Environment; ROTC; becoming a pilot; Dwight Stewart, Frank McLeod, Roy Belser; Boris Hurlbutt and Associates; Shaw, McLeod, Belser, and Hurlbutt, Inc.; Forest Industries Council on Timber Taxation and Valuation; D. W. Alderman and Sons Company; Ernest Nutting of Camden; Brooklyn Cooperage; Korn Industries; Georgia Pacific; Williams Furniture Company; Lake Marion; Beidler; condemnation for the Congaree [Swamp] National Monument; David Anderton; Paul Klapthor; consultant trips to Russia and China; meeting with President Bush on capital gains; forest taxation; Helen Thomas; Bill Sellery; Hurricane Hugo; Chesapeake Corporation and Carter Fox; American Forest & Paper Association; Acquisition of Canal Forest Resources and Sustainable Forest Technologies (SFT); Robin Jolley; David Pritchard; John Welker; timber bidding; Landowner Assistance Programs; performance bonding for logging operations; forestry registration; forest certification; forestry as a profession; Society of American Foresters; South Carolina Forestry Association; Association of Consulting Foresters; The Santee River Bottomland Study; Timber Investment Management Organizations (TIMOs); the Shaw Method; the value of history. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by American Forest Management, Inc. 154 leaves.
Shellworth, Harry C. (b. 1877)
Oral history interview conducted April 1963 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Associated with Boise-Payette of Weyerhaeuser Company, Idaho. Shellworth discusses his family background and childhood; experiences as page in Idaho state legislature; problems of lumber industry in early twentieth century in Inland Empire. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 136 leaves.
Shellworth, Harry C. (b. 1877)
Oral history interview conducted December 1963 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Associated with Boise-Payette of Weyerhaeuser Company, Idaho. Shellworth discusses problems in the lumber industry during the early twentieth century in the Inland Empire; work as a lobbyist; the Civilian Conservation Corps; Idaho and federal politicians, especially Idaho's Governor Ben Ross. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 80 leaves.
Shields, Chester A. (b. 1923) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1978 by Ron Larson. Final transcript. Former associate deputy chief, U.S. Forest Service, 1970s, discusses management technology utilized by the U.S. Forest Service; childhood in Colorado; forestry education at Fort Lewis College, Colorado A & M; employment with U.S. Forest Service as ranger and management analyst; Deckard Management Survey; influence of Gordon Grey, Gordon Fox, and Walter Graves on his career. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Forest History Society and the U.S. Forest Service. 79 leaves.
Shingler, G. P. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Roy R. White. Final transcript. U.S. Forest Service employee; Chemical Warfare Service, 1923. Shingler discusses his work with the turpentine industry; naval stores operations in Florida and Georgia with Austin Cary; introduction of recording thermometer; lumber companies and Eloise Gerry's light chipping process; U.S. Forest Service appropriations; personal profile of Austin Cary. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by Crown Zellerbach Corporation and the Forest History Society. 10 leaves.
Sinclair, Orrin W. (b. 1875) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Final transcript. Manager, Ellensburg Lumber Company, division of Cascade Lumber Company, Washington. Sinclair discusses his early family history in movement west; homesteading and land ownership in Stillwater, Minnesota; mill operations of Cascade Lumber Company in Yakima, Washington, 1850-1905. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 10 leaves.
Smith, C. L. (b. 1870)
Oral history interview conducted 1965 by John Galloway. Rough transcript. Smith discusses Three States Lumber Company of Cairo, Illinois; Chicago Mill, 1900; formation of Chicago Mill partnership, 1920; Cairo, Memphis and Southern Railroad Transportation Company. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. 27 leaves.
Smith, David Martyn (1921- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1989 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Professor of forestry at Yale University. Discusses silvicultural practices in the United States; forestry education at Yale; forestry and grazing; Spruce Budworm and Gypsy Moth outbreaks; management of Yale University forests; Smith's research and publications on silviculture, including The Practice of Silviculture. Produced by the Forest History Society. iv + 126 leaves.
Smith, Paul R. (b. 1889) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1970 and 1973 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. President, M. R. Smith Lumber and Shingle Company, Seattle, Washington. Smith discusses his father's lumber business in Kansas; shingle enterprises in Moclips and Aloha, Washington; land negotiations with Office of Indian Affairs; log exports; labor; unions; profit sharing plan, 1955; shingle making standards; trade associations; Bror L. Grondal; fireproofing shingles; foreign markets; Donald H. Clark. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau. viii + 106 leaves.
