Peeling Back The Bark
Forgotten Characters: "Ev’rett the Friendly Evergreen" and the War on Christmas trees
By James Lewis on December 13, 2011Everyone knows Smokey Bear, Woodsy Owl, and maybe even Ranger Rick Raccoon, but there are many other forest and forestry-related fictional characters that long ago fell by the wayside. Peeling Back the Bark‘s series on “Forgotten Characters from Forest History” continues with Part 6, in which we examine Ev’rett (the Friendly Evergreen). In the 1950s,…
Looking Back at the National Christmas Tree Tradition
By Eben Lehman on December 1, 2011Tonight, December 1st, President Barack Obama and his family will officially light the National Christmas Tree on the Ellipse south of the White House. The tree lighting ceremony dates back to 1923, when President Calvin Coolidge personally lit what was then called the National Community Christmas Tree. This first national tree was presented to Coolidge by…