Lynn W. Day Endowment

Lynn Weyerhaeuser Day (1932-1999) is the daughter of timberman Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser (1895-1978), one of the founders of the Forest History Society. Like her father, she was a strong supporter of the Society, working for more than thirty years to help FHS promote the historical study of human interaction with the forested environment.
To honor Lynn's many contributions to FHS, the Forest History Society established in 2001 the Lynn W. Day Endowment for Publications in Forest History. The endowment has been augmented with funds from a Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Lecture Series
Funds from the Lynn W. Day Endowment for Publications in Forest History also help to support an annual lecture series. The Lynn W. Day Distinguished Lectureship in Forest and Conservation History is a collaborative effort between the Forest History Society, the Duke University Department of History, and the Nicholas School of the Environment. The lecture series seeks to recognize a scholar or leader in natural resources that is shaping our understanding of human history and environmental change. In addition to being serious scholarship, the lectureship is intended to be accessible to a broad audience on unique and provocative topics and philosophies.
Weyerhaeuser family members, FHS members, and the public have all contributed to the endowment. Funds from the endowment support: (1) the Society's Visiting Scholars program, which provides sabbatical leave for a research historian to conduct forest history research at FHS leading to publications; (2) the FHS Distinguished Lectureship in Forest and Conservation History; and (3) the production of monograph publications to help distribute information about forest, conservation, and environmental history to a wide audience. The Lynn Day Endowment will ensure her continuing legacy.
To contribute, use the Lynn W. Day Endowment pledge form [PDF]. Make checks payable to the Forest History Society and mail to:
Lynn W. Day Endowment
Forest History Society
2925 Academy Rd.
Durham, NC 27705
Please contact Laura Hayden, FHS Development Associate, for more information.
Telephone: (919) 682-9319 Fax: (919) 682-2349

Other Ways to Support
Lynn W. Day Biography
Raised in St. Paul, Minnesota, Lynn Day was a graduate of Miss Porter's School in Farmington, Connecticut, and of Vassar College. She moved to the Detroit area in 1956 after marrying Stanley R. Day, a longtime Michigan resident. Together they raised a family of four children.
Lynn W. Day Lectureship
The Lynn W. Day Distinguished Lectureship in Forest and Conservation History is a collaboration between FHS, the Duke Univ. Department of History, and the Nicholas School of the Environment recognizing an individual that is shaping our understanding of human history and environmental change.