Forest History Today Magazine
Spring/Fall 2021 Issue

Feature articles in this issue include new assessments of the iconic American chestnut and of the Bureau of Land Management, the use of homing pigeons in fire communications, the contribution of monks and monasteries to forest management, a profile of the man who created the iconic Forest Service signage, and the story of one man’s unusual career path within the US Forest Service. You’ll also find a history timeline of the Forest History Society! In the Columns department, you can learn about a logging ghost town, and an early forestry ecologist in Texas. To receive a print copy of the magazine, become a supporter of the Forest History Society today! (view cover image)
Download the IssueLinked articles are accessible in PDF format (requires Acrobat Reader).
[i] | “Message from the President: Because They Said Yes” by Steven Anderson [PDF] |
2 | “Editor’s Note” by James G. Lewis [PDF] |
3 | Masthead [PDF] |
Features | |
4 | “King Chestnut? A New Look at an Iconic North American Tree Species” by Donald Edward Davis [PDF] |
18 | “Feathered Fire Fighters: The Use of Homing Pigeons in Fire Communication” by Elizabeth G. Macalaster [PDF] |
22 | “Managing for Ecological and Spiritual Values: A Brief History of Monastic Forestry” by Jason M. Brown [PDF] |
32 | “Who Will Celebrate Us? The Bureau of Land Management at Seventy-Five” by James R. Skillen [PDF] |
42 | “The Family of Shapes: The History of Bus Carrell’s Forest Signs” by Greg Christensen [PDF] |
50 | “’There Are Advantages All Ways’: Choosing a Career in Forestry in the 1920s” by Margaret W. Andrews [PDF] |
60 | “75 Years of the Forest History Society: 1946–2021” by James G. Lewis [PDF] (Best if read in two-page or side-by-side view) |
Columns | |
66 | Portrait: William L. Bray (1865–1953) by Char Miller [PDF] |
71 | Places: Maxville, Oregon—A Logging Ghost Town by Silas Lobnibe and Mary Oberst [PDF] |
76 | Media by Lauren Bissonette, Eben Lehman, and James G. Lewis [PDF] |
Society News | |
81 | Contributors and Sponsors [PDF] |
83 | Honor Roll of Members of 25-plus Years [PDF] |
83 | Welcome New FHS Members! [PDF] |
84 | Gifts to the Forest History Society Library [PDF] |
85 | Awards and Fellowships [PDF] |
88 | Publications of the Forest History Society [PDF] |
89 | Officers and Staff of the Forest History Society [PDF] |
Back Cover [PDF] |