Peeling Back The Bark
Gifford Pinchot’s "Ten Commandments"
By James Lewis on July 16, 2013A short time ago, my co-blogger Eben received a query from someone asking for “GP’s 10 commandments.” He had not heard of this and passed the query along to me. “GP” is Gifford Pinchot, and as you probably know, he was the first chief of the U.S. Forest Service and helped develop many of the agency’s policies that…
Stephen J. Pyne: "After The Fire" (op-ed)
By Guest Contributor on July 9, 2013The following post comes to us courtesy of Stephen J. Pyne, an environmental historian who has written extensively about the history of fire and fire policy and is the author of the FHS Issues Series book America’s Fires. This posting originally appeared on the website on July 5. It was written after the Yarnell Fire…