Inventory of the Westvaco Corporation Records, 1902 – 2010


Descriptive Summary

Abstract: With origins dating to 1888, the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company changed its name to Westvaco Corporation in 1969 to represent its diversified operations producing pulp and paper products and specialty chemicals derived from these processes.

The collection consists of records dating from 1902, when the company name was West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, through 2010, after the organization's merger with Mead Corporation. The company's timberlands division office in Summerville, South Carolina, collected the records, which include such materials as: formal histories of the company; news releases; advertisements; resource surveys of current and potential properties; research reports; photographs pertaining to many aspects of forestry; signs posted on company property; films; and general resource materials on forestry in the United States and internationally. Many of the records relate to the company's timberlands division operations and forest research in West Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

Title: Westvaco Corporation Records, 1902 - 2010

Creator: Westvaco Corporation

Repository: Forest History Society Library and Archives

Call Number: 7284

Language of Material: Material in English

Extent: 51.0 linear feet (10 archival boxes, 38 cartons, 3 oversize boxes)


Historical Note

In 1888, William Luke and three of his sons founded the Piedmont Pulp and Paper Company in West Piedmont, West Virginia, with the intention to produce wood pulp using the sulphite process. Over the next few years, they acquired more land in West Virginia and Maryland and constructed additional mills for manufacturing both wood pulp and paper. In 1897, the various operations were consolidated to form the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company. Over the 20th century the company acquired timberlands and mills in Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, the Carolinas, Kentucky, Texas, and Brazil, often by purchasing smaller companies. In 1919, the company hired its first industrial forester, and over time expanded its forest management research. In 1929, the company opened a headquarters office in New York City. In 1969, West Virginia Pulp and Paper changed its name to Westvaco to represent its diversified interests; by then it was producing not only a wide range of pulp and paper products, but also many specialty chemicals derived from pulp and papermaking processes.

In January 2002, Westvaco merged with the Mead Corporation to form MeadWestvaco. Since that time they have sold much of their timberlands and refocused on paper and plastic packaging.

Note: Historical sketch drawn from the following sources: (1) Dadisman, Don, ed. A History of Westvaco's First HUNDRED Years 1888-1988. S.l.: Southern Woodlands, Timberlands Division, Westvaco Corporation, 1989; (2) "The Story of West Virginia Wood: Westvaco (West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.) Lights 100 Candles." A four-part series printed in The West Virginia Hillbilly (29 December 1988, p. 5; 5 January 1989, pp. 6-7; 12 January 1989, pp. 18-19; 19 January 1989, pp. 16-17); (3) Beckley, "Thomas M. Pluralism by Default: Community Power in a Paper Mill Town." Forest Science 42 (1) 1996: 35-45.


Collection Overview

The Westvaco Corporation Records are comprised of formal histories of the company; news releases; advertisements; resource surveys of current and potential properties; photographs pertaining to many aspects of forestry; signs posted on company property; and general resource materials on forestry in Japan and the United States. The company's timberlands division office in Summerville, South Carolina, collected the records, many of which pertain to the company's timberlands division operations and forest research in West Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

Collection Arrangement

  1. Organizational Records, 1923-1989
  2. Photographs, 1902-2000
  3. Signs, 1953-1967
  4. Non-Westvaco Forestry/Lumber Records, 1904-1976
  5. Material added in 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2010
  6. Films
  7. Material added in 2018

Subject Headings

  • Forest products industry
  • Forest products industry -- United States -- History
  • Forests and forestry -- Recreational use
  • Forests and forestry -- Research
  • Package goods industry
  • Paper industry
  • Tree farms -- South Carolina
  • West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company
  • Westvaco Corporation


Detailed Description of the Collection

1. Organizational Records, 1923-1989.

1.1. History, Operations, and Division Reviews, 1923-1989.

Includes correspondence, memoranda, meeting agendas, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs, speeches, expense records, and reports pertaining to Westvaco company history, tree farm dedications, environmental education, divisional reviews, and forest management.

Folders in this subseries are generally grouped according to the type of materials they hold. There is no particular folder arrangement within this subseries.

Box A1


  • Folder 1.1
    Westvaco Company, 1978

    • Includes an undated fifty-page report on Westvaco Corporation, discussing such topics as management, facilities, marketing, timberlands, research, subsidiaries, and a Kentucky project; "A History of Westvaco's first HUNDRED years 1888-1988"; history of Westvaco printed as a series in five issues of Cooperative Forest Management News, 1980-1981; and a speech for North Carolina State Hardwood Research Cooperative meeting, 1987.
  • Folder 1.2
    Environmental Education Workshop

    • Includes news release, photos, list of delegates, letters planning the workshop, and thank-you letters after the workshop.
  • Folder 1.3
    Berkeley Tree Farm Dedication, November 9, 1950

    • Includes program, guest list, newspaper articles, expense reports and twenty photographs.

Company Operations

  • Folder 1.4
    General, 1937-1989

    • Includes materials related to work activities and/or operations of the corporation and some of its officers and employees.
  • Folder 1.5
    Southern Woodlands, 1923-1935

    • Includes photocopies of timber reports of lands in Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley counties owned by EP Burton Lumber Company and Cooper River Timber Company. Also includes reports on planting of slash pine in Berkeley County, South Carolina.
  • Folder 1.6
    Southern Woodlands, 1939-1953

    • Includes statements of timber costs and growth in Charleston and Wilmington Districts; preliminary Reports of Southern Woodlands Statistical Study, 1925-46); International Paper's Barge Landing,1951; and progress report for North Carolina Woodlands, 1953, which includes captioned photographs.

Division Review

  • Folder 1.7
    West Virginia, 1975

    • Memorandum concerning format of the review; meeting agenda; memoranda on forestry activities, the use of chemicals in timber management, and recreational hunting on forests in West Virginia.
  • Folder 1.8
    Trees for Tomorrow Agendas, 1974 and 1976

    • Two programs for meetings dated October 8-9, 1974 and November 3-4, 1976 at which securities analysts heard presentations about Westvaco operations and toured timberlands division forests and facilities in the southern United States.
  • Folder 1.9
    Public Relations, 1975

    • Includes an overview of Westvaco public relations; promotional information about the company's Matching Seedlings program; a doctoral fellowship notice; memoranda; news releases; newspaper clippings; and informational pamphlets.
  • Folder 1.10
    Multiple Use Forestry Operations, 1974-1975

    • Memoranda, newspaper clippings, informational pamphlets, and journal articles recounting the multiple-use management goals of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company. Also includes an agenda for a meeting with Dr. Paul Wiley, who toured the woodlands managed by the company's timberlands division headquartered in Summerville, South Carolina, on June 5-6, 1975.
1.2. Resource Surveys and Development Reports, 1931-1975.

Includes reports on and surveys of forest resources, technical forestry subjects, pulpwood landing operations, and mill operations of other forest products companies. Many reports contain photographs in addition to narrative descriptions and were either commissioned by the company or compiled by West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company's Resource Survey Party, first established after World War II for the purpose of obtaining technical knowledge about industry activities. Folders are arranged chronologically in this subseries, with the exception of the first file, which provides a general history of the company's research operations.

Box A2

  • Folder 2.1
    History of Resource Survey Party, March 29, 1960

    • Report compiled by Samuel C. Sweeny containing abstracts of resource surveys conducted by West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company's Resource Survey Party research staff. Pages 6-21 contain historical summary information about company pulpwood and timberlands operations, with some biographical information on company employees.
  • Folder 2.2
    Resource Survey: Pulpwood Resources, New York State, 1931

    • Bound report dated September 1, 1931 written by J. A. Cope from Cornell University's Department of Forestry titled "A Survey of Pulpwood Resources Accessible to the Mechanicville Plant of the West Virginia Pulp & Paper Company." The purpose of the report was to ascertain whether or not the company could depend on local forest resources to meet its pulpwood needs in the state of New York. Report includes illustrations and maps.
  • Folder 2.3
    Development Reports, 1941-1942

    • Reports concerning West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company pulpwood and sawmill operations.
    • "Report 1165-B, Planning for the Economical Operation of a Portable Sawmill" (15 October 1941), 47 pp.
    • "Report 1165-E, Program to Maintain Pulpwood Supply" (23 October 1942), 20 pp.
    • "Report 1165-F, Development of Production Standards for Pulpwood in the Lynchburg Area" (22 December 1942), 31 pp. + circa 35 pp. of graphs and other addenda.
  • Folder 2.4
    Development Reports, 1943-1944

    • Reports relating to wage incentives and pulp production standards of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company.
    • "Report 1165-G, Group Wage Incentive Plan for Pulpwood Cutting by Power Unit" (10 April 1943), 6 pp.
    • "Report 1165-H, Group Wage Incentive Plan for Pulpwood Cutting, Georgetown, South Carolina" (13 July 1943), 8 pp. + 2 pp. of addenda.
    • "Report 1165-G-1, Production Standards for Pulpwood in the South Carolina Area" (8 September 1944), 16 pp. + 13 pp. of graphs and other addenda.
  • Folder 2.5
    Pulpwood Investigation Reports: Southern Resource Survey, 1949

    • Twenty-seven-page report by S. C. Sweeny consisting of photographs with captions showing mills, forest resources, and pulpwood transportation across the southern United States. Some images show company operations, but most show resources owned and/or managed by other industry organizations.
  • Folder 2.6
    • Pulpwood Investigation Reports: Delmarva Trip, 1950
      • Fifteen captioned photographs with accompanying memorandum dated 5 June 1950 written by S. C. Sweeny and addressed to M. H. Collet. The photographs are a result of a research trip made by Sweeny; they document Chesapeake Corporation's barge landings and show the proportion of wooded land to cultivated land in the Delmarva Peninsula.
    • Resource Survey
  • Folder 2.7
    Parana Pine in Brazil, July 16, 1951

    • Report dated July 16, 1951 by Herman Work and S. C. Sweeny titled "Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 11, Parana Pine in Brazil." The report describes the utility of the species for use in the manufacture of paper and analyzes the options for West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company were it to open a pulp mill in Brazil. Contains photographs, maps, and charts in addition to narrative descriptions.
  • Folder 2.8
    Resource Survey: Wood Leftovers in the West, August 31, 1953

    • Report by Herman Work dated August 31, 1953 and titled "Wood Leftovers in the West: Use of Waste Wood from Sawmills and Veneer Mills for Pulpwood Chips" (Resource Survey Report No. 23). Includes maps and captioned photographs. Result of a 4-month trip taken by the author for the purpose of developing practical ideas that could be implemented to increase wood supply for company operations in the Charleston, South Carolina, region. The survey trip included visits to Alabama, Arkansas, northern California, and the Pacific Northwest.

Box A3

  • Folder 3.1
    Mill Sites: North Carolina, Washington and New Bern, December 28, 1953

    • Report recommending seven potential pulp and paper mill sites that the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company could develop near these North Carolina cities. Gives specific attention to water supply and waste disposal issues. Report conducted by the engineering firm of Hazen and Sawyer based in New York City. 46 pp. + ca. 34 pp. of addenda. Includes maps and charts.
  • Folder 3.2
    Pulpwood Resources: Fort Madison, Iowa Mill, August 9, 1954

    • Report dated August 9, 1954 by S. C. Sweeny titled "Pulpwood Resources Available to the Fort Madison, Iowa, Mill of Hinde and Dauch Paper Company, a Subsidiary of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company" (Resource Survey Report No. 29), iv + 59 pp. Includes captioned photographs. The purpose of the report was to analyze the costs involved in modernizing this mill by converting it to use hardwood pulpwood, a product superior to the straw traditionally used by the mill.
  • Folder 3.3
    Brazil, 1949 and 1953-1954

    • Reports, memoranda, and correspondence giving background information on forest resources in Brazil and providing information about West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company's purchase of a corrugated box plant in Brazil in 1953.
  • Folder 3.4
    Brazil, 1961

    • Twenty-six pages of photographs with minimal caption information presumably relating to the Brazilian box plant operations purchased by the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company in 1953. Subjects covered in the images include: a tree nursery area and associated buildings; parana pine seedlings and cones; site preparation activities; species trials; harvesting of parana pine; and the production of parana pine pulpwood. Includes cover page labeled "South Brasil Project, Rigesa, S. A. PHOTOGRAPHS, May-June 1961."
  • Folder 3.5
    Mechanicville Wood-Procurement Area, June 21, 1961

    • Report dated June 21, 1961 compiled by Samuel C. Sweeny titled "Photographic Supplement to Forest Resources of the Mechanicville Wood-Procurement Area" (Resource Survey Report No. 59), 27 pp. + duplicate pages + 15 additional pages with captioned photographs dated March 20, 1946. This aerial photographic survey was conducted to determine the wood supply available to West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company operations in this region of New York State.
  • Folder 3.6
    Bahamas: Pine Forests/Pulpwood Production, 1964

    • Report by Samuel C. Sweeny dated 11-22 May 1964 and titled "Pine Forests and Pine Pulpwood Production in the Bahamas," 57 pp. Includes captioned photographs taken by the author and narrative descriptions of available pine stands, ownership of forests, labor supply, shipping facilities, cutting restrictions, and other information relevant to pine pulpwood production in the Bahamas. West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company conducted two previous survey investigations in 1948 and 1949. This 1964 report represented a renewed company interest in developing pulpwood operations in the Bahamas.
  • Folder 3.7
    Program Reports: Endangered Species, Cooperative Forest Management, Matching Seedlings, 1971 and 1975

    • Two Reports by Fred W. Kinard, Jr.
    • "Forest Industry's Endangered Species Program" (5 February 1971), 5 pp.
    • "Cooperative Forest Management and Matching Seedlings Programs" (13 November 1975), 6 pp.
1.3. Outreach, 1967-1976.

News releases, newspaper clippings, brochure drafts, correspondence, memoranda, printer plates, and examples of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company's advertising work. Folders have an alphabetic title arrangement in this subseries.


