
FHS Publications
The Forest History Society's publications include a wide variety of materials. The Issues Series provides needed historical background on current issues in forestry and natural resource management. Our Forest History Today magazine, monthly newsletter Forest Timeline, and quarterly Environmental History journal engage and inform members worldwide. The Society also features numerous other books available for purchase, along with four documentary films.
U.S. Forest Service History Books
In addition to maintaining the U.S. Forest Service Headquarters History Reference Collection, FHS has published numerous books documenting different aspects of the agency's history.
Forest Timeline Newsletter
Members and donors automatically receive our monthly electronic newsletter. It's the best way to keep up with all the latest news about our activities. If you would like to subscribe, please sign up online.
Other Ways to Support
Lynn Day Endowment
Established in 2001, the Lynn W. Day Endowment for Publications in Forest History promotes the historical study of human interaction with the forested environment.
Library & Archives
Help us preserve forest and conservation history by supporting one of our many endowments dedicated to preservation and access.