Smith, Richard C. (1913 - )
Oral history interview conducted by James E. Fickle in 2005. Retired forestry professor from the University of Missouri School of Forestry (now the School of Natural Resources), and one of the early employees of the Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis Program. Discusses his work in the U.S. Forest Service, private industry, and education. 56 leaves.
Stevens, James F. (1892-1971) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1957 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Associated with McCloud River Lumber Company, California, as a teamster; Brooks-Scanlon sawmill, Oregon, green chain; World War I; public relations counsel, West Coast Lumbermen's Association; professional writer. Youth; schooling; family; "Hardshell Baptist" child preacher; work as teamster in logging camps of Idaho, Oregon, and California; early literary efforts; correspondence with H. L. Mencken; William Laughead's place in development of Paul Bunyan folklore; theories on background and development of Paul Bunyan legends; research on Bunyan; explanation of purpose and aim in writing. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 78 leaves.
Stewart, E. J. (b. 1880) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. Employment in lumber industry, northern California. Discusses transporting logs to Eel River Valley Lumber Company; gypsy rig; bull teams; tree falling by hand; early equipment and processes; Dolbeer donkey; log fixers; swampers; road building by pocket-knife engineers; lumber grading; loading by hand; loading by chute on the Mendocino coast; Hammond Lumber Company; Klamath-Eureka Railroad; Dolbeer-Carson Mill, first all-electric mill on the coast; introduction of cat tractors, drag saw power rigs. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 8 leaves.
Stilson, Harold M., Sr. (1902- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1974 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Retired shingle weaver discusses grandfather's work in shingle industry in Pacific Northwest, late 1800s; father's career as shingle weavers union organizer, 1910s to 1920s; Flynn upright machine; labor and unions; Industrial Workers of the World; Depression years and labor problems; Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit Shake Bureau and Paul R. Smith. vii + 79 leaves.
Stone, J. Herbert (1904-1980) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1971 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Retired regional forester, Pacific Northwest Region, U.S. Forest Service. Discusses his childhood and education; work in Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania, 1927-30; Southern Region, 1930-36; multiple use and Civilian Conservation Corps; Copeland Report (National Plan for American Forestry), 1933; state and private forestry; wilderness; North Central Region, 1939-45; World War II; Central States research; regional forester, Southern Region, 1946-51; European forestry and multiple use; World Forestry Congresses; history of multiple use; theory and practice of multiple use; U.S. Forest Service problems today. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. xi + 245 leaves.
Storer, Andrew F. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by John R. Ross. Final transcript. Employment with St. Regis Paper Company, New York. Discusses St. Regis acquisitions, sales, and management policy. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 44 leaves (combined with Woodcock, Charles A. ohi).
Stuart, William & Grace, Laura [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Research colleagues and currently professors of forestry at Mississippi State University, Stuart discusses his development of the Harvesting Analysis Technique while employed by the Harvesting Research Project, his role in the creation of the Industrail Forest Operations Program while at Virginia Tech, and gives wide-ranging observations of the social and economic forces that impacted mechanization in the woods. iii + 54 leaves.
Sutton, Harold S. (b. 1895) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder and John R. Ross. Final transcript. Employment with St. Regis Paper Company, New York. Discusses the Northern New York Trust Company under president Floyd L. Carlisle, 1919; Carlisle's growing financial empire included St. Regis Paper Company, public utilities in New York, and Bates Valve Bag Company; profile of Carlisle; Roy K. Ferguson; Louise Richter, 1920s-1940s. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 34 leaves (combined with Wardwell, Eunice r. ohi).
Sutton, Lyman (1867-1956) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Final transcript. Discussion of early logging in St. Croix Valley, Minnesota-Wisconsin, 1879. Skidding; hauling; economics, "everybody paid his bills"; Hinckley mill fire, 1894; first railroad logging, 1895; recruiting crews in Stillwater, Minnesota; Paul Bunyan legends at Bemidji, Minnesota; Russian crewmen. Produced by the Forest Products History Foundation. Sponsored by Robert E. Slaughter. 25 leaves.
Svarverud, Leland W. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Assessor of Douglas County, Oregon, discusses state's timber tax. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 14 leaves.