  • Folder 3.8
    Drafts, 1975

    • Drafts of a full-page Westvaco Corporation advertisement with the message "There's more to Westvaco than trees."
  • Folder 3.9
    Green Kentucky, 1975

    • Memoranda and camera-ready copy of advertisements by Westvaco Corporation in support of the "Green Kentucky" reforestation campaign aimed at owners of small private woodlands in Kentucky. The program was launched jointly by Westvaco Corporation and the Kentucky Division of Forestry.
  • Folder 3.10
    Part and Parcel, undated

    • Printer plates and ink-on-paper versions of a series of Westvaco advertisements promoting the company's paper, packaging, chemicals, and building materials. All advertisements include the prefatory text "Westvaco...part and parcel" and include further text aimed at specific markets (i.e., "Westvaco...part and parcel of the vital growth in water purification"; "Westvaco...part and parcel of the huge growth in data handling"; "Westvaco...part and parcel of the tremendous growth in consumer packaging"; and "Westvaco...part and parcel of the booming growth in education").
  • Folder 3.11
    General, undated

    • Different versions of a 2-page color West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company/Westvaco advertisement depicting scenes of and explaining the types of forest management operations and services provided by the company.

Box A4

  • Folder 4.1
    Brochures: Westvaco in West Virginia, 1975-1976

    • Memoranda, examples of brochures, and draft text for a Westvaco informational brochure titled "Westvaco and West Virginia." The brochure was to include sections on the history of the company; Westvaco operations in the state of West Virginia; the company's forest management program; the company's financial, aesthetic, and practical contributions to the state and its citizens; and a description of the potential of the state's forest resources.
  • Folder 4.2
    News Releases, 1967-1969

    • Memoranda, photographs, speech, and news releases pertaining to West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company's donation to the state of South Carolina of 76 acres of land encompassing the remains of the Revolutionary War-era Fort Dorchester near the city of Summerville. Includes biographical sketches of company president David L. Luke III and South Carolina governor Robert E. McNair, both of whom were present at the dedication ceremony.
  • Folder 4.3
    Newspaper Clippings, April 1968 to February 1975

    • Photocopies of newspaper clippings reporting about a variety of Westvaco company activities.
  • Folder 4.4
    Miscellaneous Vanity File, 1957 and 1971-1981

    • Includes articles, conference programs, and biographies either written by Westvaco/West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company employees or promoting/celebrating the company or its employees.
    • Program for a retirement dinner held 3 September 1981 in honor of Herbert T. Johnson, employee of Westvaco's kraft division from 1968 to 1981.
    • Proceedings and conference program for the 50th annual meeting of the Society of American Foresters' Appalachian Section held February 4-5, 1971 in Charleston, South Carolina (Ed Owens of the Westvaco Research Center led a panel discussion at the conference).
    • Program for the 52nd annual national convention of the Izaak Walton League of America held July 16-19, 1974, in Huntington, West Virginia (includes forest fact sheet produced by Westvaco).
    • Booklet by George H. Deike III titled Logging South Cheat: The History of the Snowshoe Resort Lands (Youngstown, Ohio, 1978; 52 pp.), which includes some history of Westvaco Corporation.
    • Paper titled "H. L. Shattuck's Last Days with the Gauley Coal Land Company" by F. Douglas Cochrane published in an unidentified issue of the Journal of the Massachusetts Historical Society (pp. 101-108).
    • Biographical sketch of Scott Wallinger, vice president of Westvaco Corporation.
    • March 1957 edtion of American Forests containing an article titled "What Employers Want: 'Can He Grow With Our Organization?'" (pp. 10-11, 41) containing advice from D. Y. Lenhart, general manager of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company's woodlands division, about personal, professional, and educational credentials generally desired in employees.
    • 5-page article by Westvaco employee K. L. (Casey) Canonge titled "Plantation Hardwoods" reprinted from the May 1979 edition of American Forests.
    • Article titled "South Carolina's Renewable Resource" from the August 1974 edition of Trends magazine that the associate editor mailed to Fred Kinard at Westvaco.

2. Photographs, 1902-2000.

2.1. Company History, 1902-1910, 1978 and undated.

Photographs, many undated and without captions, relating to the events, honors, or activities of a miscellaneous nature of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company in its early years of operation and in 1978 when it was known as Westvaco. Folders are arranged chronologically in this subseries.

  • Folder 4.5
    Westvaco History, 1902-1910

    • 17 black-and-white images. Few have dates or captions. Includes individual and group portraits as well as images of mills, lumber yards, and logging scenes. [Some of the images have water damage.]
  • Folder 4.6
    Kathryn Hutcherson: American Paper Institute Award, 1978

    • Two black-and-white photographs of an awards ceremony at which Kathryn Hutcherson, assistant director of forestry for Westvaco's timberlands division, received an award for Environmental Improvement/Energy Management. One image has caption.
  • Folder 4.7
    Westvaco History, undated

    • Fourteen black-and-white images showing mills, lumber yards, logging railroads, a group portrait, and forest scenes [most have no captions]; one black-and-white portrait of Westvaco chief executive officer David L. Luke III; two color images and six color images depicting Westvaco's timberlands division offices; one black-and-white image documenting Westvaco's annual practice of giving away tree seedlings to private landowners [includes caption].
  • Folder 4.8
    West Virginia and Forest Study Committee Brochures, undated

    • Photographs in numerous size categories, mostly black-and-white positive images. Some images have writing on the back indicating they were considered for inclusion in a company brochure about West Virginia operations or about the company's Forest Study Committee. No images have dates, although some do have captions. Includes images of interior and exterior paper mill scenes; mill equipment; forestry scenes; water bomber planes; and flora and fauna.
  • Folder 4.9
    Westvaco Forestry Center Building, undated

    • Oversized photograph of Westvaco building; no date or caption.
2.2. Forestry and Forest Products, 1926, 1940-1960, 2000 and undated.

Photographs relating to forest resources, logging, forest management, milling, tree planting, road building, log transportation, and paper production. All presumably document West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company/Westvaco company operations. Some images have dates and captions. Folders have no particular arrangement within this subseries.

Box A5


  • Folder 5.1
    Forest Management, 1953-1955

    • Color photographs in individual album pages [pages removed from album binder, which was discarded during processing]. Images are dated and have captions. Subjects include: cone collection; road construction; tree planting; prescribed burning; pineland management; and income from leases.
  • Folder 5.2
    Jerseyfield Lake, New York, and Pleasant Lake, 1926 and 1940-1943

    • Includes over 100 black-and-white photographs, most with negatives; some have dates and captions. Images that were originally together in particular photograph developing envelopes were removed from the envelopes and filed together in acid-free photo sleeves, which were then filed in one of two folders. Subjects covered include: winter logging scenes; logging equipment; log loading; log hauling; log transportation via horse, truck, chute, and railroad; men at work sawing logs and chopping trees; and executives surveying logging operations in the field. A few images appear to depict scenes of elaborate gardens or architecture in what appears to be Europe.
  • Folder 5.3
    Poplar and Gum Stands, 1949 and 1957

    • Seven black-and-white captioned photographs depicting stands of yellow poplar near Preston County, West Virginia (1957) and of Tupelo gum near Charleston, South Carolina (1949).
  • Folder 5.4
    Timber Inventory of Southern Woodlands, 1945-1948

    • Photographic inventory conducted by Professor D. M. Matthews, 1945-1948. Includes 9 black-and-white photographs; most are dated and have captions.

Box A6

  • Folder 6.1
    Water Bomber Airplane, North Carolina: Album, 1960

    • Includes 28 black-and-white photographs. Most have captions. Photographs are housed in sheets that were removed from album labeled "North Carolina Woodlands, Manteo, N. C., August 4, 1960" during processing. Contains a letter from Mr. W. J. Crumpacker to Mr. D. Y. Lenhart dated July 20, 1960 in which it is explained that the images are of a converted Stearman airplane that was used as a trainer during World War II that West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company purchased for use in fighting forest fires by dropping water mixed with chemicals onto fires. The letter also states that Manteo Flying Service was under contract to make immediate flights when necessary during daylight hours during fire season.
  • Folder 6.2
    Water Bomber Airplane, North Carolina: Loose Photos, undated

    • Includes 31 black-and-white images and one negative depicting images of converted Stearman water bomber airplane purchased by West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company to fight forest fires. Two images have captions; none are dated.
  • Folder 6.3
    Logging Tram Road, undated

    • One photograph with caption, "A view of the narrow gauged tram road mentioned in photo number 3. An old Chevrolet engine geared to drive a flanged-wheel locomotive pulls one log car."
  • Folder 6.4
    Manteo, North Carolina: Road Building, Burned Areas, 2000 and undated

    • Includes 52 undated black-and-white photographs and one envelope containing 3 black-and-white photographs. A handwritten note addressed to Casey [K. L. "Case"y Canonge] from Ed [no further identification] states that the images are from Helen Trew and relate to company forestry activities near Manteo, North Carolina. Subjects include: road building, burned areas, and early spray work. Images do not have dates or captions.
  • Folder 6.5
    Gum Forests and Sawlogs, undated

    • Includes 9 black-and-white images.
    • Sawlog operation in Gum Swamp near Plymouth, North Carolina.
    • Bottomland hardwood forest logged for sawlogs in Blackwater River Swamp near Waverly, Virginia; remaining trees in logged-over area are gum.
    • Gum swamp logged over with a a narrow-gauge tram road.
    • Mr. G. Colucci, owner of Southern Box and Lumber Company mill in Wilmington, North Carolina, inspecting supply of gum pulpwood at a plywood mill.
    • Gum and cypress trees in Blackwater River Swamp near Waverly, Virginia.
    • Shed at which the Jack Garst and Son company sells gum pulpwood and crossties.
    • Pile of beech, birch, sycamore, and gum crossties at a Garst and Son lumber yard.
    • Man inspecting a pile of sweetgum and blackgum pulpwood at a lumber yard in Farmville, Virginia.
    • Pile of high-grade poplar veneer logs at a Jack Garst and Son lumber yard.
    • Loading machine used at a L. A. Clarke and Son lumber yard.
  • Folder 6.6
    Tree Planting, undated

    • Contains 9 color photographs. Images are numbered 2-13 on back and do not have dates or captions. Includes scenes showing tree planting machinery and foresters inspecting trees at various early stages of growth on a tree farm.
  • Folder 6.7
    Mills, 1951-1959

    • Includes 13 black-and-white images. Most have captions but few have dates. The photographs are mostly exterior scenes of Westvaco mills and mills owned by other companies in such locations as: Winder, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Wickliffe, Kentucky; Mechanicville, New York; Acme, North Carolina; Lufkin, Texas; Tyrone [Pennsylvania?]; and Covington, Virginia.
      Forest Products
  • Folder 6.8
    Paper Production, undated

    • Contains 3 numbered and captioned photos of: engravers making plates for paper printing; a towmotor operator removing a roll of paper from storage; and a tuber operator placing printed and unprinted rolls of paper on a tuber.
  • Folder 6.9
    West Virginia Forest Utilization, Products, and Logging, undated

    • Includes 3 color photographs, 1 color photograph, 15 black-and-white photographs, 18 black-and-white photographs, and 2 black-and-white photographs. Images depict such scenes as: logs being loaded onto trucks; machinery cutting trees; lumber yards; log piles; chip mills; and logged-over forests.
2.3. Forest Recreation and Wildlife, 1961-1975 and undated.

Photographs of wildlife and images pertaining to Westvaco Corporation's management of forests to improve wildlife habitat for recreational hunting and fishing. In this subseries files are arranged in alphabetical order by title, which also happens to be a straight chronological arrangement.

  • Folder 6.10
    Hunting, House, and Landscapes, 1961-1962

    • Includes 36 photographs in album sheets. Sizes are mixed; most are black-and-white; few have dates; and none have captions. Images depict hunting dogs, men hunting and fishing, and what appears to be a farm house and other farm buildings.
  • Folder 6.11
    Hunting, Landscapes, and Westvaco Signs, 1971-1975

    • Contains 55 black-and-white photographs and 1 color photograph. Sizes are mixed; 1 image has a caption; 4 images have dates; several images have a Westvaco stamp on the back. Includes scenes of tree seedlings in the back of a truck; forests; streams and ponds; foresters checking water quality at unidentified bodies of water; wildlife; hunting and fishing activities; and signs on Westvaco forests describing forest management activities that benefit wildlife and showing locations of areas specifically managed for outdoor recreational activities.
  • Folder 6.12
    West Virginia Fishing, 1972

    • Includes 14 color slides in an album slide sheet dated October 1972 depicting wildlife and aesthetic forestry scenes and 5 black-and-white photographs showing men fishing at waterfalls and in fast-moving bodies of water.

Box A7

  • Folder 7.1
    Wildlife Management Area, Kentucky, undated

    • Contains numerous black-and-white and color photographs in various sizes depicting: waterfowl; landscape scenes; representatives from Westvaco and the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife standing behind a Westvaco Management Area sign; foresters inspecting sites; and tour groups. Few images have captions. Original image groupings have been maintained, with image groups stored together in photo sleeves labeled with original identification information, if any.
2.4. Miscellaneous, undated.

Unidentified photographs not clearly relating to Westvaco Corporation or its forest management practices.

  • Folder 7.2
    Farm, undated

    • Fourteen black-and-white photographs labeled "To Tom, from Mary [Gary?] Eaton." The images depict unidentified buildings and people in what looks to be a farm setting. Negatives are included. There are no captions and no dates.

3. Signs, 1953-1976.

Includes documents, photographs, and actual signs made out of paper, canvas, plastic, and metal. The file label classifications reflect the original designations assigned by the collecting office. Most of the signs and supporting materials in the folders of this series are printed with statements announcing property ownership or particular forest management activities. Folders are arranged in chronological order in this series.

  • Folder 7.3
    Georgia and South Carolina Property Signs, 1953-1955

    • Documents describing sign orders and materials. Also includes four paper signs, one canvas sign, and five metal signs.
  • Folder 7.4
    Samples of Signs in Use at Woodlands, 1959

    • Includes one paper sign, one canvas sign, and two metal signs warning about trespass, identifying experimental forest areas, and urging fire prevention.
  • Folder 7.5
    Photographs and Negatives of Woodlands Signs, 1967 and undated

    • Few photographs have dates or captions. Negatives match the positive images. Includes one actual sign. Signs identify recreation areas, tree farms, and management areas on West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company forests, and urge fire prevention.
  • Folder 7.6
    Signs, undated

    • Includes one paper and one plastic Westvaco woodlands division/department sign.

