The endowed award and fellowship programs enable the Forest History Society to recognize scholarly achievement, and service to the organization and the community at large. These endowments encourage and honor students, researchers, and writers to pursue potential award-winning projects relating to the historical study of human interaction with forests, natural resources, and the environment.
Awards Endowment
The endowed award program enables the Forest History Society (FHS) to recognize scholarly achievement and service to the organization and the community at large. The maintenance of high selection standards reflects equally on the Society and the recipients. It partially supports the Leopold-Hidy Award given annually to the author of the best article in the journal Environmental History; the
Theodore C. Blegen Award presented annually to the author of the best article published in a journal other than Environmental History; and the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Book Award given annually to the author of the best book on forest and conservation history.
John M. Collier Award for Forest History Journalism
The John M. Collier Award for Forest History Journalism is given to a journalist whose work incorporates forest or conservation history in an article or series of articles published in North America that relate to environmental issues. John M. Collier, a longtime journalist who covered the forest industry, represented the best of the profession with thorough research, solid interpretation, and clear writing throughout his career. The award seeks to honor his work and memory by recognizing journalists who carry on his tradition of excellence.
Alfred D. Bell Travel Grants
The Forest History Society awards several Bell Travel Grants each year to researchers who use FHS resources to support their work. Travel Grants to support travel and lodging expenses incurred by researchers conducting in-depth studies using resources in the Society's Alvin J. Huss Archives and Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Library. FHS established the award to honor the memory of wholesale lumberman, forest industry editor, and former FHS vice president Alfred Bell, Jr., who died in 1985.
F.K. Weyerhaeuser Fellowship
Lynn W. Day (1932-1999) and her husband Stanley R. Day (1925-2002) endowed the Society's Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser Forest History Fellowship in 1986 to honor the memory of Lynn's father, F. K. Weyerhaeuser (1895-1978), to support FHS programs, and to strengthen the Society's affiliation with its affiliate. The fellowship currently provides a stipend to Duke University graduate students pursuing research in the fields of forest, conservation, or environmental history.
Walter S. Rosenberry Fellowship
Walter S. Rosenberry (1931-2005), a long-time supporter and Forest History Society Board member, provided the Society’s first endowment in support of its awards program. The fellowship provides a stipend to support the doctoral research of a graduate student attending a university in North America whose research contributes to forest and conservation history.
To make a donation to an endowed fund not yet shown on the FHS website, or to inquire about establishing a permanent legacy of support for FHS with a new endowed fund, please contact:
Laura Hayden
Development Associate
(919) 682-9319
[email protected]
Donations may be made online below, or by telephone (above), or by check to:
Forest History Society
2925 Academy Road
Durham, NC 27705
Please be sure to indicate which endowed fund you wish to support, and whether your donation is In Memory Of, or In Honor Of, a special individual or organization.
Other Presentations From FHS
Library & Archives
Help us preserve forest and conservation history by supporting one of our many endowments dedicated to preservation and access.
research & publications
We have several endowments dedicated to research and publications in the areas of oral history, digitization, service, informing public opinion, and more.
Education & Outreach
Education and outreach go hand-in-hand at FHS. Part of our mission to educate students of all ages about the history of human interaction with the forested environment.
The unrestricted endowment fund provides flexibility to allocate funds where they are needed most. The endowment is a great way to help FHS take advantage of new projects and initiatives when they arise.