Swank, Wayne T. (1936-2020) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted in 2005 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Discusses his career in watershed research, especially at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in Otto, North Carolina, where he began in 1966 and where he worked in retirement as a Scientist Emeritus. Makes the case that watershed studies are the best examples of ecosystem research, and describes Coweeta's leadership in the field. Produced by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service. ii + 72 leaves.
Tarrell, Travis M.
Oral history interview conducted 1977 by Elmo Richardson. Rough transcript. Former employee of U.S. Bureau of Land Management discusses Oregon & California ("O & C") Lands; sustained-yield forestry; forest management in Oregon and California; trade associations and industry relations; Governor Sprague's role on "O & C" Advisory Board. Produced by the Forest History Society. 83 leaves.
Thomas, Jack Ward (1934- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 10-12 May 2001 by Harold K. Steen. Final Transcript. Jack Ward Thomas was a research wildlife biologist with the U.S. Forest Service from 1966 to 1993 and served as Chief of the agency from 1993 to 1996, when he retired from federal service to become the Boone and Crockett Professor of Wildlife Conservation at the University of Montana in Missoula. Early in his career he worked for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department as a research and management biologist. In this interview, Thomas discusses the evolution of the field of wildlife biology; his personal life; and his work experiences, focusing particularly on the influence of politics on the development and implementation of U.S. Forest Service policies while he was Chief. Specific topics discussed include the northern spotted owl/old growth logging controversy in the U.S. Pacific Northwest during the early 1990s; roadless areas; sport hunting; ecosystem management; below-cost timber sales; fire management; the Quincy Library Group's influence on forest management in California; the experience of being Chief of the Forest Service; and his interactions with politicians and with leaders of other agencies within the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of the Interior. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service History Program. vi + 120 leaves.
Thompson, Clyde (b. 1899) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1954 by John Larson. Final transcript. Purchasing agent for the Southern Pine Lumber Company in Diboll, Texas, discusses growth of company; Thompson known as "Duke of Diboll"; selective logging and changes in methods, 1917-54. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 9 leaves.
Thompson, Lawrence N. "Tommy", Jr. (1925-1999) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1997 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Co-founder and owner of T & S Hardwoods, Inc., in Milledgeville, Georgia; consultant to Daniel K. Ludwig's tropical forest plantation in the Brazilian Amazon during the 1970s and 1980s. Topics discussed include: tropical forestry; plantation silviculture; tree farms; forestry consulting; pulp production; Daniel Ludwig and the Jari project in Brazil; Gmelina tree species. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. Excerpted in Plantation Forestry in the Amazon: The Jari Experience (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1997). iii + 29 leaves.
Tischendorf, Willie, and Bitterlich, Walter (1908- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview with Walter Bitterlich and Willie Tischendorf conducted 1969 by Elwood R. Maunder and David T. Mason. Final transcript. Bitterlich, professor of forestry, University of Vienna. Tischendorf, graduate of University of Vienna, School of Forestry, and Ph.D. from University of Georgia. Bitterlich section: personal history; place of forestry in Austrian society; forest law; development of method of plotless cruising, 1948. Tischendorf and Bitterlich section: forest law and private property; reforestation; mining industry; early history of professional forestry; federal grants for forestry study; recreation on forests. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 46 leaves.
Towell, William Earnest "Bill" (1916-2004) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1988 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Former director of Missouri Conservation Commission; executive vice president of the American Forestry Association (American Forests); and director of numerous conservation organization boards. Discusses his childhood in the mountains of Missouri; forestry education at University of Michigan under Sam Dana, early 1930s; fire prevention, soil conservation, and Civilian Conservation Corps camps in Missouri, 1930s; American Forestry Association's political influence in the formulation of forest conservation legislation; natural resources/wildlife management; environmental movement. Produced by the Forest History Society. iii + 160 leaves.
Train, Russell Errol (1920-2012) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1993 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Chairman, President's Council on Environmental Quality, 1970-73; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator, 1973-77; president and chief executive officer of World Wildlife Fund, United States, 1978-present. Train discusses the National Environmental Policy Act; Council on Environmental Quality; Environmental Protection Agency; World Wildlife Fund; Conservation Foundation; President Richard M. Nixon; President Gerald R. Ford. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by World Wildlife Fund. v + 81 leaves.
Uhlman, Richard L. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Charles E. Ogle. Final transcript. Associate of Weyerhaeuser Company discusses timber taxation in Oregon during the twentieth century. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 8 leaves.
