Complete Book List
The Forest History Society has been a leading publisher of forest and conservation history for more than half a century, publishing books under its own imprint and in cooperation with university presses and other organizations. All FHS imprint books are distributed by the University of North Carolina Press. Individuals can order our books from their bookseller of choice or direct from our publishing partners at the links below. Retailers who would like to carry FHS books can order them through UNC Press and its fulfillment partner, Longleaf Services. For ordering and account information, visit UNC Press’s website.

Issue Series

Newsprint: Canadian Supply and American Demand
Roach, Thomas R. 1994. vii+56 pp. Softcover.
Other Publications

Corks and Suspenders: Memoir of an Early Forester
Hagenstein, William D. 2010. Softcover.

The Duke Forest at 75: A Resource for All Seasons
Lynch, Ida Phillips. Office of the Duke Forest, 2006. Softcover.

George S. Long: Timber Statesman
Twining, Charles E. 1994. 414 pp. Hardcover.