Duke University

In 1984, the Forest History Society relocated to Durham and established a cooperative agreement with Duke University for the purpose of “developing and maintaining mutually supportive programs in the areas of forest, conservation, and environmental history.” The Society awards an $11,000 fellowship annually to a Duke student studying forest and conservation history.
The Society, in collaboration with the Department of History and the Nicholas School of the Environment, cosponsors the annual Lynn Day Distinguished Lecture Series in Forest and Conservation History, bringing renowned environmental historians to the Duke campus to interact with students, scholars, and surrounding community.
Many Duke students in the humanities and sciences find the FHS library and archival resources invaluable for research and thesis writing; and several classes, host field trips to the Society’s headquarters.
FHS President Dr. Steven Anderson is adjunct faculty at the Duke Nicholas School of the Environment and serves on committees for graduate students doing work on forest and conservation history.