Varn, George (1920 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Discusses the evolution of his family's business, Varn Wood Products, established by his father and great-uncle. Produced by the Forest History Society. ii + 14 leaves.
Varn, Will (1955 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Describes his work running the land management and wood procurement activities of Varn Wood Products, a four-generation family business in Hoboken, Georgia. Vern also discusses the merchandising of wood,: converting any given tree into the highest value product possible. Produced by the Forest History Society. ii + 6 leaves.
Vilas, Homer A. (b. 1891) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. This St. Regis Paper Company employee discusses Roy K. Ferguson; F. L. Carlisle and Company; Union Bag and Paper Company; St. Regis activities during the Great Depression and World War II era. Also included is an interview with Carl B. Martin conducted by Kussmann and Samuel Shane in 1966 concerning history of St. Regis Company in 1910s and 1920s. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 30 leaves.
Wadsworth, Frank Howard (1915- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1992 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Employee of the U.S. Forest Service, 1938-present: director (1956-78) and research forester (1978-present), Institute of Tropical Forestry, Puerto Rico. Wadsworth discusses tropical forestry; international forestry; Tropical Forest Experiment Station; tropical forestry research; forestry associations and organizations. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service. iv + 119 + [3] leaves.
Wahl, John A. (1891-1987) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Employed by Weyerhaeuser Company, Washington, 1922-60. Discusses safety innovations in logging; early truck logging; railroad work for Simon Benson Logging Company, Oregon; Industrial Workers of the World; Wynoochee Timber Company; Clemons Logging Company, Washington; logging congresses; old-time loggers; logging safety; Charles Ingram; "Tip" O'Neil, Snoqualmie, Washington; lines of authority at Weyerhaeuser; Coos bay, Oregon; Frank Walling; J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr.; labor union relations; Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 40 leaves.
Walbridge, Tom [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Professor emeritus, forestry, Virginia Tech. Discusses his career as one of the first forest engineers in the American Southeast, including his work as a logging engineer for Bowaters Paper Company; his establishment and participation in the engineering group of the Southeastern Section of the American Pulpwood Association; his leadership role in the Harvesting Research Project; and his creation of the Industrial Forest Operations Program at Virginia Tech. iv + 16 leaves.
Wardwell, Eunice Remington [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by John Ross. Final transcript. Wardwell discusses Remington family paper making operations, turn-of-the-century New York; Knowlton Brothers; St. Regis Paper Company founders; logging railroads; mills; labor strike, 1915; Roy K. Ferguson; St. Regis operations through 1930s. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 30 leaves.
Weeks, Robert [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1953 by John Larson. Final transcript. This planer foreman with the Southern Pine Lumber Company in Diboll, Texas, discusses company logging with oxen; early mill buildings; living conditions, 1894-1944. Produced and sponsored by the Forest Products History Foundation. 4 leaves.
Welker, John [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1996 by Harold K. Steen. Final transcript. Manager of forest operations and forest planning for Daniel K. Ludwig's tropical forest plantation in the Brazilian Amazon from 1972 to 1983. Topics discussed include: tropical forestry; plantation silviculture; tree farms; forest planning; forest management; pulp production; Daniel Ludwig and the Jari project in Brazil; Gmelina tree species. Produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society. Excerpted in Plantation Forestry in the Amazon: The Jari Experience (Durham, N.C.: Forest History Society, 1997). iii + 83 leaves.
Welsh, William D. (b. 1890) [view at Internet Archive]
Oral history interview conducted 1966 by Amelia R. Fry. Final transcript. Employed by Crown Zellerbach Corporation. Discusses his childhood; early days as typesetter; newspaperman; World War I in South Pacific; editor, Evening News, Port Angeles, Washington; anecdotal material; Crown Zellerbach public relations activities; mill employer banquets; community open houses; American Forest Products Industries; paper school; speeches. Co-produced and sponsored by the Forest History Society and the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. ii + 80 leaves.
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick King (1895-1978) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1967 by Elwood R. Maunder. Final transcript. Former director of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association; founder of the Forest History Society; and officer of Weyerhaeuser Company for thirty years. Discusses early childhood experiences; grandfather's relationship with family members; father's distrust of trade associations; organization of Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., 1900; family members' positions in the company; price controls, 1950s; publication of Timber and Men. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by Weyerhaeuser Company. 25 leaves.