4. Non-Westvaco Forestry and Lumber Records, 1904-1976.

This series contains non-Westvaco materials relating in a general way to forests, forestry, and the forest products industries in Japan and the United States.

4.1. Japan, 1960-1975 and undated.

Includes nine pamphlets concerning forestry, forest fire prevention, logging and lumbering, logging equipment, and other aspects of the lumber, plywood, and forest products industries in Japan during the 1960s and 1970s.

  • Folder 7.7
    • Japan, 1960-1975 and undated
      • Miscellaneous pamphlets on Japanese forestry and lumbering practices. Includes the front part of a mailing envelope with canceled Japanese stamps addressed to "W. L. Foster, c/o American Consulate General, 10 Kamo-cho [6 chome?] 1 Kuta-Ku" and with "Hiroshi Hayash!" written on it.
    • Japan Plywood Manufacturer's Association. Plywood Industry in Japan. S.l.: Japan Plywood Manufacturer's Association, October 1975. 14 pp.
    • All Japan Federation of Lumber Associations. Lumber Industry in Japan. Tokyo: All Japan Federation of Lumber Associations, 1974. 17 pp.
    • Standards for Lumber Collecting and Carrying Operations Using Tractor. S.l.: n.p., [1962]. [iv] + 22 pp.
    • Timber Collecting Equipment Operation Standards Forestry Agency. S.l.: n.p., n.d. [iv] + 35 pp.
    • Logging and Lumbering Operations Standards. S.l.: n.p., [1960]. [iii] + 18 pp.
    • Statistics on Forest Products Concerned. S.l.: Forest Products Division, Forestry Agency, Japan, n.d. 15 pp.
    • Japan's Forests and Forestry Its Status Quo. Tokyo: Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, October 1974. 18 pp.
    • Outline of Countermeasures against Forest Fires in Japan. Tokyo: Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Government of Japan, 1975. 21 pp.
    • (Appendix) Outline of Countermeasures against Forest Fires in Japan. Tokyo: Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Government of Japan, 1975. [i] + 23 pp.
4.2. United States, 1904-1976 and undated.

Map, postcards, and publications concerning forests and forestry in the United States. There is no particular folder arrangement in this subseries.

  • Folder 7.8
    Map: Forests and Trees of the United States, 1976

    • Color map showing the leading commercial tree species for each major forest region in the United States. Reprinted 1976 by the American Forest Institute in Washington, D. C., and "provided by the forest products industries as a contribution to environmental education."
  • Folder 7.9
    New York Forests in the Years Ahead, 1944

    • Fifteen-page typed report dated 3 February 1944. Note at bottom of first page states, "This is the forestry section of a State Plan and follows the outline by McArdle and Duerr, Oct. 11, 1943 and the report by Taylor on 'Connecticut's Forests in the Years Ahead.'"
  • Folder 7.10
    Postcards: Great Southern Lumber Co. (Bogalusa, Louisiana), 1932 and undated

    • Includes 34 unmailed postcards, each with a 2-cent uncanceled stamp and 1 picture card. Each postcard has a colorized captioned image showing Great Southern Lumber Company operations and buildings. Includes views of: log loading; lumber yards; forestry signs; equipment and buildings at paper, saw, and creosote mills; paper rolls in a mill; forest scenes; a shay locomotive; and well-known buildings in the town of Bogalusa. The larger picture card is dated 1932 and contains 6 black-and-white images of city buildings.
  • Folder 7.11
    • Publications: South Carolina, 1904-1968
      • Miscellaneous publications relating to forestry in the state of South Carolina. Topics include: experimental forests, foresters, forestry, tree farming, the state forestry commission, and lumber and sawmill industry activities in the state.
    • Hawley, Norman R. "The Old Rice Plantations in and around the Santee Experimental Forest." Agricultural History 23 (April 1949): 86-91.
    • Article (5 pp.) on the South Carolina State Commission of Forestry titled "Fifty Years of Service" listing members of the commission and a historical overview that was copied from an unidentified publication. No date given.
    • One-page directory listing of sate foresters for the states of Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Each listing provides a portrait photograph of the state forester, the address of the state forestry department, and a brief historical sketch of the department along with a general description of the department's responsibilities. Copied from an unidentified directory. No date given.
    • Bruner, M. H. "Recent Developments in Cooperative Farm Forestry between the Extension Service and the S.C. State Commission of Forestry." Journal of Forestry 41 (March 1943): 186-189.
    • "South Carolina: Who is Gifford Pinchot?" In Forests and Forestry in the American States: A Reference Anthology, edited by Ralph R. Widner. [Missoula, Mont.: National Association of State Foresters, 1968.] 456-469 pp.
    • Rice, James Henry, Jr. "South Carolina Timber." The News and Courier (Charleston, S. C., 20 April 1904), p. 61.
    • Eisterhold, John A. "Charleston: Lumber and Trade in a Declining Southern Port." South Carolina Historical Magazine n.v. (n.d.): 61-71.
    • Halsey, Alfred O. "The Passing of a Great Forest and the History of the Mills which Manufactured it into Lumber." In [Charleston, South Carolina, Yearbook 1937]. S.l.: n.p., 1937. 198-210 pp.
    • Ames, F. E. "A Report on Loblolly Pine Lumbering in South Carolina." Thesis, Yale University School of Forestry, 1906. 64 pp. Thesis describing the operations of E. P. Burton Lumber Company in the Witherbee-Jamestown-Hellhole Swamp are of what was part of the Francis Marion National Forest as of 1979.
    • David Doar. A Sketch of the Agricultural Society of St. James, Santee, South Carolina and an Address on the Traditions and Reminiscences of the Parish Delivered before Society on 4th of July 1907. Charleston, S. C.: Calder-Fladger Co., Printers and Binders, 1908. 49 pp.

Box A8

  • Folder 8.1
    Lands: Berkeley County, South Carolina, 1905

    • Includes a publication: Chapman, Charles S. A Working Plan for Forest Lands in Berkeley County, South Carolina. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 56. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1905. 85 pp.
  • Folder 8.2
    Charleston, South Carolina, Mining and Manufacturing Company, July 27, 1921

    • Timber estimate, blueprint maps, and appraisal of forest resources on property owned by the Charleston, South Carolina, Mining & Mfg. Co. in Dorchester County, South Carolina.

5. Material added in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2010.

Materials donated by Westvaco in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2010. These 24 boxes include historical material generated and collected by Westvaco for research, internal communication and public relations.

5.1. Westvaco Company Materials, 1902-2010.
Includes internal company reports, statements, research, public relations materials, historical materials, and correspondence. The public relations section also includes pertinent articles and advertisements collected by Westvaco.

Box W1

a. Westvaco Annual Reports (for distribution), 1954, 1959
Reports distributed to Westvaco employees
  • i. 1954
  • ii. 1959
b. Westvaco Statements, 1967-1991
Statements available to persons or organizations outside of the Westvaco organization.
  • i. October 1973;Copy of statement to the U.S. Outdoor Recreation Review Commission Forest Resources, Wildlife & Recreation Management: Westvaco Corporation, Timberlands Division, Summerville, S.C. 29483
  • ii. October 1973;Copy of statement to the U.S. Outdoor Recreation Review Commission Forest Resources, Wildlife & Recreation Management: Westvaco Corporation, Timberlands Division, Summerville, S.C. 29483 (photocopy of above, with alterations)
  • iii. Fiscal Year 1967; Public Relations Goals, Timberland Division
  • iv. Forest Resources, Wildlife & Recreation Management; October 1973 (copy)
  • v. Dividend statement, July 1, 1991
c. Westvaco Internal Company Documents, 1902-2010
Materials distributed exclusively to Westvaco employees.
i. Westvaco Internal Reports 1934-1982 and undated
  • Timberlands Division Review: Southern Woodlands Data Book-December 15, 1959
  • Review Data Book (Southern Woodlands)-12/3/1958
  • Activities, Southern Woodlands Department-6/21/1945 (unclear photocopy)
  • Summary of Timberlands Division Activities during the Decade 1973-1982, and of Areas of Emphasis for the Future, nd.
  • Financial Data on the Woodlands of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, February 1, 1954 (Treasury Department)
  • Annual Fire Report for the South Carolina Division of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company-July 1, 1934-June 30, 1935 (photographs included in body of report)
  • Forest Conservation Report-12/14/1950
  • Spring, S. N. (1902). A report of the lumbering of loblolly pine by the E.P. Burton Lumber Co., South Carolina. New Haven, Conn: Yale University.
  • Fifty years of papermaking; History of West Virginia pulp & paper co. (211 photocopied pages, from the Westvaco F.S.L. Library)
  • Design Criteria for Forestry Research Laboratory, Westvaco Corporation, Summerville, S.C.; March 1979
  • Timber Management Suggestions for The Randolph Watson Farm, Anderson County, South Carolina; June, 1957
  • Hunting/Recreation Activities On Company Lands; October 12, 1967 (with letter from NE Spell Jr. to SB Kinne, Jr. noting the omission of mill lands in subsequent rewritings)
  • "Southern Agriculture Commissioners See Westvaco Farm-Forest Operations In North Carolina"
  • Special Areas Catalog: Collected ("Southern") reports

Box W2

c. Westvaco Internal Company Documents, 1902-2010
Materials distributed exclusively to Westvaco employees.
ii. Westvaco Historical Materials 1950-2010 and undated
  • "Westvaco Current History", 1950-1988
  • Accordion folder, containing internal correspondence, press clippings, photos, plans, ledgers, tables, certificates dating from May 1950 to June 1988.
  • "Forest Research History"
  • Accordion file containing photographs, negatives, reports, newsletters, internal correspondence, and publications.
  • Bundled correspondence, 1965-1966
  • Contains reports, presentations, timelines and articles regarding Forest Research dating from 1965? To 1996
  • "Seed Production Areas", 1954-1959
  • Manila folder containing presentations, internal correspondence, announcements, press clippings, reports, photographs form February 1954 through February 12, 1979.
  • Manila folder containing studies, maps, descriptions of tracts, internal correspondence, reports from 1973 through 1978
  • Special Forest Areas: Historical (Sites related to significant periods and events)
  • An Un-Official Historical Outline of Westvaco Corporation (memo, nd.)
  • CD - "Forest Research History Westvaco, Owens Jan 2010" (Compiled By: Edwin G. Owen, January 2010) Contains the following virtual documents:
  • Research Center Establishment (By E.G. Owens) Shows when/where Research Centers were established and Leadership over the years.
  • Forest Research key events from E.G. Owens personal calendar (By E.G. Owens)
  • Forest Research History Box 1 [A list of materials included in this file Box 1 (green plastic box)]
  • Forest Research History Box 2
  • Forest Research in Appalachia (By Bruce Brenneman)
  • Forest Research in Westvaco's Northern Lands (By Bruce Brenneman)
  • Central Forest Research Center History (By Henry Barbour)
  • Historical Background, Hardwood Research (By Randy Rousseau)
  • Rigesa Research (By Bill Hammond)
  • Biometrics History at Westvaco (Philip Dunham)
  • Tree Improvement History (By David Canavera)
  • Tree Breeding Plan Diagram (From Davis Gerwig)
  • Mass Control Pollination Production 1993-2007 (From Davis Gerwig)
  • Westvaco Tree Seed Orchard List (From Davis Gerwig)
  • Tree Improvement personnel 1983-2007 (From Davis Gerwig)
  • History Related Speech (BY E.G. Owens)
  • History Related Speech (By Cindy McCord)

Box W19-W20

c. Westvaco Internal Company Documents, 1902-2010
ii. Westvaco Historical Materials, 1950-2010
Joe Blonsky's Research Materials 1953-1982
Two boxes of documents pertaining to research conducted by Joe Blonsky for Westvaco. The boxes contain patents, patent applications, blueprints, sketches, diagrams, photographs, technical manuals and correspondence from approximately 1953-1982.


Box W22

c. Westvaco Internal Company Documents, 1902-2010
ii. Westvaco Historical Materials, 1950-2010
Box: "Hurricane Hugo," 1987-1991
18 folders documenting the Forest Industry's response to Hurricane Hugo and its aftermath.
  • Folder SW "Hugo" Financial Implications. Contains documents, correspondence and reports about Hurricane Hugo's financial impact on Southern Woodlands 12/2/89 - 1/4/90
  • Folder: "Hurricane Hugo". Contains salvage plans, correspondence, press releases and reports on Hurricane Hugo's effect on wildlife, Forest Research, company facilities, and Westvaco employees 9/26/89 - 5/91
  • Folder: "Hugo Salvage Recovery Efforts." Contains internal correspondence, weekly reports, data on the ongoing Hugo Salvage operation from 10/12/89 to 2/12/91
  • Folder: "Executive Committee." Contains membership lists, summaries, minutes, agendas, and rough notes from meetings of the Governor's Forest Disaster Salvage Council and Timber Salvage Council, 12/12/89-4/26/90
  • Folder: "Weekly Activity Report." Weekly bulletins and correspondence detailing Hurricane Hugo Timber Salvage progress 10/13/89-8/3/90
  • Folder: "Governor's Forest Disaster Salvage Council." Contains documentation of the formation of the Governor's Forest Disaster Salvage Council and its subsequent reports.
  • Bound Report: "Governor's Forest Disaster Salvage Council: Economic Recovery Commission: January 8, 1990"
  • Folder: "Forest Disaster Salvage Council." Correspondence regarding the creation of the Salvage Committee, its objectives and priorities, fund transfers and other financial matters 10/6/89-6/7/00
  • Folder: "Utilization Committee." Contains correspondence, data and bulletins from the Governor's Forest Disaster Council regarding their Utilization Committee's rules for the proper utilization and transport of wood affected by Hurricane Hugo 10/10/89-3/29/90
  • Folder: "Statistics & Monitoring Committee." Contains articles, government publications, statistics, projections, analyses, appraisals, data tables, and forms offered by the Statistics and Monitoring Committee for the Forest Disaster Salvage Council 9/26-11/8/90, and correspondence from the United States Department of Agriculture providing data, 9/6/90.
  • Folder: "Government Affairs Committee." Contains correspondence and plans regarding Federal and State assistance with reforestation and casualty loss deductions 10/10/89-4/25/90, and government publications.
  • Folder: "Informational Committee." Contains articles and clippings about Hurricane Hugo, correspondence with newspaper editors, and information for the general public from various sources 10/23/89-6/4/90.
  • Folder: "Camille." Contains one book and reprints of articles about Hurricane Camille and other, earlier storms.
  • Folder: "Forest Rehabilitation Committee." Contains correspondence, articles and meetings materials regarding the removal of damaged timber and reforestation of Hugo-damaged areas 11/8/89-8/17/90
  • Folder: "Economic Recovery Commission." Contains Second Post-Hugo Status Report, 12/6/89
  • Folder: "Wildfire Control." Contains documents and plans requesting State and Federal funding for Wildfire Hazard Reduction
  • Loose documents, 1990
  • Fax regarding Governor's press tour, 4/12/90
  • Attendance list and comments section of Earth Corps. Meeting, 3/3/90
  • Bound Reports, 1987-1989
  • Timberlands Division Review, November 16, 1987: Public Relations/Government Affairs
  • Results of CFM Landowner Survey, April 21, 1989

