Peeling Back The Bark
From Aerologger to "Balloondoggle"
By Eben Lehman on April 29, 2011“Recent experiments conducted in the woods of the Great Upper Lumber Company of Scandinavia have demonstrated the permanency of the Aerologger for use in the lumbering operations of this and other planets.” So read the opening sentence of a 1913 article found in the publication Steam Machinery, in which author S. MacHenry described a double-plane…
Reigniting the Green Fire: Aldo Leopold Story Comes to Life
By Guest Contributor on April 15, 2011Curt Meine reflects on the long journey that brought about the making of the new documentary film Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time. Curt worked with Steve Dunsky, Ann Dunsky, and Dave Steinke–the folks who brought you The Greatest Good documentary–on this project. After five years of talking, imagining, brain-storming,…
Happy Birthday, Merle Haggard!
By James Lewis on April 6, 2011On this day in 1937, country music legend—and close friend of Smokey Bear—Merle Haggard was born in Oildale, California. Merle put his own spin on Smokey’s fire prevention message in this poster by declaring “Keep it Country, Keep it Green!” The poster appeared during the year Smokey turned 50. The Forest Service thoughtfully captioned the…
Forest History Film Festival Starts Today
By James Lewis on April 1, 2011We are proud to announce the first annual Forest History Film Festival. With the approach of spring, the trees here at Peeling Back the Bark World Headquarters are in full bloom. So we thought it a perfect time to hold a film festival so we can hide from the rising pollen counts. Below are this…