Complete Book List

The Forest History Society has been a leading publisher of forest and conservation history for more than half a century, publishing books under its own imprint and in cooperation with university presses and other organizations. All FHS imprint books are distributed by the University of North Carolina Press. Individuals can order our books from their bookseller of choice or direct from our publishing partners at the links below. Retailers who would like to carry FHS books can order them through UNC Press and its fulfillment partner, Longleaf Services. For ordering and account information, visit UNC Press’s website 

Chiefs Remember: The Forest Service, 1952-2001

Steen, Harold K., ed. 2005. Hardcover & softcover.

Common Goals for Sustainable Forest Management

Sample, V. Alaric and Steven Anderson, eds. 2008. xix+399 pp. Softcover.

Conservation Diaries of Gifford Pinchot

Steen, Harold K., ed. 2001. 230 pp. Hardcover.

Cradle of Forestry in America: The Biltmore Forest School

Schenck, Carl Alwin. 2011. Edited by Ovid Butler. Published in cooperation with the Cradle of Forestry in America Interpretive Association and the U.S. Forest Service History Program. xv+224 pp. Softcover.

Forest Aesthetics

von Salish, Heinrich. 2008. Translated by Walter L. Cook Jr. and Doris Wehlau. 400 pp. Softcover.

Forest and Wildlife Science in America: A History

Steen, Harold K., ed. 1999. 455 pp. Softcover.

Forest Management for All: State and Private Forestry in the U.S. Forest Service

Bramwell, Lincoln. 2013. 103 pp. Softcover.

Forest Service and The Greatest Good: A Centennial History

Lewis, James G. 2005. 290 pp. Hardcover & softcover.

Forest Service Research: Finding Answers to Conservation's Questions

Steen, Harold K. 1998. v+102 pp. Softcover.

Ground Work: Conservation in American Culture

Miller, Char. 2007. 182 pp. Hardcover.

Jack Ward Thomas: The Journals of a Forest Service Chief

Thomas, Jack Ward. 2011. Edited by Harold K. Steen. 417 pp. Softcover.

Lands Worth Saving: The Weeks Act of 1911, the National Forests, and the Enduring Value of Public Investment

Lewis, James G. 2018. 156 pp. Softcover.

Millicoma: Biography of a Pacific Northwestern Forest

Smyth, Art. 2000. xix + 145 pp. Softcover.

Pathway to Sustainability: Defining the Bounds on Forest Management

Fedkiw, John, Douglas W. MacCleery, and V. Alaric Sample. 2004. vii+64 pp. Softcover.

Plantation Forestry in the Amazon: The Jari Experience

Posey, Clayton E., et al. 1997. ix+281 pp. Softcover.

Proceedings of the U.S. Forest Service Centennial Congress: A Collective Commitment to Conservation

Anderson, Steven, ed. 2006. 512 pp. Softcover.

Tongass Timber: A History of Logging and Timber Utilization in Southeast Alaska

Mackovjak, James. 2010. 386 pp. Softcover.

U.S. Forest Service: A History

Steen, Harold K. 2004. xvi+356 pp. Hardcover & softcover.

View from the Top: Forest Service Research

Arnold, R. Keith, Murlyn B. Dickerman, and Robert E. Buckman. Edited by Harold K. Steen. 1994. xiv+365 pp. Softcover.

Issue Series

American Forests: A History of Resiliency and Recovery

MacCleery, Douglas W. 2012. 65 pp. Softcover.

America's Fires: A Historical Context for Policy and Practice

Pyne, Stephen J. 2010. xvii+93 pp. Softcover.

America's Forested Wetlands: From Wasteland to Valued Resource

Stine, Jeffrey K. 2008. 96 pp. Softcover.

Genetically Modified Forests: From Stone Age to Modern Biotechnology

Burdon, Rowland D. and William J. Libby. 2006. 79 pp. Softcover.

Canada's Forests: A History

Drushka, Ken. 2003. viii+97 pp. Softcover.

Forest Pharmacy: Medicinal Plants in American Forests

Foster, Steven. 1995. vi+57 pp. Softcover.

Forest Sustainability: The History, the Challenge, the Promise

Floyd, Donald W. 2002. x+83 pp. Softcover.


Newsprint: Canadian Supply and American Demand

Roach, Thomas R. 1994. vii+56 pp. Softcover.

Wood for Bioenergy: Forests as a Resource for Biomass and Biofuels

Mendell, Brooks and Amanda Hamsley Lang. 2012. 77 pp. Softcover.

Other Publications

Bernhard Eduard Fernow: A Story of North American Forestry

Rodgers, Andrew Denny, III. 1991. xii+623 pp. Hardcover.

Bringing in the Wood: The Way It Was at Chesapeake Corporation

Buxton, Mary Wakefield. 1999. 187 pp. Hardcover & softcover.

Cork and Suspenders

Corks and Suspenders: Memoir of an Early Forester

Hagenstein, William D. 2010. Softcover.


The Duke Forest at 75: A Resource for All Seasons

Lynch, Ida Phillips. Office of the Duke Forest, 2006. Softcover.

George Long Timber Statesman

George S. Long: Timber Statesman

Twining, Charles E. 1994. 414 pp. Hardcover.