2004 Lecture
"John Muir and the Modern Passion for Nature"
by Dr. Donald Worster
The lecture was later published as an article, “John Muir and the Modern: Passion for Nature. Environmental History Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 2005): 8-19 pp.
Abstract: Professor Donald Worster, Professor of American History, University of Kansas, shared his work on John Muir’s changing views of the natural world and the legacy they left for today’s environmentalists. The lecture was held at 4:30 p.m. on 10 November 2004 in White Lecture Hall on the East Campus of Duke University.
Professor Worster is primarily interested in the emerging field of environmental history – the changing perception of nature, the rise of conservation and environmentalism, but especially the ways that the natural world has impinged on human society and provided the context for human life over time. His most recent book, A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell,is published by Oxford in 2001. Earlier books include The Wealth of Nature, Under Western Skies, Rivers of Empire, Dust Bowl, and Nature’s Economy (now available in 5 languages).
The Lynn W. Day Distinguished Lectureship in Forest and Conservation History is sponsored by the Forest History Society, the Duke University Department of History, and the Nicholas School of the Environment.
For more information please contact Dr. James Lewis, Forest History Society historian, at (919) 682-9319.