Box W2

c. Westvaco Internal Company Documents, 1902-2010
iii. Conference materials, 1989
Westvaco Executive Session - September 1989 (binder)
iv. Miscellaneous Westvaco Documents, 1924-1989 and undated
  • "A proposal for the management of West Virginia Woodlands," December 1967, 11 p.
  • "The Monongahela Decision," [re: timber management practices on Monongahela NF, as restricted by U.S. District Court] by USDA FS
  • A Forest Management Plan for the Property of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Landowner-October 1989
  • "Westvaco Tree Improvement Program", 11/21/1968
  • Lands, Leases, etc. of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co., nd.
  • Westvaco Time Book-February 9, 1924-January 9, 1926 (Moved to Box 17 [W15])
  • Forest Research and Development Manual - Developed and Maintained by Forest Research and Development Organization; January 4, 1963
  • Alphabetical Listings of Field Plots by District and Unit; 1990 Edition
  • "A Unique Investment Opportunity - For Sale: 300,000 Acres of Coastal North Carolina!". Offered by: Westvaco Development Corporation
  • API/NFPA 1977 Forest Management Award Nomination: "Special Forest Areas Management Program"
  • Timberlands Division Inter-Departmental Project; July 15, 1977
  • Westvaco Natural Areas Program 1977
  • Special Areas Catalog: Wassamassaw Natural Area; 12/5/77 Draft by Kate Hutcherson
  • Special Areas Catalog: Frasier Lake Rookery; 12/7/77 Draft by Kate Hutcherson
  • Special Forest Areas Inventory for Timberlands Project 4-77 Summary Sheets 2 - 4
  • "Bonneau Ferry Conference Center" 4-pages, with map, inscribed "Norman Spell, Westvaco 1982" in ink
  • Westvaco: Timberlands Division, Forest Research, Westvaco Development Corporation Organization Chart, September 1992
  • Upchurch/Eagle Logging System Nomination: SCFA Logger of the Year 1993
  • Untitled article draft; four typewritten pages
  • Handwritten phone number: "Wallinger 768-0627"
  • Minutes of meeting; December 12, 1984; Westvaco Laboratory Renovation, Job Meeting #1; Minutes for 12/12/84
  • Westvaco Experimental Forest (maps, descriptions, data)
  • January 3, 1984; Officers and Directors' Salary report


Box W3
c. Westvaco Internal Company Documents, 1902-2010
iv. Miscellaneous Westvaco Documents, 1924-1989
3-ring looseleaf binder, "Southern Woodlands Manual," March 1, 1963
d. Westvaco Retirement and Pension Plan Pamphlets, 1944-1976 and undated
  • i. Retirement Plan Pamphlets for Salaried Employees 1944-1976, including a letter from AL Burns concerning a change to disability provisions of 1963 amended retirement plan, dated May 31, 1963.
  • ii. Highlights of a Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees-October 1, 1948
  • iii. Summary of Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company-October 1, 1944
  • iv. Pension Plans for Hourly-Paid Employees-June 1, 1948-April 1, 1976
  • v. Highlights of a Pension Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, nd.
e. Articles of Interest to Westvaco, 1907-1998 and undated
Clippings and copies of articles published in various newspapers and magazines, collected by Westvaco.
  • i. (Copy of) 5-page article by Westvaco employee K. L. (Casey) Canonge titled "Plantation Hardwoods" reprinted from the May 1979 edition of American Forests. (already in collection)
  • ii. Rothkugel, M. (March, 1907). Forest Management in Southern Pines. Forestry Quarterly 5(1)
  • iii. "Westvaco: One of Tyrone's First Industries", nd.
  • iv. "The Little Juniata River"-Jeff Mulhollem, Pennsylvania Angler, February 1987.
  • v. Pine Seedling Program-Article and captioned photo are accompanied by intra-company communication from Allan Varian to David Denham, "Pine Seedling News Program Release", July 11, 1967.
  • vi. Picture with caption in reference to the planting of seedlings in Ohio, a portion of which were contributed by Westvaco; The Daily Sentinel, Pomeroy-Middleport, Ohio, March 27, 1967.
  • vii. "Space for Miracles"-Reprint of the US Press Association, June 6, 1967.
  • viii. "Realtor, Paper Company to Develop 113-Acre Tract", Charleston Evening Post; April 30, 1968.
  • ix. "Plantation Echoes", The News and Courier, Charleston, SC, June 25, 1968; Response from Westvaco in private letter to editor Thomas Waring written by Norman E. Spell contesting certain statements in article. A photograph appearing to include Norman Spell also accompanies letter and article.
  • x. "Historic Fort Given to SC", Jay Gross, The State, Columbia SC; June 21, 1969.
  • xi. "State Gets Title to Fort Dorchester", William Walker, Jr., The News and Courier, Charleston, SC; June 21, 1969.
  • xii. "Tree Industry Discovers the Absentee Landowner", Thomas Grubisich, The Washington Post; October 9, 1969.
  • xiii. 'Tree Farm Expansion'- Captioned photo. Petersburg, West Virginia; October 29, 1969.
  • xiv. Maryland Forest Products. Maryland Department of Forests and Parks Newsletter, Vol. II, No. 6, December 1969.
  • xv. "Speakers Stress Conservation; Officers Named", The World-News, Roanoke, VA; April 14, 1971.(Accompanying correspondence by Rosalie Koch to Norman Spell)
  • xvi. "WDC Management Undergoes Shake-Up"; Summerville Scene, July 9 (no year recorded); Article comes attached to intracompany communication referencing subject of article; July 16, 1973, from E. Nobles Lowe to RW Davenport, RB Cuthbert, GH Seago, and RS Wallinger.
  • xvii. "Forest Products Hit 1 Billion Mark in 1972"; The News and Courier, Charleston, SC, July 8, 1973.
  • xviii. "Little Black Slough Seems Safe", Karen Rothe, Southern Illinoisan, Carbondale-Herrin-Murphysboro; May 15, 1974.(Communication from RS Wallinger to WR Penny attached; May 18, 1974.)
  • xix. "Edisto Nature Trail is Now National Nature Trail", Summerville Journal-Scene(SC), May 10, 1978.
  • xx. "Edisto Trail Gets Designation", The Press and Standard, May 11, 1978.
  • xxi. "Springtime Obsession", Bill Cochran, Roanoke Times and World News, April 13, 1986.
  • xxii. "Industry Stewardship and the Environment", John A. Luke, Pulp and Paper, November 1990, p. 186.
  • xxiii. "Westvaco Will Expand Research Center, Add Approximately 25 New Jobs", The Summerville Journal-Scene, March 3, 1995.
  • xxiv. "Westvaco Looks Ahead", Shirley Honeycutt, Summerville Journal-Scene, June 28, 1995.(2)
  • xxv. "Westvaco, Finns Plan Plant", Charles V. Williams, The Post and Courier, August 28, 1997.(4)
  • xxvi. "What Color is Your Perspective?: Seeing South Carolina in a Different Light", Carolina Wallinger, Summerville Journal-Scene; July 9, 1997.
  • xxvii. "Coy Johnston", Wevonneda Minis, The Post and Courier; July 19, 1997.
  • xxviii. "Keeping Up with Critters Aids Forestry", The Post and Courier, Bo Peterson; October 25, 1997.
  • xxix. "Tinkering With Genes to Get a Tall, Strong 'Supertree'", Jonathan Welsh, The Wall Street Journal; January 13, 1998.
  • xxx. "Westvaco Clones Loblolly Pines", Bo Peterson, The Post and Courier; August 15, 1998.
  • xxxi. "Wood Tick Trail", Charlie Cline, Puplwood Production, not dated.
  • xxxii. "Co-op Area Pays Off," by W. Alan Guthrie, from Virginia Wildlife, Vol. XXVII, number 9, September 1966
  • xxxiii. "How Much Land Should a Wood Processor Own?"-William Duerr, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University(VPISU), nd.
f. Signage
  • i. Paper sign: "GAME FOOD PLANTING - Provided in the Interest of Better Hunting"
  • ii. Metal sign (17.5 x 23 cm): "Notice - Persons Are Hereby Warned That Trespassing On These Lands Is Strictly Prohibited - West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co. (A -M 11 -49)"
  • iii. Metal sign(17.5 x 23 cm): "Keep the Woods Green - Help Prevent Forest Fires - This Forest Is Owned and Managed For Continuous Tree Growth By West Virginia Pulp and Paper"
g. Public Relations Materials, 1926-1997
i. Westvaco News Releases, 1966-1995 and undated
  • Draft of Westvaco News Release-"Westvaco Distributes 500,000 Seedlings in Mountain State Reforestation Effort"; Timberlands Division, Summerville, SC; Dave Sowers; December 16, 1971.
  • Westvaco News Release-Timberlands Division, Summerville, SC; September 2, 1970.
  • Draft of News Brief-Timberlands Division, Jericho, South Carolina; March 29, 1974.
  • Westvaco News Release- "Westvaco Forest Research Meeting Covers Goals to Double Pulpwood Growth"; Timberlands Division, NY, NY., undated.
  • Westvaco News Release- Timberlands Division, New York, NY., not dated.
  • Westvaco News Brief-Corporate Headquarters, New York, NY; March 7, 1972.
  • "Westvaco and Transco Improve Gas Line Rights-of-way for Game Habitat"-Press Release, undated
  • "Westvaco Announces Unique Forest Research Initiative and Plans to Eliminate Use of Elemental Chlorine for Pulp Manufacturing"-Westvaco News Release, Timberlands Division, Summerville, SC; February 28, 1995.
  • Standby Statement(Westvaco Public Affairs Dept.); Forest Harvesting at Westvaco. June 5, 1992.
  • "'Westvaco Outdoors' Program Continues Public Hunting In Virginia Piedmont Area"; October 1966
  • "Westvaco Bedford Woodyard Ends 10th Year of Operation"; December 1966
  • ii. Awards and Citations, 1990-1995
  • Citation for Public Service from James G. Watt, Secretary of the Interior (mounted on hardboard, with a note on the back)
  • Certificate of Appreciation from F. Dale Robertson (Chief, Forest Service, US Dept. of Agriculture) and Cy Jamison (Director, Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior), October 29, 1990
  • National Great Blue Heron Award form the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, 1995

Box W4

g. Public Relations Materials, 1926-1997
iii. Bundled public relations materials, 1939-1982
  • Accordion folder: "Westvaco: Scholarships In Forestry"
  • Originally in a three-ring binder, this is a collection of resources for students interested in Forestry as an academic pursuit. Articles detailing forestry study enrollment accompany graduation and employment statistics, lists of schools offering forestry curricula, school catalogs, some Westvaco promotional material and a form letter to school guidance counselors, circa 1982.
  • Large Envelope, entitled "Plateau Woodlands Youth Project - Timberlands, [addressed to] Norman Spell," contains folder entitled "Horizons Four," and envelope entitled "Photo file - Youth Project."
  • Folder, entitled "Horizons Four," (1968-1970, 1972; no date on photographs) -- [Horizons Four is an outdoor program for disadvantaged youth from Harlem, NY and from South Brunswick, New Jersey. Westvaco made available its land, Plateau Woodlands, called Black Forest by local people, Coudersport, Pennsylvania for Horizons Four. Also Camp Moxie, abandoned Boy Scout camp was made available by Westvaco to Horizons Four.]
  • Envelope entitled "Photo file - Youth Project," contains- 25 photographs, negatives, 2 contact sheets of miniature photos
  • Envelope, entitled "Media Coverage, Westvaco Timberlands, 1968-1972," contains newspaper clippings; photographs; maps; information documenting W. Va. Pulp & Paper Co. conservation efforts; info documenting Westvaco activities that benefit the public, such as Westvaco opening its land to recreational use, hunting, fishing, camping, swimming in VA, NC, SC; correspondence re: meetings; papers issued by American Forest Institute re: timberlands that are open to the public for recreational use in SC, VA, NC, OH; map showing hunting area WV owned by Westvaco and open to public; a lot of general newspaper coverage mentioning Westvaco.
  • Envelope, contains newspaper clippings, media coverage of Westvaco from newspapers in NC, SC, VA, WV, KY, 1967-1974 about civic activities, planting seeds, purchasing flood damaged trees, fighting forest fires, misc.
  • Envelope contains a jumble of newspaper clippings, mostly about Westvaco's distributing free pine seedlings; conservation; and civic activities, from newspapers in WV, VA, OH, PA, 1968-1970, multiple copies of newspaper clippings
  • Envelope, entitled, "newspaper," contains newspaper clippings from VA, OR, PA, NC, IL, SC, WV, 1967-1970, re: Westvaco civic activities; any mention of Westvaco.
  • Folder, entitled, "Speeches by [Westvaco] company personnel," (1939-1968), (Approx. 450 p.), contains speeches, memos, correspondence re: speeches; many speeches by David L. Luke, Jr. and David L. Luke III, both served separately as president, West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company; speeches by other personnel of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company; some speeches with no name of speaker; "Report on Forest Pathology, Southern Region for American Phytopathological Society War Emergency Committee," [not a speech] [4 authors, too much info to list]; page from Journal of Forestry, May, 1951, letters to the editor; brochure re: American Forest Products Industries, Inc. silver anniversary; brochure re: tours by American Forest Products Industries, Inc.; reprint of article, "Trespassing Allowed," by Ray Ovington, from Elks Magazine, April 1966; reprint of article, "Taking Forestry to the Woods," by Herman Work, from American Forests, March 1939; news release re: 1965 annual meeting of Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association, Atlanta, FA, February 2, 3, 1965?
  • Folder entitled, "Advertising 1967" contains newspaper articles and letters to the editor (multiple copies; from Charleston [SC?] News and Courier "Woods and Waters" column); correspondence, pamphlet (USDA FS, Atlanta, GA), magazine articles from Outdoor Life (2 p.) and South Carolina Wildlife, (8 p.) re: Westvaco, forest management, conservation, wildlife, 1953, 1954, 1956.
  • Folder, entitled, "Publications-Westvaco Wood," contains reprint of article, "Taking Forestry to the Woods," by Herman Work, from American Forests, March 1939, 4 p.; "News Letter," September 1966, West Virginia Pulp and Paper, Luke Maryland, 8 p.; "Sticks, Chips, & Paper, the pulpwood producers' news letter," published periodically by the Wood Procurement Department of West Virginia Pulp and Paper's Luke, Maryland Mill, issues October 1960, November 1961, February 1963, September 1963, Spring 1966 (2 copies), Summer 1966, Spring 1967; "On-the-spot payment for your pulpwood. . ."; memos and photocopy of "New Westvaco Woodlands Marker, 4 inches x 8 inches, full color, June, 1967"; draft of article.
iv. Westvaco Publications, 1937-1993
  • External (published, for distribution), 1937-1993
  • Includes pamphlets, booklets, newsletters, hardcover and softcover books, brochures and articles released by Westvaco to its employees and to the industry in general, from 1937 to 1993. Two items were relocated to BOX 17.
  • Internal (one-of-a-kind presentations)
  • "Westvaco and the Paper Industry"-reprints of presentations made at Sales Orientation Institutes
  • Forest Conservation, Charleston Mill-WD Comings, nd; labeled black and white photos.

