From Forest to Farm to Urban Forest

From Forest to Farm to Urban Forest has students examine what happens when the post-World War Two urban development boom crowds out the forest. Students will examine the land-use history of Duke Forest in Durham, North Carolina, from 1930 on, and the variety of stakeholder opinions on the future of the forest. Students will also reflect on how science and technology have changed people's perception of the natural world.
Image Caption: One of the creeks running through the Duke Forest. Duke Forest pamphlet, 1990.
- The student will explain the impact of suburbanization on the lives of postwar Americans.
(Era 9: Postwar United States) - The student will show through specific example how science and technology have changed people's perceptions of the social and natural world, such as in their relationship to the lands, animal life, family life, and economic needs, wants and security.
(Standard VIII, Science, Technology & Society: b)
Social Studies
Teacher Preparation:
Download and print: Module 6 Teacher and Student PDFs using Adobe Acrobat and make one copy per student of the student pages (except pages 9 and 10).
Day 2 activity: Copy the Map Analysis Tool onto a transparency, one per student. Print a color copy of the 2006 Map of Durham, one per student. Obtain 2 pieces of tracing paper and a green, black and yellow colored pencil for each student.