Correlations to Georgia’s Course of Study

Module I

8000 years of American Prehistory

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
4. Students will distinguish between fact and opinion.

6. Students will identify and use primary and secondary sources.

10. Students will analyze artifacts

11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

Grade 8:

SS8H1 (Historical Understandings):
a. Students will describe the evolution of Native American cultures prior to European contact.

Module II

From Forest to Farm and Back Again

Grades 6-8:

Map and Globe Skills:
8. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations based on information from maps.

11. Students will compare maps of the same place at different points in time and from different perspectives to determine changes, identify trends, and generalize about human activities.

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

Module III

Fueling the Fires of American Industrialization

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
10.Students will analyze artifacts.

11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

Module IV

From Arbor Day to Earth Day

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
8. Students will identify Social Studies reference resources to use for a specific purpose.

11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

Module V

A New Profession Takes Seed

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

8. Students will identify Social Studies reference resources to use for a specific purpose.

Module VI

From Forest to Farm to Urban Forest

Grades 6-8:

Map and Globe Skills:
8. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations based on information from maps.

11. Students will compare maps of the same place at different points in time and from different perspectives to determine changes, identify trends, and generalize about human activities.

Information Processing Skills:
11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

Module VII

Trees in Your Own Back Yard

Grades 6-8:

Map and Globe Skills:
8. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations based on information from maps.

Information Processing Skills:
11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

Module VIII

Harvesting Today in a Global Forest

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

17. Students will interpret political cartoons

Grade 8:

SS8E2, Economic Understandings:
The students will explain the benefits of free trade.

Module IX

Fire:Fight, Flight, or Coexistence?

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
7. Students will interpret timelines.

8. Students will identify Social Studies reference resources to use for a specific purpose.

11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

14. Students will formulate appropriate research questions.

Module X

The Significance of Private Forests in the U.S.

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
8. Students will identify Social Studies reference resources to use for a specific purpose.

9. Students will construct charts and tables.

11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

14. Students will formulate appropriate research questions.

Module XI

Forest Research: Who, What, Where & Why?

Grades 6-8:

Information Processing Skills:
5. Students will identify main idea, detail, sequence of events, and cause and effect in a social studies context.

9. Students will construct charts and tables.

11. Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations.

14. Students will formulate appropriate research questions.

15. Students will determine adequacy and/or relevancy of information.