Box W5

g. Public Relations Materials, 1926-1997
iv. Westvaco Publications, 1937-1993
Westvaco advertisements in magazines and newspapers 1978-1981
v. Industry Publications of interest to Westvaco, 1926-1997 and undated
  • Society of American Foresters. (1996). The forestry source. Bethesda, MD: Society of American Foresters. Volume 2, No. 8, October 1997
  • South Carolina Wildlife Federation. (1900). South Carolina out-of-doors. Columbia: S.C. Wildlife Federation. Volume 3, No. 8, September 1976
  • The press and standard. (1890). Walterboro, S.C: B.G. Price, Jr.( Special section, October 22, 1993) Moved to Box 17 [W15]
  • Architectural Record, April 1984 (note, "p 97)
  • South Carolina Forestry Association Newsletter, December 1971
  • ACE Basin Current Events, Summer 1992
  • Mt. St. Helens: The continuing Story-Las Vegas: KC Publications, nd.
  • Slocum, G. K. (1948). Log rules and scaling practice. The Technical Press, Raleigh.
  • Smith, R. L., & South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation. (1994). A history of service to South Carolina farmers: Farm Bureau, South Carolina, 1944-1994 : 50 years service-leadership. Columbia, SC: S.C. Farm Bureau.
  • Wallinger, R. S. (1981). The Forestry Study Committee of South Carolina, 1955-1980: Its role in twenty-five years of state forest policy. Summerville, S.C: Westvaco Corp. (softbound, with letter from the author detailing publishing, dated January 5, 1982)
  • Atlas, J. (1990). The book wars. Knoxville, Tenn: Whittle Direct Books.
  • Wakeley, P. C. (1954). Planting the southern pines. Washington, D.C: Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
  • Wahr, G. (1926). Forest valuation: Volume II of Michigan manual of forestry, 2nd revised ed. Ann Arbor. MI
  • 2 brochures, one of which is address by Arthur B. Langlie, former governor of Washington state [American Forest Products Industries, Inc.] (1965, 1966)
  • South Carolina Forestry Association Newsletter: Special Report to Members; May 1, 1973

Box W5

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
  • i. Folder: "Photographs", undated. Includes black and white photos depicting logging, firefighting and seedling transport.
  • ii. Envelope addressed to Ms. Nina Spell, undated. Includes color and black-and-white photographs of various sizes, Polaroids, color slides, black-and-white negatives of various sizes, color print-outs, and notes.
  • iii. Packet, identified as "Color Photos", undated. Contains 13 black-and-white and color photographs.
  • iv. Packet, identified as "Metric Photos", and "10/6/98 Meeting." 2 aerial photos of "Transgenic Plant Growth Facility Construction", dated Sept/Oct 1998
  • v. Packet, identified as "Photos", and "10-30-98 Westvaco Transgenic." 2 aerial photos, dated 10/30/98

Box W6

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
vi. "Historical Photographs, 1927 - 1988"
Six 3-ring binders, each containing photographs. Some binders are indexed, and some contain correspondence.
  • Three-ring binder entitled, "Book IX, Buildings" - contains black and white photographs and index. Photos are of forests, buildings, houses, sheds, railroad tracks, some people in photos but not as main subject of photo, corn crop, airplanes, fire tower, equipment, group of people at work, misc. other subjects in photos.
  • Three-ring binder, first page says "Index - Book II, (1) Southern Woodlands, Nursery; (2) Southern Woodlands, Booth & Ivy Units, Georgia; (3) Southern Woodlands, Personnel and Scenes;" contains black and white and color photographs and index; (1945, 1948, 1954-1959). Photographs show tree nursery, land, machinery; digging nursery reservoir; working on land; constructing buildings; photographs of timber management process, trees, roads, corn fields, personnel at work; action photographs of machinery and equipment documenting the process of growing and managing timber on lands; bee hives; turpentine operations; helicopter; lands in Georgia; people living on lands and cultivating them; photographs (black and white and color) of personnel and scenes show many people in photos; all photos with captions that list names; educators and students (from Duke University School of Forestry, Syracuse University), foresters from private industry, foresters from USDA FS; demonstrations of operation of equipment/machinery with people watching; miscellaneous subject matter in photographs.
  • Three-ring binder entitled "Book VI - Part II, Roads and Drainage," (1957-1959), contains index.
  • Three-ring binder entitled, "S. Woodlands, Timber Studies," (1936-1949 and 1953-1959), contains index.
  • Three-ring binder. "The following photographs were taken in the Charleston District on properties owned by the West Virginia Pulp & Paper Company, 1938."
  • Three-ring binder. Contains correspondence and photographs regarding construction of Westvaco headquarters office building.

Box W7

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
vi. "Historical Photographs, 1927 - 1988"
  • Three 3-ring binders, no titles, no index, each contains photographs, black and white, occasional photo in color, several photos to one page, captions, glue has worn off on some photographs so that photos are loose in binder but on correct pages.

Box W8

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
vi. "Historical Photographs, 1927 - 1988"
  • 3 ring binder, [photograph album], title page reads, "Book V, Southern Woodlands, Prescribed Burning, Utilization," contains index. 154 pages of black and white and color photographs, with captions, (1945-1959); photos of tracts of land in South Carolina, farm land, land after fire, controlled/prescribed burning, machinery, airplane used for fire control, insect attack kills trees, fire to control insects, road construction, equipment and machinery, timber stands, pulpwood timber stands, miscellaneous photos of pulpwood operations-logging, loading, hauling; drainage ditches, other misc. photos
  • 3-ring binder, [photograph album], title page reads, "Index, Book I" (1948-1959), contains index. Contains photographs of timber management, equipment and machinery, planting, clearing lands, controlled burning, woodlands in various states in the southern U.S., the northeast U.S., and New England, U.S.

Box W9

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
vi. "Historical Photographs, 1927 - 1988"
  • 3-ring binder, photographic album, title page reads, "Book VII, Timber Stands" (1945-1959)
  • 3-ring binder, photograph album, title page reads, "Book VIII, Planting," (1946-1958). Contains index and photos documenting the process of planting forest tree plantation with loblolly pine, spruce pine, and slash pine seedlings; some hardwood trees, oak, cypress, and other trees. Tree plantations in photos are in South Carolina; photos show personnel, machinery/ and equipment, land; a few photos of an area that had been used by the U.S. government as an aerial bombing range and craters exist showing the effects of the bombs, area now used for planting.
  • 6 copies of black and white photo with detailed description on back, "No. 5 of a Series," showing seedlings or year-old trees at Westvaco Experimental Forest nursery [SC?], man in photo. Photos showing hand planting, machine planting, land, "badly blocked drainage area" showing standing water; tree plantations; "surface ditching," etc.
  • 3-ring binder photograph album, no title, no title page (1955, no date). Photos show construction of buildings, bridges, roads, canals; stands [plots] of trees; canopy of trees; land, soil; patch of trees killed by drought; young trees [plantations]; trees killed by fire, topsoil burned by fire; hurricane damage to trees; swamp being cleared by machinery; truck; photo showing actual burning; foresters; maintenance shop; miscellaneous equipment; photos of meetings instructing people on use and maintenance of equipment; equipment used to clear land; fire tower; photos of people in various capacities of caring for the land/working for W. Va. P&P Co.; logging; many captions say "conversion area."

Box W10

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
vi. "Historical Photographs, 1927 - 1988"
  • Envelope, entitled "Photographs, Newfoundland, 1924," Contains correspondence, information and photographs of the "Newfoundland Investigation"
  • Envelope entitled, "Luke Mill" [no date]. Contains 2 black and white photographs, caption on back of photos reads, "Luke Mill."
  • Folder entitled, "Tyrone, Penna." Contains photographs (some annotated) and information regarding pulpwood preparation in Pennsylvania.
  • Folder entitled, "Plateau," (1946, undated). Contains photographs from Plateau Woodlands Files
  • Folder entitled, "Wilmington District, N.C." (1927, 1929, 1930, 1948). Contains photographs, correspondence and maps regarding Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach, N.C.
  • Envelope entitled, "American Pulpwood Assn. Mechanization Pictures," [no date]. Contains box of 47 black and white photographs, four sheets of paper listing description and location of each photo.
  • Envelope entitled, "Loading Pulpwood Aboard Freighters, 1936." Contains several smaller envelopes which hold photographs of pulpwood preparation and transport.
  • Folders, "Photographs, Nova Scotia," (1924-1926, 1932, no date). Contains numerous photographs, some negatives and some correspondence regarding log drives, wood processing, sawmill construction, etc. from Sonora, Guysborough, and elsewhere in Nova Scotia.
  • Untitled collection of photographs and negatives (1937 - ). Contains photographs of logging equipment in Virginia and photographs and negatives of logging operations in Wheeler Tract, Vermont, 1940.
  • Folder, entitled "Maine," Contains 6 photos forest, men sawing log, men sawing tree, wood stacked up.
  • Folder, entitled "Charleston [SC] procurement" (1936, 1937, no date). Contains photographs of Georgetown, SC pulpwood dock and construction of Charleston [SC] Mill.
  • Folder, entitled "Personnel, Meetings," (1944, 1948, 1959, no date). Location in Virginia, contains photos of men with names on backs of photos - Doug Haynes, Lang Foster, Bill Comings / Duke Haynes / Bill Bailey / Bill Comings, unidentified man, Willard Sexton / Tom Linkswiler / Howard Ross / Sam Sweeney.
  • Folder, entitled "Covington," (1937, 1939, 1943, 1944, 1945). Contains loose photographs, correspondence and several envelopes with photographs of saws and equipment used in Covington, Charlotte C.H., Caskie, and Charlottesville, VA
  • Envelope. Contains photographs depicting land cleared with various clearing blades.
  • Envelope (1947, 1953, 1956, 1988). Contains photographs and negatives of Forest Research Advisory Committee
vii. Box, titled "Photographs, N.C. Woodlands Experimental Forest", undated.
  • Contains correspondence, negatives and photographs of Dare County, Milltail Creek, Manns Harbor, Stumpy Point, Tyrrell County, N.C. and Elbert County, G.A. Many photographs and materials address fire prevention and safety, and others document tree breeding techniques.

Box W11

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
viii. Box: Historical Photographs collected by (or concerning?) NE Spell
  • Many color and black-and-white photographs accompanied by some company documents depicting Westvaco's history from 1922 - 1973, collected by N.E. Spell.

Box W12

h. Photographs, 1922-1998
ix. "Photographs and miscellaneous items, 1922 - 1978"
  • Box containing many photographs and photographic presentations regarding seedlings and planting, logging methods, lumber transportation, conferences, or association meetings. Some photographs are accompanied by correspondence, news releases, or news articles.

