Forest History Today Magazine

Fall 2002 Issue

View the table of contents for the Fall 2002 issue below.

Articles with [PDF] hyperlinks may be viewed in full-text format (requires Acrobat Reader).


[i] “Message from the President: Valuing History Enough to Save It” [PDF]
2 “Networks and Nature in the American Experience” by James N. Levitt [PDF]
12 “Ralph E. Brock and the State Forest Academy at Mont Alto, Pennsylvania” by Ellen A. Manno, Kim C. Steiner, and R. Alexander Day [PDF]
20 “Topography, Technology and Demand for Timber: Entrepreneurs and Foresters Shaping the Landscape in a Swiss Alpine Valley” by Matthias Burgi and Anton Schuler [PDF]
26 “The Biltmore Forest School Visits Oregon Operations: A Photo Essay” by Steven Anderson [PDF]
31 “Biographical Portrait: Spencer Fullerton Baird (1823-1887)” by Byron Anderson [PDF]
34 History on the Road: The North Carolina Museum of Forestry [PDF]
35 Books of Interest [PDF]
39 Mark Your Calendar [PDF]
Annual Report
40 From the Chairman [PDF]
40 Treasurer’s Report [PDF]
42 Contributions and Project Sponsors [PDF]
44 Gifts to the Forest History Society Library [PDF]
47 Forest History Society Issues Series [PDF]
48 Publications of the Forest History Society [PDF]