Peeling Back The Bark
CSI Madison, Wisconsin: Wooden Witness
By Amanda T. Ross on March 31, 2009The setting: A bleak and blustery evening at an estate in 1930s Hopewell, N.J. The scene: At 9:00 p.m., a well-dressed man hears a noise he later likens to an orange crate falling off a kitchen chair. Noting nothing amiss,… -
GAO Report on Federal Land Management Issued
By James Lewis on March 18, 2009In 1964, Congress created the Public Land Law Review Commission “to explore how to simplify public land laws and make administering them more effective.” Now, forty-five years later, the General Accounting Office has released a report on the pros and …
In Her Boots: Women in the Forests
By Amanda T. Ross on March 8, 2009In honor of International Women's Day, please enjoy a brief sampling of FHS resources on women in forest-related professions.
Dr. Eloise Gerry at microscope.
Our U.S. Forest History portal highlights the contributions of many foresters, scientists, and others. The …
Add One Northern Spotted Owl, Stir in Controversy, and Bring to a Boil
By James Lewis on March 7, 2009On March 7, 1991, U.S. District Court Judge William Dwyer blocked logging of all old-growth trees on national forests in the Pacific Northwest that were habitat for the northern spotted owl to protect the animal. Ruling in favor of the …