Box W13

j. Westvaco Internal Correspondence, 1953-1995
Correspondence among Westvaco employees.
  • i. From N.E. Spell, 1967-1994. 29 letters from N.E. Spell, to individuals and to general divisions within Westvaco.
  • ii. From Katherine Hutcherson, 1978. Two intra-company letters from Katherine Hutcherson, one from 1978, the other undated.
  • iii. From JJ Wiley, 1961-1974. 18 letters from J.J. Wiley, to individuals and to general divisions within Westvaco.
  • ii. To JJ Wiley, 1968-1969. Four letters to J.J. Wiley from others within Westvaco.
  • iii. From S.B. Kinne, 1968. November 8, 1968; SB Kinne, Jr. to Timberlands co-workers; Company developments.(News release attached)
  • iv. Additional Internal Westvaco correspondence 1953-1995. Internal correspondence within Westvaco from S.C. Sweeny, D.Y. Lenhart, David L. Luke, III (President), D.J. Collins (Manager, West Virginia Woodlands), W.L. Foster (Summerville Office), R.K. Boyd, R.S. Wallinger, David Coffman, Ned Massee, Walt Penny, W.C. Harrison, and E.G. Owen dating from 1953-1995.
k. Westvaco external Correspondence, 1968-1992
Correspondence between Westvaco and individuals or agencies outside of the Westvaco organization.
  • i. From N.E. Spell, 1968-1975. Three letters from N.E. Spell to recipients outside of Westvaco.
  • ii. To N.E. Spell, 1969-1992. 12 letters to N.E. Spell from outside of Westvaco's organization.
  • i. January 28, 1981; Roger L Sherman to Karen Caltrider.(with attachment)
l. Other Correspondence 1945-1995
Correspondence not created by, but of interest to Westvaco.
  • i. December 27, 1995; Gary Youngblood to Harry V. Wiant, Jr.; Subject: "New Age v. Christian Environmentalism, Presented by Mary F. Wirth, Allegheny SAF, February 11, 1994"
  • ii. Miscellaneous Correspondence-Letter, June 9, 1945.
  • iii. 1964; Carry-Over Projects for Fiscal 1964; Summerville Research Center Land Management, Summerville, SC

5.2. Non-Westvaco Materials 1906-2010.

Material of interest to but not generated by Westvaco. Includes reports and surveys conducted by other organizations, minutes of meetings, materials retained from presentations attended by Westvaco employees, and directories or rosters of organizations of interest to Westvaco.

Box W14

a. Forestry Reports and Information, 1906-2000
  • i. Poplar Breeding Project (Oxford Paper Company)
  • Research Reports (1924-1939) on various topics from the Oxford Paper Company Research Department, 87 Thirty-Fifth Street, Brooklyn, NY.
  • Photo Plates-documenting tree research, b&w (56 boards)

Box W13, continued

a. Forestry Reports and Information 1906-2000
  • ii. Ames, F. E. "A Report on Loblolly Pine Lumbering in South Carolina." Thesis, Yale University School of Forestry, 1906. 64 pp. Thesis describing the operations of E. P. Burton Lumber Company in the Witherbee-Jamestown-Hellhole Swamp are of what was part of the Francis Marion National Forest as of 1979. (already in collection)
  • iii. The Forest is the Future-Johnathan Daniels;NY: Inetrnational Paper Company, 1957.
  • iv. Sewell: A New River Community-Rone Lane and Ted Schnepf; Eastern National Park and Monument Association, 1985.
  • v. Forest Policy Guidebook- Society of American Foresters, 1980.
  • vi. The South's Third Forest: A Report of the Southern Forest Resources Analysis Committee, 1969
  • Article; "The Timber Outlook" (Forest Farmer, March 1973)
  • "The South: Timber Growth Trends, Outlook" (Pulp & Paper, February 1973)
  • correspondence: Forest Farmers Association to President Nixon, January 18, 1973
  • vii. Briefing Book: The Joint Subcommittee Studying Chip Mills, Commonwealth of Virginia-5/2/2000; Ben Reeves and Keith Reitter.

Box W13

b. Forestry-Related Reports and Proceedings, 1974-1992
i. Economic Council of the Forest Industries: Summary of Proceedings, 1974-1977
  • February 5-8, 1974
  • January 14-17, 1975 (Kamuela, Hawaii)
  • January 20-23, 1976 (Tarpon Springs, FL)
  • February 9-12, 1977
ii. Economic Council of the Forest Industries: Forest Industries Council (FIC) Forest Productivity Project Report 1977
iii. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) 1991-1992
  • University of Florida. (1992). A partnership for fundamental research in forest biology: Annual report 1991. Florida: IFAS.
  • University of Florida. (1993). A partnership for fundamental research in forest biology: Annual report 1992. Florida: IFAS.
iv. Forest Industries Advisory Council (FIAC) and the Forest Industries Council Annual (FICA) Report, 1977-1979
  • FIAC, 1978
  • FIC, 1977
  • FIAC, 1979
  • FIC, 1978
v. Society of American Foresters, 1983-1986
  • International Forestry: the Role of the Society of American Foresters, March 1986
  • Maintaining Forest Site Productivity; Proceeding of the First Regional Technical Conference at the Sixty-second meeting of the Society of American Foresters; January 27-28, 1983
  • vi. American Forestry Association, 1982-1989
  • Evaluation Report-June-July, 1989(?)
  • Long-Range Strategic Plan-October 1982
  • Meeting, October 13-16, 1985, Traverse City, Michigan-Includes remarks of WD Ticknor.

Box W13

c. South Carolina Forestry Information, 1944-2000
i. South Carolina Forestry Association (Annual Report, 1969)
ii. Forester's Council of South Carolina
  • Position Statements, 11/9/1971; (11/30/1973)
  • History of the Forester's Council of South Carolina-6/15/1944; 6/15/1968
iii. South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Board of Registration for Foresters
  • Rosters of Registered Foresters
  • 1996-1997 (with attachments)
  • memo with corrections to roster
  • memo with list of attendees
  • Roster of Registered Foresters 1997-1998
  • Roster of Registered Foresters 1998-1999
  • Roster of Registered Foresters 1999-2000
  • Newsletter; "It's the Law"; Winter 1995 (with attachments)
  • South Carolina Registration For Foresters Code of Laws and Ethics
  • February 14, 1995; Dept. of LLR Board of Registration for Foresters to Douglas M. Crutchfield; Policy Regulation
iv. Miscellaneous Informational Items pertaining to South Carolina
  • "Significant Forestry Dates in South Carolina", undated; no author or source given
  • "Plantations of the Carolina Low Country"-Samuel Gaillard Stoney, undated.
  • "Crowfield Today Crumbling Ruins"-HR Dwight;undated.

Box W13

d. University School of Forestry Program Publications, 1973-1979
  • i. School of Forest Resources: A History, 1929-1979-North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
  • ii. A Plan for Public Excellence: School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources-VPISU, January 1979.
  • iii. A Proposal for an Industrial Forestry Operations Program at VPISU-John Hosner, Director, Division of Forestry and Wildlife Resources, Blacksburg, VA, July 1973.
  • iv. Proposal for an Expansion of the Industrial Forestry Program at VPISU-John Hosner, March 1976.
e. Miscellaneous Forestry Materials, 1989
  • i. A Presentation to the American Forest Council(1/24/1989, Hutcheson Shutze)

f. Conference Materials, 1970

  • i. A Forestry Incentive Program for the Seventies (A Proposal for Nonindustrial Private Forest Lands) (USDA Review Draft, June 1970)
g. Directories, 1987-1997
i. Station Directories 1992-1993
  • Southern forest Experiment Station; June 1992
  • Southern forest Experiment Station; January 14, 1993
ii. Membership Directories, 1987-1997
  • American Forest Institute; Directory of Forest Industries Providing Forest Management Services for Private Landowners in the United States
  • NFPA Department Directory; May, 1987
  • IUFRO Nursery Operations Working Party; June 12, 1991
  • Cooperative Tree Improvement Program; July, 1991
  • Southern United States Forest Service Scientists; December 23, 1992
  • NCSU Hardwood Research Cooperative Directory 1993
  • North Carolina State Forest Nutrition Cooperative; July 1993
  • School of Forestry Administration/AUSHC Staff; February 26, 1993
  • School of Forestry Administration/AUSHC Staff; February 15, 1994
  • Society of American Foresters; 1996
  • Appalachian Society of American Foresters; 1997
  • Accord Herbicide; undated
  • Society of American Foresters. (1975). Who's who in forestry. S.l.: The Section. (contains 15.5 x 23cm postcard quoting Sir Joshua Reynolds)
h. United States Department of Agriculture Soil Surveys, 1971-1982
  • i. Georgetown County, South Carolina; December, 1982
  • ii. Colleton County, South Carolina; December, 1982
  • iii. Berkeley County, South Carolina; January, 1980
  • iv. Charleston County, South Carolina; March, 1971
i. Meetings Materials, 1967-1994
  • i. Loose Materials for Meetings, 1970-1974
  • January 15, 1970; NCFA Directors Meeting Agenda
  • Fall Meeting of West Virginia Forest, Inc. and West Virginia Chapter - Society of American Foresters. Theme - "Communications"; November 8 - 9, 1974
  • ii. Minutes of Meetings, 1967-1994
  • Minutes of Pennsylvania Forest Industries Committee, March 15, 1967.
  • December 8, 1994; Society of American Foresters, Edisto Chapter: Representing the Forestry Profession In America; Minutes for 12/8/94 meeting, Northtowne Restaurant, North Charleston, SC

5.3. Material collected from Westvaco's Summerville, SC Center 1946-2010

Reports, research, public relations material and correspondence collected and donated by the Westvaco Research Center in Summerville, SC.

Box W16

a. Westvaco Reports, 1946-2002
i. Bound Reports, 1946-2001
  • 1946 A Comprehensive Study of Tree Volumes and Related Subjects (contains photographs, maps and charts) - Moved to Box 17 [W15]
  • 1981 Mid-Year Report
  • 1984 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1985 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1987 Forest Research Visit
  • 1987 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1988 Forest Research Goals
  • 1988 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1989 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1991 Forest Research Goals - Goals Progress Report
  • 1992 Forest Research Goals
  • 1992 Forest Research Goals - Year-End Report
  • 1993 Forest Research Goals
  • 1993 Forest Research Goals - Goals Accomplishment Report
  • 1994 Forest Research Goals - Goals Accomplishment Report
  • 1997 Forest Research Goals - Year-End Progress Report
  • 1998 Goals for Forest Research & Technology
  • 1998 Forest Science & Technology - Year-End Progress Summary
  • 1999 Goals for Forest Research & Technology
  • 1999 Forest Science & Technology - Year-End Progress Summary
  • 2001 Forest Science & Technology - Year-End Progress Summary
ii. Loose Reports, 1961-2002
  • (undated) Forest Research and Development Objectives
  • 1961 Review of Forest Research Accomplishments & Expenses
  • 1961 Forest Research Program - Timberlands Division
  • 1961 Midyear Meeting of Forest Research Organization
  • 1967 Midyear Forest Research Meeting
  • 1969 Forest Research Report (with memo)
  • 1973 Forest Research Goals
  • 1974 Forest Research Goals
  • 1975 Forest Research Goals
  • 1975 List of Studies by Location, Purpose and Trends
  • 1975 List of Studies for fiscal year 1975
  • 1975 Work program for 1975
  • 1976 Forest Research Goals
  • 1976 Cooperative Research Program on Forestry Equipment/Systems Development Summary Report
  • 1977 Major Goals
  • 1978 Forest Research Goals Summary
  • 1982 Forest Research Expense Report
  • 1982 Forest Research Program Executive Summary
  • 1982 Forest Research Year-End Report Review
  • 1983 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1984 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1985 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1986 Forest Research Goals Executive Summary
  • 1986 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1987 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1988 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1988 Forest Research Program Executive Summary
  • 1989 Forest Research Goals
  • 1989 Forest Research Year-End Report
  • 1991 Forest Research Goals
  • 1992 Forest Research Goals (copy)
  • 1992 Forest Research Goals - Year-End Report (summary)
  • 1993 Forest Research Goals
  • 1993 Forest Research Goals - Goals Accomplishment Report (summary)
  • 1994 Forest Research Goals
  • 1994 Forest Research Goals - Year-End Report (summary)
  • 1995 Forest Research Goals
  • 1996 Forest Research Goals - Year-End Report (summary - 2 copies)
  • 1997 Forest Research Goals
  • 1998 Forest Science & Technology Goals
  • 1998 Forest Science & Technology Goals - Year-End Report (summary)
  • 1999 Forest Science & Technology Goals
  • 1999 Forest Science & Technology Goals - Year-End Report (summary)
  • 2000 Forest Science & Technology Goals
  • 2001 Forest Science & Technology Goals
  • 2001 Forest Science & Technology Goals - Year-End Report (summary - 8 pages)
  • 2001 Forest Science & Technology Goals - Year-End Report (summary - 46 pages)
  • 2002 Forest Science & Technology Goals - Year-End Report (summary)
iii. Accordion Folder: "Westvaco Productivity Potential December 1991", 1991 - 1993
  • Bound Volumes
  • David L. Luke III Forest Science Laboratory Visit; June 13, 1991
  • Forest Research Review; December 11, 1991
  • Loose materials
  • "Luke Visit" presentation materials; December 11, 1991
  • "Luke Visit" presentation materials; October 13, 1992
  • "Growth Models"; March 30, 1993
  • Internal correspondence, reports, agendas, articles, schedules, programs, notes
iv. Accordion Folder: "RSW Tour August - September 1993"
  • Bound Volumes
  • Southern Region/Forest Research Field Tour August 30 - September 3, 1993
  • Forest Research Program and Objectives; Mr. E. Lee Andrews' Visit February 13, 1980
  • Loose materials
  • "Luke Visit" memos
  • 1994 Forest Research Goals
  • Internal correspondence, announcements, budgets, histories, briefing books, schedules, presentation materials, reports

Box W17

a. Westvaco Reports, 1976-1990
v. Accordion Folder: "Papers Related Site Productivity Model"
Articles, reports, charts, site evaluations, memos, and ledgers concerning loblolly pines 1976 - 1990

Box W17

b. Presentations, 1976-2006
  • i. 1976 Agenda; Securities Analysts' Visit
  • ii. 2006 AF&PA 2006 Deans' Tour (hosted by MeadWestvaco and Arborgen LLC) September 27-29, 2006
  • iii. 2004 Forest Research - Research Advisory Team Meeting Agenda May 27, 2004
  • iv. "I Like Trees! You Like Trees!": Talk to Louisiana Society of American Foresters, November 1992. Managing Southern Forest Ecosystems in the Nineties and Beyond: Education, Research and Applications. D.M.C.
  • v. March 14, 1990 Slide Show (Australia/New Zealand) for Opo Meeting
  • Handwritten guide to slides (17 pages)
  • Color slides (approximately 289)
  • vi. DVD-ROM "Westvaco forest Research 'Commitment to Discovery'"

Box W21 (Oversize)

b. Presentations, 1976-2006
vii. Photographic Box (OVERSIZE - 16 x 20 inches)
Notes and photos used for Seaboard Air Line Railroad's 1967 Field Forestry Program; Hoffman, N.C. on U.S. HWY 1
Forest Insect and Disease Problems (Station 2); D.M. Crutchfield, West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company (8 note cards, measuring 5 x 8 inches)
Eleven photographs with accompanying signage (16 x 20 inches)