Weyerhaeuser, George H. (1926 - ) [PDF]
A series of oral history interviews conducted July 1977 by AHJ with Harry Morgan; January 1984 through July 1985 by Edgerly; and August through September 1992. Discusses a variety of topics regarding George’s family and his time with the Weyerhaeuser Company. Produced by the Weyerhaeuser Company. 445 leaves.
Whisnant, Archibald M. (1876-1961)
Oral history interview conducted 1958 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Early secretary, Pacific Logging Congress. Discusses Pacific Logging Congress, early twentieth century; George M. Cornwall; George S. Long. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 30 leaves.
Whisnant, Archibald M. (1876-1961)
Oral history interview conducted 1960 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Early secretary, Pacific Logging Congress. Whisnant discusses his youth and employment in the Midwest; Indian Service; move to Pacific Northwest, 1907; newspaper work; C. A. Smith; George M. Cornwall; William B. Greeley; Pacific Logging Congress; Industrial Workers of the World; The Timberman; Bolling Arthur Johnson; Lumber World Review; politics. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 50 leaves.
Williams, Thomas R. (b. 1881)
Oral history interview conducted 1961 by Elwood R. Maunder. Rough transcript. Associated with Ichabod T. Williams and Sons, New York. Discusses operations of business; general problems of mahogany trade; early family history; foreign markets. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 80 leaves.
Wirt, George H. (1880-1961) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1959 by Charles D. Bonsted. Final transcript. First trained forester employed by the state of Pennsylvania. Discusses his youth and education; Carl A. Schenck; George Vanderbilt; Gifford Pinchot; Pennsylvania state forestry; Joseph T. Rothrock; forestry education; fire protection. Produced by the Forest History Foundation. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation and Weyerhaeuser Foundation. 62 leaves.
Wolf, Robert E. "Bob" (1921-2005)
Oral history interview conducted 1978 by Elmo Richardson. Rough transcript. This former employee of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management discusses Oregon & California ("O & C") Lands; the "O & C" Act of 1937; members of the "O & C" Advisory Board; railroad land grants; grazing laws; forestry law and legislation; conservation; and sustained-yield forestry. Produced by the Forest History Society. 46 leaves.
Woodcock, Charles A. [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1975 by Elwood R. Maunder and John Ross. Final transcript. Former general sales manager of bag packaging operations, St. Regis Paper Company, 1950s-1960s. Discusses the papermaking industry during and after World War II; land acquisition and expansion of St. Regis in the South, 1950s; evolution of paper materials; St. Regis management personnel, including Carl Martin and Floyd Carlisle. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by St. Regis Paper Company. 42 leaves.
Woods, Phillip [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 2012 by Mason C. Carter. Final transcript. Executive Vice President, North & South America Operations, Resource Management Services, Birmingham, Alabama. Discusses the forest management philosophy and practices of a Timber Investment Management Organization (TIMO). 6 pages.
Wright, L. O. (1929 - ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted by Michael Clow and Peter MacDonald in 2004 as part of their series comparing the development of mechanized tree harvesting systems in Canada and the American Southeast. Final transcript. Wright discusses his role in the mechanization of tree harvesting, particularly his employment at Union Camp, where he began work in 1959 as a conservation forester and went on to build and manage the company's unique harvesting operation. ii + 23 leaves.
Wygant, Noel (1908- ) [PDF]
Oral history interview conducted 1979 by Ronald C. Larson. Final transcript. Former employee of U.S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 1930s-1954. Discusses childhood in Indiana; Paul Keen's influence on his career; forest entomology at Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station; shelterbelt insect studies in West, 1930s; research of Dutch Elm disease; Gypsy Moth, Western Pine Beetle, Western Spruce Bud Worm, and Engelmann Spruce Beetle outbreaks; chemical pesticides; environmental movement. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the Forest History Society. 37 leaves.
Zürcher, Ulrich, and Badoux, Eric
Oral history interview with Eric Badoux and Ulrich Zürcher conducted 1969 by Elwood R. Maunder and David T. Mason. Rough transcript. Badoux, interim director (b. 1934) of Swiss Forest Research Institute and lecturer in forest mensuration. Zürcher, collaborator (b. 1956) at Swiss Forest Research Institute. Topics discussed include protected forests in Switzerland; history of sustained yield and allowable cut; German influences; Swiss Forest Association; first federal forest protection laws passed, 1876; current position of forestry profession; comparison with forestry in other European countries; forestry education; forest service; multiple-use practices. Produced by the Forest History Society. Sponsored by the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation. 35 leaves.