1908 Ranger Examination

This page is a transcription of the original document; the layout reflects the general style and organization of the original where possible.

Series No. 4
Apr., 1908
Sheet 1.





Competitor must fill these blanks.
Time commenced __________. Date _____________________________________. Examination No. ____________
Time finished _____________. Place of Examination____________________________________________________
N.B. -- Do not write on this sheet. Blank sheets will be furnished for the answers to the questions hereon. Number answers to correspond with numbers of questions.
Number consecutively the sheets of answers to questions hereon, and write in the following spaces the total number of such attached sheets: Number of sheets _____




Question 1. On what Forest, or Forests, do you desire appointment as a Forest Ranger? Give general description of one of these Forests describing (a) topography, or lay of the country; (b) the kind of Forest, giving the common names of principal merchantable trees; (c) the logging operations, their extent and importance; (d) the stock industry, showing the extent and nature of the range; (e) the principal settlements in or near the Forest. (f) In your opinion what was the main reason for creating this Forest?
Question 2. (a) Describe in detail logging in a locality with which you are familiar, covering all operation, from felling the tree to delivery of logs at the sawmill, using all ordinary names applied to the men, operations, and implements. (b) Describe a sawmill with which you are familiar and describe how the logs are made into lumber.

Question 3. What are the ordinary specifications of railroad ties, mining stull, lagging, fence posts? What is a cord of wood? A board foot? How are telephone poles generally measured? How are logs scaled? Name a log scale in common use in your locality and give the contents of logs of the following sizes by this scale:

  • 16 feet long and 26 inches in diameter small end
  • 18 feet long and 30 inches in diameter small end
  • 24 feet long and 18 inches in diameter small end
  • 12 feet long and 15 inches in diameter small end

Question 4. What are the dimensions of a township? Section? Quarter section? A forty? A square acre? How many links in a surveyor's chain? How many feet? How many chains in a mile? How many acres in a tract of land 600 feet wide by 3960 feet long?
Question 5. State how you would construct a 14 by 18-foot log cabin? Give the amount of material necessary and approximate cost of construction.

Sheet 2.


Question 6. (a) Enumerate the articles of food and give the amount of each which you would take with you on a two-weeks' trip in August, considering that you were entirely dependent on the supplies you took with you. (b) How many pounds can the average horse pack for six consecutive days, making 15 miles per day? How many pounds can the average man pack under the same conditions?
Question 7. (a) Describe a method of handling range cattle in a district with which you are familiar. Range sheep. (b) Describe by diagram four brands and four earmarks and give the name by which each is known.

Question 8. What constitutes valid residence on a homestead claim? What are the improvement and cultivation requirements and under what conditions can patent be obtained under the timber and stone act, the desert land act, and the placer mining laws?

Question 9. How and for what purposes are National Forests created? How do they affect the water flow, agriculture, lumbering, grazing, and mining?

Question 10. What are the chief duties of a Forest Ranger? Give a plan for protecting a specified tract of land against fire. How would you fight a fire on this tract if it had a good start?

Sheet 3.

The examiner must fill these blanks.
Date of examination _____________, 190___. Place of examination___________________________
Examination number __________________________________________________________________
Name of competitor __________________________________________________________________
______________________(Post-office), ______________________(County), ___________________ (State).


INSTRUCTIONS TO THE EXAMINER.-- Under "Ratings" the examiner will give the rating to which, in his opinion, the competitor is entitled in each test, considering the fitness of the competitor, skill, and ability shown, on the following basis: Very poor, 40 per cent or less; poor, 50 per cent; tolerable, 60 per cent; fair, 70 per cent; good, 80 per cent; excellent, 90 per cent; perfect, 100 per cent. Under "Remarks" the reasons for very high or very low ratings should be given, and any facts noted which may bear upon the rating given or affect the value of the competitor's service to the Government.
Question 1. Saddle and bridle a horse. Ride a quarter of a mile and return (a) at a trot, (b) at a gallop. Time and manner of saddling and unsaddling to be taken into consideration by the examiner.

Question 2. Pack a horse with a tent, two blankets, one-man cook outfit, axe, and shovel, and sufficient grain or provisions to make an entire pack weigh 150 pounds. No paniers to be used. Any satisfactory hitch to be accepted. (Rate on familiarity, neatness, and dispatch, and also experience as determined by oral questions. Competitors should not be allowed to watch the examination of other competitors.)

Question 3. Estimate by pacing, the distance around a triangular tract of not less than one-half mile, giving the distance in rods, yards, and feet. (After all estimates have been submitted examiner will measure exact distance with tape or chain. The route should not be less than one-half mile in length.)

Question 4. Set up a compass, and allowing for the variation given by the examining officer, indicate east, north 25 degrees west, south 50 degrees east. Take the bearing of a designated object and give the compass reading. (Allow only a reasonable length of time for the applicant to complete this test. Rate on quickness, accuracy, familiarity, and experience as determined by oral questions. No competitor should be allowed to watch the examination of other competitors.)

Question 5. Run a compass line around a designated area and read and record the courses, allowing for the variation as given by the examining officer. (Lay out a five-sided irregular figure, with sides between 100 and 200 feet in length, setting proper poles or stakes at each angle. Allow only a reasonable length of time for the applicant to complete this test. Rate on quickness, accuracy, familiarity, and experience as determined by oral questions. No competitor should be allowed to watch the examination of other competitors.)

I hereby certify that the above-named competitor neither gave nor received assistance during his examination, and that ratings given by me are equitable and just, to the best of my knowledge and belief,

(Signature of examiner) _________________________________ Date ____________, 190__
(Title) ______________________________________________

1925 Ranger Exam