Correlations to Arizona’s Course of Study

Module I

8000 years of American Prehistory

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 5: Describe the difference between primary and secondary sources.
PO 6: Determine the credibility and bias of primary and secondary sources.
PO 8: Describe how archaeological research adds to our understanding of the past.

Concept 2; Early Civilization:
PO 2: Describe how farming methods and domestication of animals led to the development of cultures and civilizations from hunting and gathering societies.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 2, Places and Regions:
PO 2: Describe the factors that cause regions and places to change.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 5: Describe the difference between primary and secondary sources.
PO 6: Determine the credibility and bias of primary and secondary sources.
PO 8: Describe two points of view on the same historical event.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 4: Describe the positive and negative outcomes of human modification on the environment.

Grade 8 :

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 5: Describe the difference between a primary source document and a secondary source document and the relationships between them.
PO 6: Determine the credibility and bias of primary and secondary sources.
PO 8: Analyze two points of view on the same historical event.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation) humans modify ecosystems.

Module II

From Forest to Farm and Back Again

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 2, Places and Regions:
PO 2: Describe the factors that cause regions and places to change.

Connect with Science Strand 4, Concept 3:
Describe how sunlight, water quality, climate, population density and pollution affect quality of life.

Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 2: Describe the environmental, economic, cultural, and political effects of human migrations and cultural diffusion on places and regions.
PO 3: Analyze the causes and effects of settlement patterns.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe ways that human dependence on natural resources influences economic development, settlement, trade, and migration.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Concept 7; Emergence of the Modern United States:
PO 2: Describe how the United States was positively and negatively affected by factors and events resulting from the arrival of a large numbers of immigrants

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 1, The World in Spatial Terms:
PO 5: Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts, and databases depicting various aspects of the United States and world regions.

Concept 2, Places and Regions:
PO 2: Explain the concept of regions and why they change.
PO 4: Describe how a place changes over time.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 4: Describe the positive and negative outcomes of human modification on the environment.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 1, The World in Spatial Terms:
PO 5: Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts, and databases depicting various aspects of the United States and world regions.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.

Module III

Fueling the Fires of American Industrialization

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 2, Places and Regions:
PO 2: Describe the factors that cause regions and places to change.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Concept 7; Emergence of the Modern United States:
PO 3: Discuss how the Industrial Revolution in the United States was supported by multiple factors (e.g. geographic security, abundant natural resources, innovations in technology, available labor, global markets).
PO 5: Analyze the impact of industrialization on the United States.
PO 7: Describe how innovations of the Industrial Revolution (e.g., manufacturing, textiles, transportation, improvements) contributed to U.S. growth and expansion.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 10: Describe how changes in technology, transportation, communication, and resources affect the location of economic activities in places and world regions.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 3: Describe how humans modify environments (e.g., conservation, deforestation, dams) and adapt to the environment.
PO 4: Describe the positive and negative outcomes of human modification on the environment.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 7: Describe how changes in technology, transportation, communication, and resources affect economic development.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.
PO 4: Explain how technology positively and negatively affects the environment.

Module IV

From Arbor Day to Earth Day

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Concept 7; Emergence of the Modern United States:
PO 6. Describe the following Progressive Reforms that resulted from the Industrial Revolution (conservation of natural resources).

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 8: Explain how cooperation and conflict contribute to political, economic, and social activities.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Module V

A New Profession Takes Seed

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Module VI

From Forest to Farm to Urban Forest

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Connect with Science Strand 4, Concept 3:
Describe how sunlight, water quality, climate, population density and pollution affect quality of life.

Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 2: Describe the environmental, economic, cultural, and political effects of human migrations and cultural diffusion on places and regions.
PO 3: Analyze the causes and effects of settlement patterns.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 1, The World in Spatial Terms:
PO 5: Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts, and databases depicting various aspects of the United States and world regions.

Concept 2, Places and Regions:
PO 2: Explain the concept of regions and why they change.
PO 4: Describe how a place changes over time.

Connect with Science Strand 4, Concept 3:
Analyze relationships in the environment (problems associated with population growth, environmental factors) affecting living organisms.

Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 2: Describe the push and pull factors that cause human migrations.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 3: Describe how humans modify environments (e.g., conservation, deforestation, dams) and adapt to the environment.
PO 6: Describe the ways human population growth can affect environments and the capacity of environments to support populations.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 1, The World in Spatial Terms:
PO 5: Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts, and databases depicting various aspects of the United States and world regions.

Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 1: Describe the push and pull factors that cause human migrations.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.

Module VII

Trees in Your Own Back Yard

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.

Strand 3, Civics/Government:
Concept 4, Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship
PO 1: Describe ways an individual can contribute to a school or community.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.

Strand 4, Geography:
Connect with Science Strand 3, Concept 1:
Analyze environmental benefits and risks of human interactions.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 3: Describe how humans modify environments (e.g., conservation, deforestation, dams) and adapt to the environment.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.

Module VIII

Harvesting Today in a Global Forest

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe ways that human dependence on natural resources influences economic development, settlement, trade, and migration.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Connect with Science Strand 3, Concept 1:
Analyze environmental benefits and risks of human interactions.

Concept 4, Human Systems:
PO 8: Explain how cooperation and conflict contribute to political, economic, and social activities.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 3: Describe how humans modify environments (e.g., conservation, deforestation, dams) and adapt to the environment.

Strand 5, Economics:
Concept 4, Global Economics:
PO 2: Identify the patterns of economic interaction (e.g., national debt, balance of trade) between countries.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.

Module IX

Fire:Fight, Flight, or Coexistence?

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct narratives using historical data.
PO 4: Formulate questions that can be answered by historical study and research.

Strand 4, Geography:
Connect with: Science Strand 3, Concept 1:
Evaluate the effects of, and describe how people plan for and respond to natural disasters.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct narratives using historical data.
PO 4: Formulate questions that can be answered by historical study and research.

Strand 4, Geography:
Connect with Science Strand 3, Concept 1:
Analyze environmental benefits and risks of human interactions.

Connect with Science Strand 4, Concept 3:
Analyze relationships in the environment (food chains, food webs, carrying capacity, problems associated with population growth, environmental factors) affecting living organisms.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 2: Describe the consequences of natural hazards (wildfires).
PO 4: Describe the positive and negative outcomes of human modification on the environment.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 4: Formulate questions that can be answered by historical study and research.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.

Module X

The Significance of Private Forests in the U.S.

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 2: Interpret historical data displayed in graphs, tables, and charts.

Concept 10, Contemporary U.S.:
PO 2: Identify the connection between current and historical events and issues studied at this grade level using information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps).

Strand 4, Geography:
Connect with Science Strand 6 Concept 1:
Describe the composition of and interactions between bodies of water and the atmosphere.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe ways that human dependence on natural resources influences economic development, settlement, trade, and migration.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 2: Interpret historical data displayed in graphs, tables, and charts.

Concept 10, Contemporary U.S.:
PO 2: Identify the connection between current and historical events and issues studied at this grade level using information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps).

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 1, The World in Spatial Terms:
PO 5: Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts, and databases depicting various aspects of the United States and world regions.

Connect with Science Strand 3, Concept 1:
Analyze environmental benefits and risks of human interactions.

Connect with Science Strand 4, Concept 3:
Analyze relationships in the environment (food chains, food webs, carrying capacity, problems associated with population growth, environmental factors) affecting living organisms.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 3: Describe how humans modify environments (e.g., conservation, deforestation, dams) and adapt to the environment.
PO 4: Describe the positive and negative outcomes of human modification on the environment.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 2: Interpret historical data displayed in graphs, tables, and charts.

Concept 10, Contemporary U.S.:
PO 8: Identify the connection between current and historical events and issues studied at this grade level using information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps).

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.

Module XI

Forest Research: Who, What, Where & Why?

Grade 6:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Grade 7:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Connect with Science Strand 3, Concept 1:
Analyze environmental benefits and risks of human interactions.

Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 3: Describe how humans modify environments (e.g., conservation, deforestation, dams) and adapt to the environment.
PO 4: Describe the positive and negative outcomes of human modification on the environment.

Grade 8:

Strand 1, American History:
Concept 1; Research Skills for History:
PO 1: Construct charts, graphs, and narratives using historical data.
PO 7: Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.

Strand 4, Geography:
Concept 5, Environment and Society:
PO 1: Describe how (e.g., deforestation, desertification) humans modify ecosystems.