Box W17 (continued)

c. Research History, 1958-2010
  • i. Accordion Folder: "50th Anniversary" 1970-1995. Contains color and black & white photographs, color and black & white slide transparencies, Polaroid photos, directories, articles, internal correspondence, and historical overviews of Westvaco's Forest Research (articles dating 1970 - 1995 refer to events from 1944 and onward)
  • ii. "Biographical Notes of Research Personnel." A manila folder containing an alphabetical list of personnel, with an appendix listing scientists involved with Forest Genetics Research
  • iii. "Research Methods & Aids", 1958-1986. Accordion Folder - post-it attached: "from Doug Crutchfield + 3 boxes" - Data, tables, charts, articles, publications, measuring tools, studies, guidelines and instructions 1958-1986
  • iv. CD-ROM "Westvaco Forest Research" History - Owens - Jan 2010"
  • "Time Line for Significant Quantitative Events in Westvaco Forest Research Biometrics" Research Center Establishment (By E.G.Owens) Shows when/where Research Centers were established and Leadership over the years.
  • A copy of the CD-ROM in Box 2, c.ii, with the addition of one wordpad file, "Central Forest Research Center"

Box W17

d. Miscellaneous media, 1992
i. 32 unidentified Color Slides - processed February 1992, with a note "02127"
e. Public Relations Material, 1961-1995
i. "Forestry PR Materials" (manila envelope) 1977-1993
  • Green America; American forest Council (14 issues)
  • "The 'Green America' Series. . ." (pamphlet)
  • Tree Farmer (Winter 1993)
  • "I'm a Tree" (lyric sheets)
  • United States. (1977). Career profiles in forestry, conservation, ecology, environmental management. Washington: Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service.
  • Ham, D. L., & Clemson University. (1980). Fire in the forest: Good and bad. Clemson: Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.
  • NewsWick Updates: Westvaco at Wickliffe, Vol. XXII, No.11
  • January 27, 1987; American Forest Council announcement of the debut of "Your Water-A Forest Product" in Green America
ii. "Forestry PR Materials: Windsor Hill Elementary", 1994-1995
  • Bundled correspondence between D.M. Crutchfield and Windsor Hill Elementary
  • "I'm a Tree" lyrics and presentation materials
  • "Forest Type Trends in South Carolina" (data set)
  • "South Carolina's forest and Paper Industry: Overview"; American Forest & Paper Association
  • South Carolina. (1994). South Carolina's best management practices for forestry. Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Forestry Commission.
  • "Who Buys Trees?" (Southern Forest Institute pamphlet)
  • "History of the American Tree Farm System" (American Forest Institute pamphlet)
  • "How You Can Become a Tree Farmer" (American Forest Institute pamphlet)
  • "U.S. Paper Recovery, Recycling & Reuse Fast Facts" (American Forest & Paper Association pamphlet)
  • "Quick Facts About America's Forests" (American Forest Council pamphlet)
  • (1995, Spring). Cradle News 1(1)
  • "Balancing Business & Nature: Westvaco's initiatives to conserve and enhance the environment and natural resources"; Westvaco Environmental Report Update for 1995
  • (1995, February). Forest Focus
  • (1994, January/February). Tree Farmer
  • "Q & A: Debunking Some Popular Myths About the Forest Products Industry"
iii. Folder: "(illegible) Career Fair 2 Feb 1993"
  • Westvaco "Bluff Trails Opening" Materials
  • Guidebook
  • Grand opening Ceremony program; May 29, 1992
  • Invitation to the opening of Westvaco's Bluff Trail
  • Bluff trail Location map (15 copies)
  • "Facts about America's Forests" (copy)
iv. National Forest Products Week, October 20- 26, 1991 materials kit. Contains pamphlets and fliers

Box W18

e. Public Relations Material, 1961-1995
v. Folder: "Talks/Letters" 1961 - 1994
  • Bound Volumes
  • The 2030 A.D. Forest: The Industrial Direction
  • Site Preparation - Coastal Plain; Slide Presentation - December 8 1982 (text only)
  • Loose Materials
  • contains external correspondence, articles, reports, plans, histories, programs, presentations
vi. Folder: Webelos (Boy Scouts) training materials
vii. Miscellaneous paper materials. "Products from Trees"; Westvaco Corporation

Box W18

f. Westvaco Publications, 1990-1992 and undated
  • Loose Pamphlets (undated)
  • A collection of older pamphlets and promotional materials. Some are older but are undated.
  • "A Commitment to Discovery" (4 different editions)
  • "There's More to Our Forests Than Trees"
  • "Investment In Innovation"
  • "The Managed Pine Forest" (poster, 32 x 48 cm) no date
  • News Briefs No. 6122; August 3, 1992
  • News Briefs No. 6059; August 17, 1990 (bundled with older issues of NewsWick and Luke News dating back to 1989)
g. Non-Westvaco Materials, 1967-2005
i. Events attended by Westvaco circa 1993
Forestry Activism Workshop: Westvaco Corporation (contains article from Timber Harvesting, February 1993: "Let's Get Active")
North Carolina State Forest Nutrition Cooperative materials (in unlabeled box for overhead transparencies)
Correspondence, notes, directories, agendas, program materials (transparencies and copies)
ii. Non-Westvaco Reports, 1993-2005
  • "Forest Research Needs From a Forest Industry View"; Southern Industrial Forestry Research Council Report No. 5 (with directory)
  • "Forestry Research for the 1990's Industry's Suggested Priorities"; American forest and Paper Association Forest Resources Research Committee National Research Priorities Report 1993
  • Southern Industrial Forestry Research Council Report No. 7: A Review of Cooperative Forestry Research in the South; July 2000
  • North Carolina State University Hardwood Research Cooperative 31st Annual Report; May, 1994
  • Keyser, P. D. , Ford, W. M., & United States. (2005). Ten years of research on the MeadWestvaco Wildlife and Ecosystem Research Forest: An annotated bibliography. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
iii. Trade Publications, 1967-1994
  • Hardwood Profiles 10. NCSU Hardwood Research Cooperative, Winter 1994
  • American Forest Products Industries Inc. (1967). Growing trees in a growing nation: Forest Policy/Forest Industries Council.
  • Counterpoint: The truth about America's forests
  • "Telling Your Story: A Compilation of Suggestions and Resources for National Forest Products Week 1992"
  • "Every Day Is Earth Day"; promotional materials for the American Forest Council, American Paper Institute, National Forest Products Association, and American Forest Resource Alliance
  • "Wise Use of America's Forests: National Forest Products Week, October 21-27-1990"
  • "I'm a Tree" Presentation Materials; U.C. Coatings Corporation
  • Forest Industry News Vol. 1 (1974)
  • Green America: Your Water - A Forest Product; American Forest Council (2 copies)
  • Trees Want You: A mini-course to abolish ignorance about the American forest; American Forest Institute
  • "Forestry Learning Material"; Forestry Media Center, College of forestry, Oregon State University (copy)
  • "You Can Will Your Forest's Future (pamphlet); Southern Forest Institute
  • "Familiar Trees of South Carolina: A Manual for Tree Study"; Clemson University (photocopy)
  • Lee, P.L. (1991, August 18). Forests should be used. Sun News. (photocopy)
iv. Miscellaneous materials, 1972-1988
  • Southern Forest Institute; Forester's FIC Communications Check-list
  • Basic Forest Statistics for the Thirteen Southern States for 1970/How to Hold a One-Day Forest Tour For Your Local Newsman/Economic Analysis of the South's Pulp and Paper Industry 1972; Southern Forest Institute
  • "Forestry Facts"; Society of American Foresters
  • "I'm a Tree" presentation instructions; U.C. Coatings Corporation
  • "Facts about the Forest Products Industry"; memo (2 copies)
  • "America Grows On Trees"; National Forest Products Week October 16-22, 1988 (suggestions for publicity)
v. External Correspondence, 1994
  • June 12, 1994; Scott Berg & John Heissenbuttel, AF&PA to AF&PA Resources Research Committee; Subject: Draft NRC Implementation Committee Initiative for 1996 and FRAC Meeting Notice for July 13 - 15th (accompanied by June 7, 1994 draft of the Forestry Research and Education Initiative)
  • May 9, 1994; John H. Gibbons (Assistant to the President for Science and Technology) to Mr. Scott Berg

Box W15 (Oddly sized items)

Archival Box
This box contains items which are slightly too large to fit with their companions in a "banker's box". Items listed in Boxes 1-24 with the notation "MOVED TO BOX 17" were physically relocated to this box.
  • Westvaco Time Book-February 9, 1924-January 9, 1926 - noted in BOX 2
  • Paper age. (1970). Braintree, MA [etc.: Global Publications [etc..April 1993] - belongs in BOX 4, Westvaco advertisements in magazines and newspapers 1978-1981
  • American Paper Institute., & Chesapeake Corporation of Virginia. (1966). Growing trees for a growing world: How paper serves America. New York. (contains two brown bags with the legend, "Every Litter Bit Hurts") - belongs in BOX 4, Westvaco advertisements in magazines and newspapers 1978-1981
  • The press and standard. (1890). Walterboro, S.C: B.G. Price, Jr. (Special section, October 22, 1993) - noted in BOX 5
  • 1946 A Comprehensive Study of Tree Volumes and Related Subjects (contains photographs, maps and charts) - noted in box 18.

6. Films

Box F1

Films, 1924-1970 and undated
  • i. "Pulpwood Fights the Japs"- 16mm, b&w. Leslie Roush Productions/War Production Board.
  • ii. "When Trees Talk"- (1924) [West Virginia history]
  • iii. "When Trees Talk"- undated
  • iv. "The Sound of Sound" - 16mm, color, 16 mins. American Optical Corp. (1970)
  • v. Land Clearance Footage
  • vi. Logging Operations (1)
  • vii. Logging Operations (2)
  • viii. Logging Operations (3)
  • ix. Logging Operations (4)
  • x. "When Trees Talk" - undated
  • xi. Chips from Sawmill Waste - 16mm, color, 5 mins., silent.

Box F2

Films, 1924-1970 and undated
  • xii. Westvaco Historical Footage
  • xiii. "When Trees Talk" - 1924(?), off reel
  • xiv. No title, undated
  • xv. "The Twenty-First Century Forest"-16mm.
  • xvi. "Forest for the Future"
  • xvii. "Paper: A Cycle of Growth"

Box F3

Films, 1974-1986 and undated

  • "American Ingenuity It Still Works." 16 mm. film. Peckham Productions, 50 South Buckhout Street Irvington, NY 10533
  • "An X Factor" 21 mins, Color, "Print# 10", 1978. Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Illinois. Examines the theory that accidents result from workers not following safe work procedures-an X Factor- in accident causation. Shows more than a dozen accidents involving chain saws, skidders, loaders and transport equipment which are discussed in depth.
  • "Control of Low Grade Hardwoods." 16 mm film, color, 12 mins. Clemson College Extension Service, Visual Instruction{?) Department.
  • "Cycle of Growth." 1986. Peckham Productions, 50 South Buckhout Street Irvington, NY 10533. Westvaco Corporation. Shows how paper and bleached paperboard are made, with emphasis on the raw material of wood as a renewable resource.
  • “Paper: A Cycle of Growth" [title handwritten onto film leader on two reels]; "Paper, A Cycle of Growth" [title handwritten onto film leader on one reel]. 1974, 16 mm film, 21 mins, color. Peckham Productions, 50 South Buckhout Street Irvington, NY 10533. Portrays the cycle of fine paper manufacture, from the harvesting of trees, through the manufacturing process, to end uses. Also shows planting of new forests.
  • “The Paper Pipeline." 1979, 16 mm. film, color, 19 mins. Peckham Productions, Inc., South Buckhout Street Irvington, NY 10533. Shows how Westvaco Corporation manufactures various types of paper packaging and the importance of these products in our daily lives.

Box F4

Films, 1945-1995 and undated

  • "Fire Film." 16mm film, silent.
  • "Forests for the Future." 1995, VHS, 3 videocassettes, 71 mins, color. SER, Alan Honick, Cedar Films. In this comprehensive series, leading scientists and forestry specialists present a fascinating, hands-on look at the ecology and biology of old-growth forests, the impact of human activities on this ecology, and how ecology and economy might be balanced to preserve ancient forests for use by future generations. VIDEO 1 (23 min.): the natural forest. VIDEO 2 (27 min.): humans in the forest. VIDEO 3 (21 min.): decisions for the future.
  • "Forests Are For People." 1973, 16mm film, 28 mins, color. American Forest Institute. Explains how forests are managed to benefit man and shows the role of the forester. Includes the short film, "The American Forest," as a part of the presentation.
  • "Galactic Garden: A Vision of Renewability." 1980, 16mm film, 10 mins, color. American Forest Institute; Essentia, Salina Star Route, Boulder, Colorado 80302. An attempt to stimulate interest in Project Learning Tree, an environmental curriculum program, by seeking to instill a greater awareness of the forest, our individual environments, and the interrelationship of all living and nonliving things.
  • "If You Took the Family To Work." Color. National Safety Council, Green Cross For Safety [Chicago, Illinois]. A SARRA Production.
  • "Selective Cutting: Elimination of Diseased and Defective Species." 1945. Gulf States Paper Company, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Produced by Southern States Pulpwood Producers; with contributors American Pulpwood Association, F.C. Huyck and Sons.

