Library & Archives

The Forest History Society's Library and Archives are the Society's central activity, enhancing the operation of other core programs in research, publication, and educational outreach. Our collections shed light on the conservation movement, the profession of forestry, and the use of forests and related natural resources throughout the world. Rich resources and skilled staff make our Library and Archives unique in the fields of forest, conservation, and environmental history.

FHS library book

Learn More

  • Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Library
    Our library contains a treasure trove of published materials in the fields of forest, conservation, and environmental history.
  • Alvin J. Huss Archives
    Our archival collections feature unique resources covering the conservation movement, the profession of forestry, and the use of forests and related resources around the world.



Historic Photo Collection

FHS maintains a rich collection of photographs, slides, negatives, and glass plates, documenting the history of human interaction with the forest environment.


U.S. Forest Service History

The Forest Service maintains a historical reference collection at FHS. Includes copies of articles, correspondence, books, pamphlets, photos, and more.

search databases

Search Databases

The FHS research databases provide access to citations of environmental history topics, over 45,000 historic photos, Forest Service history materials, and much more.