Individual Support

Supporting the Forest History Society is a unique opportunity to bring history to life. Your support funds critical activities like the processing of archival collections, digitizing rare photos, and the recording of oral histories. Not only do we make these materials available to researchers, museums, and publishers, but FHS transforms these primary historical records into books, films, and educational resources.

If you are experiencing financial limitations and would like to request a reduced membership rate, please contact Laura Hayden at (919) 660-0552 or email her at [email protected].

annual giving levels

  • Subscription to Forest History Today magazine
  • "Forest Timeline" e-newsletter
  • Member discount of 10% off all FHS books & films
  • Priority access to reference & referral staff
  • Environmental History journal (Friend & above)
  • Donor recognition in Forest History Today magazine (Friend & above)
  • New releases of Issue Series books


Leadership Giving Circles

Individuals who make annual contributions at the $1,000 level and above are welcomed into the FHS President’s Circle.

Corporations & Institutions

Support from corporations and institutions is critical for processing of unique collections, digitization of rare photos, and the recording of oral histories.

honor roll of donors

During each fiscal year, donors at the Friend level or above are recognized in our annual report. This is shared in our magazine and on our website as well.

FHS Endowments

Endowments provide perpetual support for our work of preserving, collecting, and disseminating forest and conservation history.

Other Presentations From FHS

Monthly Sustainer

Giving a $10 monthly donation makes it easy to be a Friend of the Society.

donate securities

There are many tax benefits to giving stock or other securities such as bonds or mutual funds to the Forest History Society.