Worksheet 3: Wood Keeps the Fires Burning


Recently a box was discovered that contained two old photos and a page of notes. The contents belonged to a local reporter on assignment from the 1920s writing a story about the role wood played in the American Industrial Revolution. It is up to you to use the evidence in this box to complete the reporter’s story.


  1. Although the photos contain information about their origin, no explanation of its significance to the story is provided.
  2. Despite the helpfulness of the notes, no conclusions are included that would explain their significance to the story.


Use the two photos, notes, and information from the essay to create a five-minute television program exploring the role wood played in the industrialization of America between 1840 and 1910. Be creative, remembering that television can be a useful educational tool in its ability to captivate its audience. For example, music, posters, and realistic props are just a few ways to entertain while simultaneously teaching people about history. Before creating your program, analyze the two photos and page of notes. Complete the chart below by listing facts contained in these items and corresponding conclusions you can draw from this information. Use this chart to help you decide what material should be presented in your broadcast. An example of a fact and conclusion are listed below.


Fact Conclusion
Many railroads had station houses. From examining Photo #2 and reading the line of the poem "painted stations," you can conclude that these buildings were made of wood.