U.S. Forest Service History Books

The Forest History Society has long had an interest in documenting the history of the U.S. Forest Service, the federal agency with responsibility for managing the largest number of forested acres in the United States. In addition to maintaining the U.S. Forest Service Headquarters History Collection, FHS has also published numerous materials documenting the history of the agency.

All FHS imprint books are distributed by the University of North Carolina Press. Individuals can order our books from their bookseller of choice or direct from our publishing partners at the links below. Retailers who would like to carry FHS books can order them through UNC Press and its fulfillment partner, Longleaf Services. For ordering and account information, visit UNC Press’s website 

Chiefs Remember: The Forest Service, 1952-2001

Steen, Harold K., ed. 2005. Hardcover & softcover.

Conservation Diaries of Gifford Pinchot

Steen, Harold K., ed. 2001. 230 pp. Hardcover.

Forest Management for All: State and Private Forestry in the U.S. Forest Service

Bramwell, Lincoln. 2013. 103 pp. Softcover.

Forest Service and The Greatest Good: A Centennial History

Lewis, James G. 2005. 290 pp. Hardcover & softcover.

Forest Service Research: Finding Answers to Conservation's Questions

Steen, Harold K. 1998. v+102 pp. Softcover.

Jack Ward Thomas: The Journals of a Forest Service Chief

Thomas, Jack Ward. 2011. Edited by Harold K. Steen. 417 pp. Softcover.

Lands Worth Saving: The Weeks Act of 1911, the National Forests, and the Enduring Value of Public Investment

Lewis, James G. 2018. 156 pp. Softcover.

Proceedings of the U.S. Forest Service Centennial Congress: A Collective Commitment to Conservation

Anderson, Steven, ed. 2006. 512 pp. Softcover.

U.S. Forest Service: A History

Steen, Harold K. 2004. xvi+356 pp. Hardcover & softcover.

View from the Top: Forest Service Research

Arnold, R. Keith, Murlyn B. Dickerman, and Robert E. Buckman. Edited by Harold K. Steen. 1994. xiv+365 pp. Softcover.