Behind the Scenes: Forest and Forest Production Research

Behind the Scenes: Forest and Forest Product Research examines research conducted to help us utilize forest resources while managing our forestlands in a sustainable manner. Students will learn about key forest research conducted since the early 1900s, as well as key researchers.
Image Caption: Forest Researcher measuring the growth of a pine tree in the lab. (Image courtesy of USDA Forest Service)
- The student engages in historical analysis and interpretation; hypothesizing the influence of the past.
(Historical Thinking, Standard: 3J) - Students examine economic, social, and cultural developments in contemporary United State.
(U.S. History - Era 10, Standard 2) - The student will utilize visual and mathematical data presented in charts.
(Historical Comprehension, Standard 2) - The student will show through specific example how science and technology have changed people's perceptions of the social and natural world, such as in their relationship to the lands, animal life, family life, and economic needs, wants and security
(Standard 8b: Science, Technology, & Society)
Social Studies
Teacher Preparation:
Download and Print: Module 11 Teacher pages and Student pages PDFs using Adobe Acrobat.
For Day 1 activity: Make copies of the Essay for each student in your classroom. Next make copies of Worksheet 1 and 2 for each student.
Day 2 activity: Make copies of Eloise Gerry, Carlos Bates, Bruce Zobel, Malcolm Furniss, Jerry Franklin, and Kent Kirk biography pages for each student in the class. Make 6 copies of Worksheet 3 for each group or individual student (depending on how you would like to do the activity).
Assessment Prep: Make copies of the Assessment you have chosen to use.