Awards & Fellowships

Rewarding Excellence
The endowed award and fellowship programs enable the Forest History Society to recognize scholarly achievement and service to the organization and the community at large. The maintenance of high selection standards reflects equally on the Society and the recipients.
FHS congratulates past recipients and encourages students, researchers, and writers to pursue potential award-winning projects relating to the historical study of human interaction with forests, natural resources, and the environment.
Theodore C. Blegen Article Award
Presented annually to the author of the best article published in a journal other than Environmental History.
John M. Collier Journalism Award
Given annually to a journalist whose work incorporates forest or conservation history in an article or series of articles.
Leopold-Hidy for Best Article Published in Environmental History
Annually awarded to an author to recognize their superior scholarship in the journal Environmental History.
Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Book Award
Awarded annually to the author of the best new book on a topic relating to forest and conservation history.
Alfred D. Bell Jr. Travel Grant
Provides reimbursement of travel expenses up to $950.00 incurred by researchers studying at the Society's library and archives. Preference is given to young scholars.
Walter S. Rosenberry Graduate Fellowship
Provides a stipend to support the doctoral research of a graduate student attending a university in North America whose research contributes to forest and conservation history.
F. K. Weyerhaeuser Forest History Fellowship
Presented annually to a Duke University graduate student whose research in some way incorporates forest or conservation history.
FHS Fellows
Our highest award, recognizing persons who have provided outstanding leadership and service to the Society or sustained contributions to the field of forest and conservation history.
Other Ways to Support
Library & Archives
Help us preserve forest and conservation history by supporting one of our many endowments dedicated to preserving access to valuable collections.
Planned Giving
Leaving a legacy gift to the Forest History Society is one of the most lasting contributions you can make.