Inventory of the John W. Korb Slides and Photographs, 1956-1963
Descriptive Summary
Abstract: John W. Korb retired from the United States Forest Service in 1993 after 36 years with the agency. Among his posts, Korb was Recreation and Fire Staff Assistant at the George Washington National Forest in 1963, and later the National Forest Service Winter Sports Specialist at the Rocky Mountain Regional Office.
The collection includes 26 color slides and 19 black-and-white photographs by Korb documenting the September 24, 1963 ceremony wherein President John F. Kennedy dedicated the Pinchot Institute for Conservation at Grey Towers National Historic Landmark in Milford, Pennsylvania. The collection also includes 142 color slides taken by Korb between 1956 and 1961 while working on the NezPerce National Forest in Idaho. These images document the construction of the new Sheep Hill Lookout, sawmills, operations on the Slate Creek Ranger District, the Elk City Ranger District, the Inter-regional Fire Team, and much more. [View digital items]
Title: John W. Korb Slides and Photographs, 1956-1963
Creator: Korb, John W.
Repository: Forest History Society Library and Archives
Call Number: 2940
Language of Material: Material in English
Extent: 0.25 linear feet (168 slides, 19 photographic prints)
Biographical Note
John W. Korb retired from the United States Forest Service in 1993. Among his posts, Kolb was Recreation and Fire Staff Assistant at the George Washington National Forest in 1963 and National Forest Service Winter Sports Specialist at the Rocky Mountain Regional Office.
Korb attended Paul Smith's College in New York, graduating in 1956. He graduated from the University of Montana in 1958 with a BS degree in forest management.
Korb worked for the U.S. Forest Service for over 36 years in four different regions (1, 2, 7, and 8), on several national forests (including the NezPerce, George Washington, and Daniel Boone), and in two regional offices (Southern and Rocky Mountain). He retired in September 1993 from the Rocky Mountain Region Office in Lakewood, Colorado, as Branch Chief of Developed Recreation and Winter Sports Administration.
As of 2001, John Korb and his wife Sally split time between Lakewood, Colorado, and Mesa, Arizona. The Korbs had three children and five grandchildren.
Collection Overview
The collection includes 26 color slides and 19 black-and-white photographs that are reproductions of originals taken by John Korb. Korb documented the September 24, 1963 ceremony wherein President John F. Kennedy dedicated the Pinchot Institute for Conservation at Grey Towers National Historic Landmark in Milford, Pennsylvania. At the time, Korb was employed with the USDA Forest Service as Recreation and Fire Staff Assistant at the George Washington National Forest; on the day of the dedication, he was assigned as a representative to the Secret Service. The images depict President Kennedy's arrival and departure via Air Force 1, the dedication ceremony, and the Grey Towers grounds. The collection also includes 142 color slides taken by Korb between 1956 and 1961 while working on the NezPerce National Forest in Idaho. These images document the construction of the new Sheep Hill Lookout, sawmills, operations on the Slate Creek Ranger District, the Elk City Ranger District, the Inter-regional Fire Team, and much more.
Collection Arrangement
- Pinchot Institute Dedication Slides and Photographs, 1963
- NezPerce National Forest Slides, 1956-1961
Subject Headings
- Air Force One (Presidential aircraft) -- Photographs
- Grey Towers National Historic Site (Milford, Pa.) -- Photographs
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 -- Photographs
- Korb, John W.
- Nezperce National Forest (Idaho)
- Pinchot Institute for Conservation
- United States Forest Service
- United States Forest Service -- Officials and employees
Detailed Description of the Collection
1. Pinchot Institute Dedication Slides and Photographs, 1963.
(26 color slides, 19 black-and-white prints)

John W. Korb with Pinchot Institute plaque unveiled by President Kennedy on September 24, 1963.
2. Nezperce National Forest Slides, 1956-1961.
(142 color slides)
**Photographs and slides from this collection have been digitized and can be accessed online via the FHS Image Database.
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
No restrictions.
Copyright Notice
The nature of the Forest History Society's archival holdings means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine despite reasonable efforts. The Forest History Society claims only physical ownership of most archival materials.
The materials from our collections are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user must assume full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used for academic research or otherwise should be fully credited with the source.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], John W. Korb Slides and Photographs, Library and Archives, Forest History Society, Durham, NC, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Received from Dave Steinke prior to 2006; Nezperce slides donated by John W. Korb in 2019.
Processing Information
Processed by Staff
Encoded by Amanda Ross, May 2009; updated January 2020
Funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission supported the encoding of this finding aid. Support for digitization and outreach provided by the Alvin J. Huss Endowment.