Box F5

Films, 1965-1987 and undated

  • "Marketing Pulpwood." 16mm film, 12 mins, color.
  • "The South's Amazing Forests." 1965. 21 mins, color. Southern Forest Institute (SFI) ; released by The Editors Center.
  • "South's Third Forest." 16 mm film, 13:30 mins, color. Southern Forest Institute, Atlanta, Georgia. Included in one film case are the booklet, 'The South's Third Forest, an abbreviated version of the Southern Forest Resource Analysis Report which sets forth a blueprint for the most far reaching program of timber resource development in history," published by Southern Forest Resource Council (members: Southern Pine Assoc., Forest Farmers Assoc., American Plywood Assoc., Southern Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers Assoc., Southern Forest Institute), 1 1 p.; "Southern Forest Institute News, Production Notes, The South's Third Forest. ... This motion picture has been designed to acquaint the general public with the concept of the South's Third Forest... 1 p.; "Film Recap Sheet and Suggested Introduction for General Audiences," (Southern Forest Institute), 2 p.
  • "Standards for Survival" - "Seconds to Live." Color. May be earlier version of "Standards for Survival: A Basic Lesson in Firefighter Safety" from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. 1987, 3 videocassettes, 117 Min.
  • "The Twenty-First Century Forest.” Color. Peckham Productions, South Buckhout Street Irvington, NY 10533. Handwritten note, "From Swartswood State Park, P.O. Box 123, Swartswood, NJ 07877-0 123." May be produced by Westvaco in 1987.
  • "2 Steps To Safety." Green Cross For Safety, The National Safety Council with the cooperation of United States Department of Labor, a SARRA Production. Color. Number 2 in the series "Personal Side of Safety"
  • "Wet Weather Company Operation." International Paper Co., Camden, Arkansas.

Box F6

Films, 1968-1975 and undated

  • "The Lateiner Method of Accident Control." 1968, 16mm film, 24 mins, color. Aegis Productions, New York, New York. Alfred Lateiner, safety counselor, presents causes of accidents at work and sets up precautions for them.
  • "Multiple Choice: A Test About Survival." 1975, 16mm film, 25 mins, color. Caterpillar Tractor Co. in cooperation with The National Safety Council. Illustrates the dangerous consequences of carelessness and inattention in the use of heavy construction machinery.
  • "The Paper Forest." Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association (SPCA), Atlanta, Georgia I Frank Willard Productions, Atlanta, Georgia. 16 mm film, 28 mins, color. Included in film case are the following three brochures - "The Paper Forest, A new educational motion picture," discusses the South's pulp and paper industry and its part in forest development, 4 p.; "The Paper Forest, A filmed story of papermaking from forest to finished products, contains outline of film content, 6 p.; "Teacher's Guide to The Paper Forest with synopsis of the film, outline of film content, detailed geographical and historical information about Southern pulp and paper industry, suggestions for teachers about using film, additional sources of information, 4 p. Winner, Grand Prize of the Film Festival, World Forestry Congress, Madrid, 1966.

Box F7 (oversize)

Films 1949-1950 and undated

  • Westvaco Land Management and Wood Procurement, Charleston, SC, 1949.
  • Untitled, color, 45 min., silent.
  • Westvaco Southern Woodlands Department and Millwood Procurement, 1950-50 min., silent.

7. Material added in 2018

Box C1

Wood Supply Plans

  • Company wood supply plans, 1980-1994

Box C2

Resource Survey Reports / Pulpwood Investigation Reports

  • 1934. Effects of Forestry Program on Wood Supply for Pulp Mills. H. Work.
  • 5/1946. Wood Supply Study: Northern Pennsylvania Hardwoods. Pulpwood Investigation Reports Report No. 1. H. Work
  • 8/1946. Pine on Delmarva Peninsula. Pulpwood Investigation Reports Report No. 2. H. Work
  • 8/1947. Survey of Eastern Arkansas. PX-47-1. T. A. Cook and C. J. Sibler. Note: appears to be a survey of river sites and flows.
  • 4/1950. West Coast Possibilities. Pulpwood Investigation Reports Report No. 7. H. Work
  • 5/1950. Atlas of Pulpwood Resources. Unattributed.
  • 8/1950. Pine Pulpwood Resources of Delmarva. Resource Survey Report No. 8. H. Work and S.C. Sweeny 11/1950. Gum for Covington. Data to be included in Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 9. H. Work? 2/1951. West Point Mill Study. Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 10. H. Work and S.C. Sweeny 11/1951. Pine Pulpwood Available for Tyrone and Williamsburg Mills. Pulpwood Investigation Reports Number 12. H. Work and S. C. Sweeny
  • 5/1952. Gum Wood in the Mississippi Valley. Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 13. H. Work.
  • 7/1952. Comments on Louisville and Nashville Railroad Brochure: Brewton, Alabama Site for a Kraft Paper Mill. Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 14. S. C. Sweeny and H. Work
  • 12/1952. Surplus Pine of the Danville Area. Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 15. H. Work and S.C. Sweeny
  • 3/1953. St. Joe Paper Company's Timberland Holdings. Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 18. S. C. Sweeny
  • 4/1953. Wood Resources for Tyrone-Williamsburg. Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 19. H. Work and S. C. Sweeny
  • 4/1953. Southland Paper Mills, Inc. Pulpwood Investigation Report Number 20. S. C. Sweeny
  • [1952]. Factors Used in Computing Waste. Unattributed.
  • 7/1953. Comments on Naheola, Alabama Mill Site. Resource Survey Report No. 22. C. Sweeny
  • 8/1953. Wood Leftovers in the West: Field Notes. Appendix to Report 23. H. Work
  • [4/1955] Excerpts from page 45 of Report to West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company on Mill Sites in the Vicinity of Washington and New Bern, NC. 1 page.
  • 4/1955. Preliminary Findings of 1955 Forest Survey of the Northern Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Supplement to Resource Survey Report No. 24. S. C. Sweeny.
  • 3/1954. Bryan-Rodman Lands, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Supplement to Report No. 24. S. C. Sweeny
  • Undated. Map of Dare County, NC holdings of Roper and Richmond Cedar Works.
  • 10/1953. Timber Resource Review Data in North Carolina and Virginia, including Growth Per Cents of Pine in the South Atlantic States. Resource Survey Report No. 26. S. C. Sweeny.
  • 1/1954. Apple Crates. Resource Survey Report No. 27. S. C. Sweeny
  • 2/1954. Preliminary Report on Forest Survey of Sussex County, Va. Mad by NEFES. Resource Survey Report No. 28. S. C. Sweeny
  • 11/1954. Pine Resources of Georgia and Alabama. Resource Survey Report No. 31. S. C. Sweeny.
  • 11/1954. Forestry Statistics for Virginia. Resource Survey Report No. 32. S. C. Sweeny
  • 12/1954. Summary of Severance Taxes on Forest Products in the South. Resource Survey Report No. 33. S. C. Sweeny
  • 1/1955. Report to Virginia Forest Resources Study Commission: Survey of Forest Conditions and Cutting Practices. Pomeroy & McGowin. Z. White, L. Pomeroy, W Gandy, T. Scott and J. McGowin. Note: NOT company-produced.
  • 5/1955. Hardwood Statistics for West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company's Wood Procurement Areas. Resource Survey Report No. 36. S. C. Sweeny and J. R. Amos
  • 3/1955. East Texas Investigation February 21-March 6, 1955. Resource Survey Report No. 37. S. C. Sweeny
  • 3/1955. Mississippi Forestry Summary. Resource Survey Report No. 38. S. C. Sweeny
  • 3/1956. Atlas of Forest land Ownerships. Resource Survey Report No. 39. S. C. Sweeny
  • 3/1955. Leesville, Louisiana Area. Resource Survey Report No. 40. S. C. Sweeny
  • 11/1948. The Timber Supply in the Leesville, Louisiana Area and Specific Sources of Pulpwood Near Leesville. A report for Glore, Forgan & Company. Pomeroy & McGowin. Not company produced.
  • 5/1955. Price Trends of Box Shooks. Resource Survey Report No. 41. J. R. Amos.
  • 8/1955. Forest Fire History of the Coastal Plain, North Carolina. Resource Survey Report No. 41. S. C. Sweeny
  • 5/1957. Forest Fire Laws of North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. Resource Survey Report No. 43. S. C. Sweeny and P.A. Brown

Box C3

  • 5/1955. Preliminary Examination of the Albert Ernest Lands (Boykin Property) in Charles County, Maryland. Resource Survey Report No. 44. J. R. Amos
  • 1955-56. A small collection of memos and tables seemingly related to wood supply for Tyrone Mill.
  • 3/1956. The South Carolina Timber Resource Review. Resource Survey Report No. 47. S. C. Sweeny.
  • 9/1956. Pulpwood Resources Available to Memphis, Tennessee. Resource Survey Report No. 48. S. C. Sweeny
  • 3/1956. The Cajeput Tree (Melaleuca leucadendron). Resource Survey Report No. 49. S. C. Sweeny
  • 4/1956. Paper-Roll Plugs: A possible Use for Inferior Southern Hardwoods. Resource Survey Report No. 50. S. C. Sweeny.
  • 11/1958. The Forest Resources of South Carolina Piedmont, 1958. Supplement to Resource Survey Report No. 61. S. C. Sweeny and P.A. Brown, Jr.
  • 2/1960. South Carolina Forest Facts 1959. Supplement No. 2 to Resource Survey Report No. 61. S. C. Sweeny and P.A. Brown, Jr.
  • 8/1959. South Carolina's Forest Resources of 1936, 1947 and 1958 Compared. Resource Survey Report No. 64. P.A. Brown, Jr. and S. C. Sweeny
  • 4/1961. Forest Resources of Charleston's Wood-Procurement Area. Resource Survey Report No. 65. S. C. Sweeny and P.A. Brown, Jr.
  • 3/1960. Abstracts of Resource Survey Reports and Related Subjects. Resource Survey Report No. 66. S. C. Sweeny. Edited by W. D. Comings.
  • 8/1960. Woods Waste in South Carolina Forests. Resource Survey Report No. 68. S. C. Sweeny and P.A. Brown, Jr.

Other Research Reports

  • Plywood Feasibility Study Report
  • Mapping of Soil Phosphorus Levels in the South Carolina Coastal Plain, 1977
  • Preliminary Analysis of Changes in the Charleston Mill Timbershed, 1986-1993
  • Westvaco Timbershed Study
  • Summary of Impressions with Recommendations for Programme for Belize by Kenney P. Funderburke, 1990.
  • Other reports

Box C4

Research Annual Summary Files

  • Includes summary reports from various Westvaco research centers and associated materials, 1939-1966.

Box C5

Research Annual Summary Files

  • Includes summary reports from various Westvaco research centers and associated materials, 1939-1966.

Wood Department – Personal Advisory Committee

  • Files.

Box C6

Production Analyses

  • Southern Woodlands Productivity Gains 1982-1986
  • Pine Potentials of Scrub Oak Land, 1956
  • A Plan to Improve Growing Stock, Southern Woodlands, December, 1964
  • Proposal to Increase Productivity of Hardwood Lands, Southern Woodlands, May 10, 1968
  • Progress Report on the Assignment of Developing Full productivity of the Company’s Timberlands
  • A report On Proposal to Increase productivity at Southern Woodlands, 1965
  • A Report on a 5 and 7-Year Proposal to Increase Productivity at Southern Woodlands, 1965
  • Thinning at Southern Woodlands
  • Hardwood Management Recommendation
  • Other reports

Goals Progress Reports

  • Goals Progress Report, Timberlands Division, Fiscal years 1980-1986; 1991-1995
  • Goals Progress Report, Forest Resources Division, 1997

Forest Conservation Reports

  • 1948
  • 1950

Woodlands Statistics

  • 1945-1956

Box C7

Other Organizational Materials / Files

  • Organizational Charts
  • Seeding Program 1975-1978
  • Speeches
  • Charleston Mill
  • Manteo, NC
  • Atlantic White Cedar
    (research file; white cedar regeneration in Dare and Tyrrell Counties, 1950s; seed collection, seed storage, practices at Clayton nursery)
  • Luke Mill
  • Southern Woodlands
  • AFA Meeting 1979
  • Directories
  • Other Economic Reports

Box C8


  • Annual reports, 1948-1973
  • Other Publications
  • Southern Woodlands Manual, 1963
  • Westvaco Timberlands Division, Multiple Use Forest Management Plan
  • Westvaco Multiple Use Forest Management, Wildlife, Recreation, and Special Areas, Timberlands Division Planning Guide, 1981

Box C9


  • Bound scrapbooks of news clipping files, 1947-1953

Box C10


  • 1976 Ashley, Edisto Santee District Unit Maps
  • 1993 Southern Woodlands Unit Maps
  • 1984 Southern Woodlands Unit Maps
  • 2003 MWV Southern Region (Charleston Forest?) Unit Maps
  • 11/1/89 Southern Woodlands Unit Maps- most computer drawn
  • 1999 Southern Forest Unit maps
  • 2006 Charleston Forest Unit maps
  • 1949, a book of large-scale type maps for Georgetown/Williamsburg properties, pine cutting areas for the initial 3 years of regulation
  • Other maps

Box C11


  • Photos of forest management and related topics in bound albums and loose

Box C12

  • Album: A Comprehensive Study of Tree Volumes and Related Subjects, Summerville, SC, 1946
  • 1992 Presentation of Westvaco's Forestry Operations in Brazil (slides)
  • Southeastern Wildlife Disease Study (slides)
  • Other Slides

Box C13

  • Slides
  • Loose slides, various topics

Box C14 (Oversize)

Oversize materials

  • Advertisements
  • Blank tax forms
  • Framed photos
  • Framed articles of corporation for Cooper River Timber Company


Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

No restrictions.

Copyright Notice

The nature of the Forest History Society's archival holdings means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine despite reasonable efforts. The Forest History Society claims only physical ownership of most archival materials.

The materials from our collections are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user must assume full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used for academic research or otherwise should be fully credited with the source.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Westvaco Corporation Records, Library and Archives, Forest History Society, Durham, NC, USA.

Acquisitions Information

Original deposit received from K. L. Casey Canonge, public affairs officer for Mead-Westvaco's timberlands division in Summerville, South Carolina, in June 2002. The materials include items of a historical nature collected by the division that were not subject to the company's records management retention policy.

Processing Information

Processed by Rachel Speer and Staff, July 2003 and June 2004

Encoded by Amanda Ross, February 2009

Material added in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2010 processed by Staff and Wes Collins, May - August 2011

Processed by Staff, July 2018

Material added in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2010 encoded by Wes Collins, September 2011

Funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission supported the encoding of this finding aid. Support for digitization and outreach provided by the Alvin J. Huss Endowment.