Correlations to Minnesota’s Course of Study

Module I

8000 years of American Prehistory

Grades 4-8:

World History, III, A (Beginnings of Human Society)
Std: The student will demonstrate knowledge of selected attributes and historical developments of various ancient societies in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. (Benchmark: 3)

Historical Skills, IV, B (Historical Resources)
Std: The student will begin to use historical resources. (Benchmarks: 1,2,3)

Historical Skills, IV, C (Historical Inquiry)
Std: The student will present and explain the findings of a research project. (Benchmark: 1)

Module II

From Forest to Farm and Back Again

Grades 4-8:

World History, III, A (Beginnings of Human Society)
Std: The student will demonstrate knowledge of selected attributes and historical developments of various ancient societies in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. (Benchmark: 2)

World History, III, F (World Civilizations, 1500 - 1770 AD)
Std: The student will examine changing forms of cross-cultural contact, conflict and cooperation that resulted from the interconnections between Eurasia, Africa and the Americas. (Benchmark: 2)

Geography, V, C (Physical Features and Processes)
Std: The student will identify and locate geographic features associated with the development of the United States.

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will demonstrate how various regional frameworks are used to analyze the variation in culture and humans' occupation of the Earth's surface. (Benchmark: 1)

Geography, V, E (Essential Skills)
Std: The student will use maps, globes, geographic information systems and other sources of information to analyze the natures of places at a variety of scales. (Benchmarks: 1,2)

Module III

Fueling the Fires of American Industrialization

Grades 4-8:

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will identify examples of the changing relationships between patterns of settlement, land use and topographic features in the United States. (Benchmarks: 1,2)

Economics, VI, D (The National Economy (Macro Economics))
Std: The student will understand the economic activities of government. (Benchmarks: 1)

Module IV

From Arbor Day to Earth Day

Grades 4-8:

US History, I, G (Reshaping the Nation, 1877-1916)
Std: The student will analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in response to the Industrial Revolution. (Benchmark: 1)

Government and Citizenship, VII, A (Civic Values, Skills, Rights and Responsibilities)
Std: The student will recognize the importance of individual action and character in shaping civic life. (Benchmark:1)

Std: The student will articulate the range of rights and responsibilities in a republic (benchmark: 2)

Module V

A New Profession Takes Seed

Grades 4-8:

World History, III, A (Beginnings of Human Society)
Std: The student will demonstrate knowledge of selected attributes and historical developments of various ancient societies in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. (Benchmark: 4)

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will give examples that demonstrate how people are connected to each other and the environment. (Benchmark: 2)

Economics, VI, C (The Market Economy (Micro Economics))
Std: The student will understand business organizations, market structures, and financial institutions that operate within our economy. (Benchmark: 1)

Module VI

From Forest to Farm to Urban Forest

Grades 4-8:

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will give examples that demonstrate how people are connected to each other and the environment. (Benchmark: 2)

Std: The student will identify examples of the changing relationships between patterns of settlement, land use and topographic features in the United States. (Benchmark: 1)

Geography, V, E (Essential Skills)
Std: The student will use maps, globes, geographic information systems and other sources of information to analyze the natures of places at a variety of scales. (Benchmarks: 1,2)

Module VII

Trees in Your Own Back Yard

Grades 4-8:

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will give examples that demonstrate how people are connected to each other and the environment. (benchmark: 2)

Government and Citizenship, VII, A (Civic Values, Skills, Rights and Responsibilities)
Std: The student will articulate the range of rights and responsibilities in a republic (benchmark: 2)

Std: The student will understand the importance of participation in civic life and demonstrate effective civic skills (benchmarks: 2, 3, 4)

Module VIII

Harvesting Today in a Global Forest

Grades 4-8:

World History, III, I (The Post-War Period, 1945 AD - Present)
Std: The student will demonstrate knowledge of significant political and cultural developments of the late 20 th century that affect global relations.(benchmark: 2)

Government and Citizenship, VII, D ( Governmental Institutions and Processes of the United States)
Std: The student will describe the relationships the U.S. has with other nations in the world. (benchmarks: 1,2)

Module IX

Fire:Fight, Flight, or Coexistence?

Grades 4-8:

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will give examples that demonstrate how people are connected to each other and the environment. (benchmark: 2)

Historical Skills, IV, C (Historical Inquiry)
Std: The student will present and explain the findings of a research project. (Benchmark: 1)

Module X

The Significance of Private Forests in the U.S.

Grades 4-8:

Historical Skills, IV, C (Historical Inquiry)
Std: The student will present and explain the findings of a research project. (Benchmark: 1)

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will identify examples of the changing relationships between patterns of settlement, land use and topographic features in the United States. (Benchmarks: 1,2)

Std: The student will give examples that demonstrate how people are connected to each other and the environment. (Benchmark: 2)

Module XI

Forest Research: Who, What, Where & Why?

Grades 4-8:

Historical Skills, IV, C (Historical Inquiry)
Std: The student will present and explain the findings of a research project. (Benchmark: 1)

Geography, V, D (Interconnections)
Std: The student will give examples that demonstrate how people are connected to each other and the environment. (Benchmark: 2)